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Posts posted by caliber66

  1. Today, as I'm getting my diet coke from the vending machine, the following little vignette plays out behind me in the hallway. I saw neither participant.


    Male voice: Yo, Amanda, how come you always look so good?

    Female voice (presumably Amanda): I wish I smelled better!

  2. Jesus, what part of that was actually addressing the statement "While I probably wouldn't throw stuff at him, I woldn't want some asshat becoming a distraction on stage when I'm trying to focus on the band." and what part was insane ravings?


    To say that "screaming in your ear or stepping on your kids" are the only ways another person can get in the way of enjoying a show is fucking ridiculous. I can think of about a dozen. One of which is cramming your way up to the front of the stage and then "dancing" by flailing around so much they people either have to give you a 4 foot radius at all times or get punched or kicked (something Beatle Bob is notorious for)


    Yes it's the band's call whether they let him on stage. Which one of the Blisters do you think gave him explicit permission? Or does silence = assent? Either way, I think his presence on stage detracts from the enjoyment of a show, and I sure as hell don't need my opinions validated by you.


    Can we get a $$ amount for a Stephen A. Smith reading of this one?

  3. The whole "bit" last night during the broadcast was cringe-worthy, and not because of any supposed sensitivity issues. Leary wasn't too bad, but Lenny Clarke was unbearably annoying: non-stop prattling with inane jokes. To be fair to him, I couldn't audibly understand most of what was spewing from his jowels.


    The Youkilis thing was awesome - wondering when it was going to show up on youtube!


    But I'll agree totally about Lenny Clarke being a waste of fucking air during the game last night. I'm surprised the other three didn't suffocate. Couldn't have gotten them out of the booth fast enough...

  4. I'm seeking investors for an all-infant film production remake of GoodFellas, to be titled BabyFellas.

    Scenes include Tiki Lounge gangster introduction shot, ending with "And then there was Baby Two-Times who got that name because he said everything twice like: 'POOPY POOPY.'"



    I'm gonna go get the poopy, get the poopy.
  5. But the basis for it being called a hit by the official scorer is that even if WMP had caught the ball, the runner on third would most likely have scored. The benefit of the doubt always goes to the batter, too. Also, WMP gets credit for a put-out for nailing Monroe off first base. BTW, had Monroe not given up half-way down the baseline to 1st he'd probably have made it to 2nd base, but certainly would not have rounded 1st too far to make up for his jog to 1st.


    The basis for calling it an error should be that if Wily Mo had played it cleanly, the batter would have been out. That the runner on third would have probably scored is debatable, and can be used in a discussion of whether or not to credit Monroe with an RBI, but has no bearing on whether or not he got a hit on the play. Personally, I don't think the runner would have scored, as Pena was very shallow with his momentum carrying him towards home plate, if slightly obliquely. Regardless, it was called how it was called, and it really doesn't matter whether it was a hit or an error or a wild pitch or a stolen base, because the run DID score.

  6. Yeah? Glad to hear it. Just one thing, where the fock were you when I needed someone to tell me NOT to move to Lynchburg/Falwell-ville? If you did chime in during that thread where I was trying to decide, I'm a fugging idiot for not having listened.


    Did you grow up in Charlottesville?





    I think I do remember chiming in, but I can't remember if I was pro- or anti- Lynchburg. I like VA a lot, but that wouldn't be my preferred area to live in. :lol Charlottesville will probably be a step in the right direction for you because I think you'll find it will be more to what you were expecting when you heard the words "college town". I never lived there (damn you, UVA waitlist! :punch )--I grew up in the DC burbs--but C'ville is a cool town.(and beautiful in the fall, which you'll probably find to be a redeeming factor in Lynchburg, too)


    I went to school for five years or so in Charlottesville, and went back last year for the first time in a while. Aside from some serious sprawl issues that have developed over the last ten years or so, it's a great little town.

  7. How the Christ they called the batted ball (from Craig Monroe) that was misplayed by Wily Mo Pena in the seventh a hit is beyond me. He was under the ball and it hit the side of his glove and dropped to the ground, allowing the batter to reach base and the runner on third to score. On what planet is that not an error?


    I say this because it was a bullshit call, and not only because I have Mike Timlin on my fantasy team. :ninja

  8. If the band doesn't have a problem with him being on stage, and you're thinking about throwing something at a guy who's enjoying the music in his own way, then that's fucking ridiculous. Letting someone else's dancing bother you so freakin much that you contemplate doing him harm is fucking ridiculous. To let someone else's actions - outside of screaming in your ear or stepping on your kids - get in the way of your enjoyment of a rock and roll concert is fucking ridiculous.


    As far as whether or not you want him up on the stage, that decision is up to the band. If they say he gets to be up there and you are so upset about it that it ruins your whole concert experience, that's fucking ridiculous.

  9. You've painted a pretty bleak picture here. It's almost as easy to paint the rosier side that we all grew up with:


    Vietnam: We stopped a communist advance again.


    How, exactly, did we stop the communist advance in Vietnam?


    -what cryptique said.

  10. Between the comments about his lyrics and his weight he will probably be thrown into a downward spiral of depression and start writing the lyrics everyone expects of him again.


    I hope you're kidding, but on the off chance you're not - if somebody pointing out that Jeff's put on a few pounds is enough to send him "into a downward spiral of depression," then he's in the wrong business. Likewise, he should be well used to people discussing the quality of his writing, and thus should be able to handle it. He's a big boy, and he's been doing this a long time. He'll weather the criticism of his physique, and time will tell if the new album is up to par or not.


    Jesus, people.

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