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Posts posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. New solo album Sirens Of The Ditch came out FINALLY!!!


    I love it...

    Chicago Promenade

    Dress Blues

    Razor Town

    Hurricanes and Hand Grenades


    those are my favorites after the first few listens.


    What do you guys think?

    Yeah, I like it quite a bit as well. And I'd single out the exact same 4 songs as my favorites. I think those are really the standouts. Good stuff.

  2. I saw this on Saturday at the Film Forum in NYC and loved it. I need to go to that theater more often.



    Cool. Didn't know about this. I might have to go check this out.


    Saw Live Free or Die Hard today and really enjoyed it. I think I was in the mood for an old school shoot 'em up, bang 'em up Hollywood action pic ... and this was just the thing. Probably my 2nd favorite of the Die Hards.

  3. Really excellent show. I thought the crowd was pretty into it, though I was toward the front ... so I could be mistaken.


    But yeah ... great show. Haven't seen them together since February '05, I think... so it was a lot of fun. And I really feel they just keep getting better. Wish I could find a ticket to the Warsaw show tomorrow.

  4. There's an Alejandro Jodorowsky Boxset out, in the UK anyway. It also includes Holy Mountain, which is even weirder than El Topo. "Fact Finders alert!": George Harrison wanted to be in it, but said he wouldn't take a shit on camera, apparently, so Jodorowsky said he couldn't work with someone like that; Bob Dylan also wanted to be in it too.


    I'm currently watching the second series of Deadwood.

    I think John Lennon actually called El Topo his favorite film.


    And another random Jodorowsky fact - he was initially set to direct the film version of Dune, which was to star Orson Welles, Salvador Dali, Mick Jagger, and Geraldine Chaplin (Charlie's daughter), among others. I think his version died due to funding problems or something. And yeah, that box set sounds interesting.


    Now Watching: DVR'ed episodes of 30 Rock. I just got home and am a little inebriated. Funny show this.

  5. That's a fantastic movie... I'm actually a big Wong Kar-Wai fan, especially this one, Chungking Express, Ashes of Time, and 2046. If I made a list of movies I'm most eagerly anticipating in 2007, My Blueberry Nights would be near the top.

    Yeah, I think Chungking Express is my favorite of his, followed closely by In the Mood For Love. I'm also looking forward to My Blueberry Nights, though I heard (read) that the early response at Cannes was, to say the least, underwhelming. I will see it no matter what, though, and will wait to judge for myself.



    I watched this not too long ago. Pretty good little documentary about a subject I knew nothing about.



    Just watched:

    Series finale of The Sopranos. I found it a very fitting conclusion, ambiguities and all. This was maybe my favorite television series of all time. Definitely in the top 3 or 4 at the very least.

  6. huh, i really liked that ending. things don't all end at once in real life, why does a tv show have to? no matter what they did, at least some things would be left hanging. i thought it was a good picture of who the family is and where they've ended up. how would tony getting killed or being in the slammer in the last scene have made it any better? no complaints from me.

    I agree. I really liked the rather ambiguous ending.


    I thought this was a strong episode and a nice way to go out. This, overall, was a really great season of the show, in my opinion. Quite possibly the strongest season of all. I'll miss this show...

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