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Posts posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. I think we talked about McElwee's Bright Leaves once before... did you ever catch up with that one?

    Yes, we did talk about it, I think. I haven't seen it yet, though I plan to do so very soon. I seem to recall you implying that you enjoyed it more than Sherman's March (I could be wrong here), and if that is the case then I am definitely looking forward to catching it.


    As for Sherman's March, I could see how - at roughly 3 hours - it could wear a little thin and be a little much for some. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. The film wears the director's heart firmly on its sleeve. McElwee sets out to retrace Sherman's march (and kinda sorta does so) and explore its effects on the Southern psyche. Instead, he ends up examining his own psyche as he visits and revisits a number of failed romantic partners across the south. In the end, his travels in the footsteps of Sherman become more of an expedition in search for true love. It is a really nice film.

  2. best25posters-zodiac.jpg


    It's been a long wait, but David Fincher has finally made a masterpiece. I loved everything about this movie.

    Agreed. That, I believe, is easily Fincher's best work and one of my favorite films of the year by far. I believe I talked about it in this thread a long while back.


    Just watched...and loved...this:


    A great documentary I'd been meaning to catch for a long while now.

  3. Fucking Spurs. The Suns really got the shaft in this series.


    As I wrote a while back, it appears that the Suns really got the shaft in the Suns-Spurs Western Conference Final this year. I've argued with many that the Suns were clearly the better team all along and that there were some fairly obvious officiating advantages given to the Spurs throughout that series.


    So now, along comes the news that crooked ref/asshole Tim Donaghy officiated Game 3 of that series. Check out this extremely interesting



    And read today's Page 2 article from Bill Simmons which more than touches on this.


    If you're a diehard Suns fan, this now becomes the toughest playoff loss in NBA history. You have a legitimate case that you were screwed.
  4. 13893-large.jpg

    By no means one of Mann's better pictures - it is interesting, though, for both the presence of themes that Mann would better explore in his later work, as well as for its style, which is distinctly Mann, but not nearly as refined as it would soon become.


  5. There's a neat little piece in tomorrow's Arts & Leisure section of the New York Times where Tweedy talks briefly about what he's been listening to lately and why. I couldn't find it on their website yet, but I'm sure it will be up soon. Just thought I'd pass this on as I stumbled across it while reading the paper this morning. Anyway, the bands he talks briefly about are:


    Dr. Dog

    Grizzly Bear


    A Hawk and a Hacksaw

    Panda Bear

  6. DBT is a lot of fun live, in my opinion. And yeah, they are about as loud as any band around, I think ... though there may be some volume restrictions in place at Castle Clinton (but I'm not sure about that). It's also quite a coincidence that Jason Isbell, who the band recently parted ways with, is playing elsewhere in the city tonight at The Mercury Lounge.


    Anyway, to answer your question, yes ... I would go see them. I'm going to try to make it down there, but I may be late and I don't know how easy getting one of the free tickets will be if I am late. Plus ... I hear rain is in the forecast. Still worth it, though.

  7. I've been eagerly anticipating The Host coming to DVD as well. I missed its theatrical run and am looking forward to finally catching it.


    And yeah...this 1-18-08 thing ... whatever it is ... looks pretty intriguing. For the time being, anyway. It is a very effective trailer, for sure.

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