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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I couldn't be swayed by Tweedy wanting me to vote for Obama, but this whole Obama is the anti-Christ thing has really got me thinking.
  2. Real email this morning from real people I know: "According to The Book of Revelations: The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything. And Now: For the award winning Act of Stupidity Of all times the People of America want to elect, to the most Powerful position on the face of the Planet -- The Presidency of the United states of Ame
  3. His Holiness has many years. He just needs the forest for a spell.
  4. Skyflynn is something, that's for sure.
  5. PANTHER, I guess you hadn't heard that Good Old Neon is in fact SkyGod! Dude, I was skeptical too. He's just testing us.
  6. Perhaps. I simply find it more naive to believe that removing religion from human history would also eliminate the behavior that you are railing against.
  7. As a teenager, I loved that shit. First, the cover of Ram: Then Johnny's in album artwork for Plastic Ono Band:
  8. If you like to listen to pubescent girls screaming I guess.
  9. Ha. That was my thought too. "Shhh. Shhh. Shhh. Will you stop talking at the back . It's too loud . It's putting us off the song here." Glyn Johns
  10. I'm not trying to convince anyone to practice as I do. It's against my religion. The premise that our lack of compassion for one another arises out of religious belief is incorrect. As much incorrect to say that our lack of compassion for one another arises out of national borders, skin color, sexual preference or whether we root for Michigan or Ohio State. Those separations are pretend. They change. You can beat the drum all day about all the ills that have been foisted upon humanity by religion, and each time I will say that religion is not the genesis. The genesis is power and fear.
  11. "Stop yakking!" That boy has his hooks deep in my soul. This record bristles with kick ass.
  12. And then what? Relinquish spiritual practice because human beings are masters at rationalization? What you describe throughout that post is about power and fear. Not spiritual practice. Doesn't matter what name gets slapped on it.
  13. Just picked up my old copy of the RS from my mother's house. What bobbob said. I always wonder what the world would be like if he was still walking in it, that mind full of vibrant paradox.
  14. No opener. Man I am so tempted to catch this show in KC Thursday night.
  15. I thought about that camera during the show. :cheekkiss
  16. Last night at the Taft in Cincinnati: 1. Cobwebs 2. Everybody Knows 3. Come Pick Me Up 4. Wonderwall (awesome) 5. Fix It 6. La Cienega 7. Goodnight Rose (hot) 8. Sun Also Sets (tops) 9. Oh My God Whatever, Etc 10. Magick (hot-damn) 11. Desire ("I wrote this because I wanted to make out with Alanis Morrisette.") 12. Let it Ride 13. Please Do Not Let Me Go 14. Love is Hell 15. Crossed Out Name 16. Afraid Not Scared 17. Natural Ghost 18. Two 19. Rescue Blues 20. Sinking Ships 21. Stars Go Blue 22. How Do You Keep Love Alive 23. Shakedown on 9th Street (superfast and loud) 24. Mockingbirdsing 2
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