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shins - wincing

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it just doesn't have the great melodies that the first 2 were full of. it has a few, but on the whole, notsomuch. i appreciate them for branching out a bit, but in this case i'd have preferred the "if it's not broke don't fix it" approach.

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it just doesn't have the great melodies that the first 2 were full of. it has a few, but on the whole, notsomuch. i appreciate them for branching out a bit, but in this case i'd have preferred the "if it's not broke don't fix it" approach.




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Just how old is this news? It was up on oink for like 20 minutes the other day and now it's nowhere to be found. Y'all must be very well connected.

ok, not THAT old, but it leaked Friday and was posted about on VC already, is all :)


as for it not being on oink, it's because of the low bitrate of the leak (128kbps). though it sounds decent for being a 128 (not great, but certainly more than listenable)

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where are the great melodies? :unsure


All over it IMO.


Ive listened to it shed loads and have gotten over the new album syndrome that sometimes clouds my vision. I absolutely love it - maybe even better than Chutes To Narrow.

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i think the melodies & choruses are a lot more reserved this time around...


they're certainly failing to stick in my head then, cuz the only song i've even had the urge to sing along with so far is 'Australia', which is a good tune, as much as it owes to The Smiths.


regardless, i can guarantee you this album will divide Shins and indie music fans (heck it already has on the various forums i'm on), mark my words. :)


trust me, i wish i loved this a ton or was head over heels for it, as they've been a fave of mine since the first time i saw them w/ Preston School of Industry in '01, but so far i'd just call it a good record (7/10). i'm sure it'll grow on me more, but i really don't see myself ever considering it right up there w/ the first 2, or much above like a 7.5/10 album.

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regardless, i can guarantee you this album will divide Shins and indie music fans (heck it already has on the various forums i'm on), mark my words. :)


Interesting. I have not heard the album and prob won't until it's released. Solace, can you explain why you think there will be (or already is) a divide?

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because i think that they messed with a pretty good thing/formula a bit more than they really needed to.


of course if they had just went w/ the same similiar formula and created a ton of catchy indie pop "anthems" ala the first 2 albums, they'd have been accused of being "one trick ponys", so it's a catch 22 really. there are certainly some great songs on here, but i think for me the midtempo-ness of it all is a bit dissapointing. there's not a single song on here that touches the highs of Caring Is Creepy or Kissing The Lipless, had it had something like that, i might feel a bit differently.


it's not like i'm saying the album blows or anything, i just think that if this was my first exposure to The Shins, i wouldn't be all that intrigued/interested, compared to Inverted, and to a lesser extent Chutes. when bands that play similiar music to The Shins (Band of Horses, The Brother Kite, The Lovely Feathers, etc.) impress me more than this new Shins record... i kinda have to wonder.


i know a lot of people who were dissapointed w/ Chutes, and while this one is more electric and sounds more similiar to the first than second (although not really like either), i don't see them finding this one to be a huge improvement on Chutes either.


let me put it this way, how many songs off this record can i picture in a Zack Braff film? MAYBE one at best... :rotfl

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because i think that they messed with a pretty good thing/formula a bit more than they really needed to.


I still dont get what they changed. Is it just that the songs aren't as poppy as they were on the first two?

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for the most part, yes, but there's also a good deal of new sounds/instruments too, which i can certainly appreciate them trying something different, even if (imo) it didn't totally work at times. not that it matters, but i can almost guarantee there is no way this record will get as high of praise from Pfork (though they went a bit overboard w/ their Chutes score/review too)


i think though like i said, my biggest issue is that it's a fairly mellow/midtempo (and at times almost a downer) of a record, ESPECIALLY compared to the first two. considering i looked to The Shins for their sunny pop, you can see how i'd be a tad bit let down.


and for a band that i've always found their live shows to be just good and not great, adding more slower/midtempo songs to their live repetoire doesn't exite me that much unfortunately.


but yeah, as pointed out in this thread, take a song like Sea Legs, which features a Beck-ish beat, i dunno, that song just doesn't work for me too well, just to name one.


i don't wanna come off like i dislike the record, i don't. i'm just not all that impressed by it either, it's a more than worthy/pleasant follow up, but for taking 4 years to finish, i guess yeah, i'm a bit let down in that aspect. i think they might have sat on it TOO long. i'd be curious to hear what they had done last fall/winter, when it was initially scheduled to come out in May of '06.

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you mean that part that plays throughout the intro? if so, that isn't guitar...


Well, actually when it kicks in at 2:18 or so, when it is indeed guitar, is the part I'm referring to. But yes, that be the riff.

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