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Now playing from 23rd Oct 2006

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Break granted. :cheers




Red Devils - "King King"


A few I work with have shared stories from the early nineties, and seeing this band in L.A. This album has always been a sacred top ten choce for me, but lately it's sounding better than ever. It's just perfect, not that everyone would agree, but for anyone who digs the blues, or just a killer live sound, do it. Apparently "King King" was a chinese restaurant, that also moonlighted as a juke joint at night, the Red Devils were the house band. They would only release this album, Rick Rubin produced and captured the sound perfectly. They would back Mick Jagger on a unreleased solo record, but the lead singer Lester Butler who could pplay this hit out of a harmonica, would die from a heroin overdose, once again gone far too soon. So the story goes soething like that, but I bring this up every once in awhile because it needs to be heard.


Actually one account of how Lester died, puts it down like this, pretty wild.


"While Les was at the house of Bill B. Friday night May 8 he was injected by a woman named April Ortega. She gave him too much and it caused him to immediately pass out. She and Bill got scared and threw him in an ice-bath but it didnt help. Next her boyfriend Glenn Demidow arrived and they decided to inject Les with cocaine instead of getting him medical attention. Nothing happened. So they injected him again with more cocaine. Nothing happened. So they injected him AGAIN with even more cocaine. What a surprise -- he wasn't reviving!!


They still didn't get him medical help. April and Glenn then drove him to his gig and left him in his van (unconscious) while they went in and listened to Lester's band (without Lester) telling people that HE had passed out and was sleeping it off. Lester still hours later wasn't able to wake himself (would you with 5 doses of deadly drugs in your system?) They still didn't get him medical help but instead took him to their apartment at 2am, they went to sleep, then the next night after he had died in their care dropped his dead body back at Bill B.s house.


They were literally at the house 2 minutes just to dump the body and then drive away in Lester's van. Lester's body was put in a guest bed to look as if he had died in his sleep. Luckily a friend, J., stopped in and instantly saw that Lester was in bad shape and immediately took him to County USC where he was pronounced dead-on-arrival. April and Glenn are serving 2 and 3 yr sentences -- Bill B. is free without being charged with aiding in covering up a murder! Lester was pronounced dead Sunday May 10 -- Mother's Day.


After receiving toxicology reports from the Coroner, the detectives picked April up as she walked out of a drug center w/Bill B. weeks after Lester's murder. Glenn fled but finally turned himself in to his lawyer weeks after April's arrest (nice boyfriend, huh?)


Bill was not arrested -- guess its ok to cover up a murder and harbor a dead body as long as you're not the one actually injecting the drugs. April and Glenn were charged with 2nd degree murder. After months and months of court dates, the D.A. offered April and Glenn a plea bargain down to Involuntary

Manslaughter, against Lester's family's pleads. Of course they plead guilty and accepted the plea bargain for sentences of 2 and 3 yrs only.


Had they been convicted in front of a jury of 2nd degree murder, they would have been in jail 10 - 15 years. Its ironic that they admitted to overdosing him with 5 lethal mixtures of heroin and cocaine causing his death but they only have to serve 2 - 3 yrs -- thats our criminal justice system -- not much of a deterrent. April and Glenn should have been prosecuted for adminstering the drugs to an unwilling and unconscious victim, kidnapping him, murdering him, and stealing his van when all was over. What a tragic loss of a truly talented individual! "

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I havent actually spent too much time with the Amy Millan record. I keep meaning to go back to it to give it another go. I think I only played it once or twice.

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