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Posts posted by caliber66

  1. I'm just going to assume that's very funny, despite not being able to see it due to my employer's web filter.


    Going with that assumption ... :lol


    Among the best photoshop work with the monkey head ever.

  2. KLF. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.


    I wrote a stream of consciousness poem in college - during the worst bout of insomnia I have ever experienced - based on the line, "It's 3 a.m. eternal."


    It was awful.


    The poem, I mean. The insomnia was soul-crushing, but the poem was awful.

  3. -.-- --- ..- / --. ..- -.-- ... / .- .-. . / ... --- / --. .- -.--


    . .- - / -- .


    Jess is, or has a girl friend? :ermm


    I'm pretty sure she was saying "get fucked," so that makes even more sense.

  4. Flooring: tile. Two words of advice here. 1- Make damn sure you get enough. Last summer I retiled our bathroom and, due to a couple of mishaps along the way where I screwed up some tiles and had to chuck them, I was one 3x3 tile short.


    Tile, tile tile. But get something bigger than 3X3 (12X12 worked for us), and rent a wet saw (and earplugs). The wet saw, though messy - use it outside - was remarkably easy to use.

  5. lebanon has been trying to reform for the past year and a half. bush praised lebanon not too long ago for kicking out syria's puppets. lebanon has had a hard time controlling their southern province. rather than aiding lebanon, israel has been using depleted uranium weapons, blowing up bridges and destroying cities.


    yes, hezbolla should be stopped. firing cruise missles into cities will neither stop hezbolla, strengthen the lebanese security nor will it end sympathies for the terrorist group.


    All agreed. Just making the point that Lebanon hasn't done much to control Hezbollah, and one should not be surprised that any nation would attack another that allows a group to fire rockets across the border into their cities.

  6. The reason why Lebanon probably can't stymie what's going on with the Hezbollah is because they have no means to do so. I'm guessing that the infrastructure there is almost non-existent, and their terms of trade (export/import) is probably in the shithole.


    Again, this is not Israel's problem. The fact is, Hezbollah is attacking Israel from within Lebanon, and Lebanon for whatever reason has allowed it to go on. It is Lebanon's responsibility to make it stop.

  7. Not to muddy the waters, but you have to remember that until quite recently, any talk of "Lebanon" as a sovereign nation had to include mention of Syria, who actually ran the place.


    I have no idea what the transition was like when Syria loosened its grip -- but it's at least somewhat possible that Hezbollah's power in the region is greater than that of the new Lebanese government. Isn't Hezbollah largely supported by Syria?


    Anyone know more about this? I'm curious. I mean, if the Lebanese government is truly independent of Syria now (I don't suspect they're completely independent, but still), what power do they have, if any, to rein in Hezbollah?


    That's all well and good - and I pretty much agree with everything you've said up there - but somebody's still got to be responsible for keeping Hezbollah from attacking Israel from within Lebanon. If Lebanon's defense is, "we can't control what goes on in our own country," then they need to rectify that situation. Obviously, bombing the shit out of Beirut isn't going to make it easier for the Lebanese government to maintain control down south, but it's certainly going to send the message that they need to try harder.

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