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Posts posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. I've been listening to this a lot over the last few weeks. Did you know he's best pals with Jay Bennett?

    Also, check out the four free live mp3s at Daytrotter, including a cover of "Cocksucker Blues."

    Yeah, that's a nice EP. They played "Cocksucker Blues" when I saw them a few months back...and it was quite excellent. Thanks for the link.




  2. Jayzuz, I was just gonna post




    Bought it a while ago but didn't get a chance to listen. I was driving to Markham last week, threw it on and low and behold there is Mary-Margaret O'Hara on a track.


    So, how is the new one?

    Its really good. Its a very laid back album that I've really been enjoying it a lot lately. I'm pretty new to him, so I'm not familiar with his first album (though I actually ordered it a couple of days ago on the strength of the one I have). What do you think of No Never Alone?

    His voice and style remind me quite a bit of Ryan Adams. More Heartbreaker-era Adams than anything else, I'd say. And this album is a lot more consistent in quality than what I've come to expect from RA of late.

    All in all - good stuff.




  3. hmmm, i think i am going to refrain from listening for now.




    kamikaze hearts.oneida road - if you have not listened to this record yet you need to!

    Yeah. Probably worth waiting, I think, as the tunes I heard sound like they are probably demos or rough versions. Still good, though. And, yeah...Oneida Road is an excellent album.



    Marah - Kids in Philly

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