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Posts posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. Just thought I'd mention that the Stoudemire and Diaw suspensions are complete bullshit and could really hurt the Suns. I mean, Bowen kicks Nash in the nuts a couple games ago and, well, that's cool. But Stoudemire taking a few meaningless steps off the bench after the Suns' leader gets intentionally leveled apparently warrants a suspension. In a 2-2 series! Really? Come on now. Sometimes things have to be thought about in the context in which they occurred.

  2. Yes. The DVD is GREAT, even better than I expected. Wonderful, loose rehearsal performances in the loft and some insightful interviews. I really enjoyed this thing. I definitely got my money's worth with this.

  3. Yeah....I tried to get tickets online. Then I get a message on my voicemail today from the Letterman office saying they have 2 tickets for me ...... FOR WEDNESDAY. Damn. Wilco ain't playin' Wednesday.


    I said no thanks to the Wednesday show. But I also submitted my name in person at their theatre, so there's still a chance I could get Tuesday tickets according to the person I talked to on the phone today. We'll see.

  4. I like their reviews as well - do they have a staff that writes these or do they contract them out?

    I think they must contract at least some of them out, as I have seen a couple of reviews written by people I randomly know. And if the offices are located in Ann Arbor as someone mentioned, I don't think these people don't ever set foot there - as they live elsewhere.



    But yes, I think it's a pretty good review, too.

  5. I almost fell out of my chair at the line "Forget it, Nicholas... it's Sandford." That line was integrated so seamlessly... and the tone of delivery was perfect. I had to lean over and explain it to my wife, though.

    This was a Chinatown reference, no?


    I agree with everyone, Hot Fuzz was fantastic. Probably the best comedy I have seen since ...well ... Shaun of the Dead.

  6. Yeah...showing Brokeback in class (especially if she didn't have permission slips signed, etc.) was probably a bad decision. But suing over it is a little ridiculous and just another example of the litiginous society we are living in these days.


    By the way ... my 11th grade latin teacher showed us Caligula back in the day, which was pretty hardcore - more so than Brokeback Mountain, I think. We had permission slips signed and all that, and I do think a few scenes were skipped over, but we still got our fair share of nudity and adult oriented scenes. I still am not entirely sure what the hell it had to do with anything we were studying, but ... oh well. I didn't care. But let me just add that it was a pretty awful movie overall. Not recommended, unless it's a choice between that film and conjugating latin verbs.

  7. I got to the Warsaw at 10 and got tix. My buddy who decided to go to Irving instead got shut out but I'm not sure what time he showed up there. definitely by 11 though. can't wait!!

    10am? Really? Nice.


    Maybe I shoulda given this a shot. Oh well....

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