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I upload in FLAC only because Its nicer for my ratio to upload a bigger file. I pretty much only download higher bitrate MP3's.


In other words, I'm selfish.


:lol That's me too. If I'm downloading an album I prefer MP3 because my ratio doesn't take such a big hit, and the thing's going straight to iPod anyway...


Unfortunately I've been having unexplained intermittent problems with my BT so I only upload when things are running smoothly... which has been a while... :realmad


Really I mostly upload FLAC because that's what I'm comfortable with. I also would like to say that I had a nice oink ratio until someone uploaded a Tom Waits discography. The bastard... :lol

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i'm always bummed when something i want shows up in FLAC format only. it's rare because I have all the live shows I could ever want and hardly download them but it sucks when it's an album.


I'm the opposite. I get bummed when something I really want doesn't show up in flac.

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  • 3 months later...
Has anyone used indietorrent? If so, how does it compare to oink?


Being the significant other of an avid IT user, I'd say it's a quality site. Not a big, vast pool of everything like Oink. A narrower, high quality selection that depending on your taste can be a goldmine. Good community there too.

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Ive got Oink invites available. In return though im after an invite to Indie Torrents if anyone has one spare? Ive also got an invite to RevolutionTT which is very very good for movies and TV etc. Cheers guys.

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