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Posts posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. Wow. That does suck. Looking at Jason's MySpace page, it really doesn't seem as amicable a split as Patterson makes it sound on the DBT page.


    His presence will be missed very much by DBT (both live and in the studio .. though I agree I didn't love his songs on their last album). I look forward to his solo stuff, though.


    Sad news regarding one of my favorite bands.

  2. I wasn't too keen on Sherman's March when I first saw it, but I've since come around on Ross McElwee. In particular, I really liked Bright Leaves, a scruffy documentary that ambles through the North Carolina of McElwee's youth, searching for loose links between his family's tobacco farming past, current Southern geopolitics, contemporary smoking awareness, an old Gary Cooper melodrama that may or may not have been based on the life of his great-grandfather (a tobacco baron and inventor of the Bull Durham cigarette), and his own relationship to his son. That probably sounds like a rambling affair, but trust me, McElwee's personal, philosophical reflections on these topics are vibrant, human, and surprisingly thoughtful.

    Nice. I just added Bright Leaves to my queue and moved it waaaay up near the top. Oddly enough, that sounds right up my alley. Thanks!

  3. I have a few hundred in my Blockbuster queue (I switched to Blockbuster 'cause I like the ability to visit the store and rent something on a whim as well). Here's the top few ...


    1) Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down

    2) Dead Man

    3) Dead or Alive

    4) Bandidas (Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek!!)

    5) Sherman's March

    6) Moustache

    7) Thief

    8) Fitzcarraldo

    9) Brakhage: An Anthology

    10) Heartworn Highways

    11) Kiss of Death (1947 version)


    And today I used my free in store rental to rent The Proposition, which I enjoyed very much when in the theater last year.

  4. Wow. That short is really quite affecting. I had never seen that before. Thanks.


    Good to hear; we're usually on the same page. I'm excited to see it, but it's unlikely I will see it any time soon... I've taken a vow of cinema chastity until my grad thesis is complete. I barely have time to catch something on DVD these days, and even then it's usually broken up over two or three late nights when I'm too beat to write. In fact, writing is what I'm supposed to be doing right now, so thanks for distracting me, pal. ;)

    Cinema chastity! (*gasp*)

    Seriously, though... it was an excellent flick, in my humblest of opinions. Fincher strips away a lot of the bells and whistles that are typical of his work (though the style is still quite distinct) and tells this story in just about the most effective manner I could imagine. Some might argue its a little on the long side, but that certainly didn't bother me (I enjoyed ever minute). Good performances, too.

    How's the thesis coming?

  5. I loved MPOE, but I really love Armchair. I am going to go ahead and say it is the slightly better of the two. I agree with Solace that the length of this one is perfect and that the tracklist flows beautifully. Really, really great stuff.


    And for what its worth, I've been listening to this non-stop for the past 3 days or so....


    I can't stop. It is fantastic.

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