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Lucinda Williams Fans ? Come ON...

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I like Prairie Wind myself. I don't know how good or bad this is, but now I am curious to hear this thing.


Its just after the "bite my neck song"; whenever I hear that I think, damn here she is talking about John Coltrane, I could be LISTENING to John Coltrane instead of this shit!!!



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How is it "lazy"? I mean, people bashed on Neil Young's Prairie Wind because the music and lyrics all sounded so simple. Are you saying it's like something along those lines? I would personally much rather hear lyrics like these, sort of homespun and direct, than anything that many curent hot bands pass off as lyrics.


Hey, I liked Prairie Wind. And WWT is my favourite of all Lu's albums. No foolin'. West is just lousy, end of story. It's been suggested that maybe you're being overly defensive. All I'm asking is that you take a step back and ask yourself, honestly, if you'd categorize the following set of lyrics as "homespun" or "fucking stupid":


"I shudder to think

What it would mean

If the president wore pink

Or if a prostitute was queen"


"If dogs became kings

And the pope chewed gum

And hobos had wings

And God was a bum"


I mean, Jesus. To quote Greil Marcus, "What is this shit?"

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And on Essence there is a track printed BLUE on the back cover.


I understand being defensive about Lucinda's new album. The fact much people don't like it doesn't mean it must force everyone to face the fact it may be bad or uneven. So much people can be wrong together, you know. ;)


I have got the album two days ago but haven't given it a spin yet.


What I know is I don't care much of the lyrics, to some extent. For me, it's 90% in the voice. If the voice doesn't work, then the whole thing doesn't work. Or it may have a balance. Lucinda used to have the perfect balance (voice,music, lyrics). I'll listen to West as early as I'm in the mood.

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I finally started to listen to this album: people, you're crazy! This album is a MASTERPIECE!


This is the album Lucinda needed to make for years now. It's the real Lucinda, tender, moody, physical, sensual. This music holds you tenderly tight from start to finish. Pure beauty!



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"I shudder to think

What it would mean

If the president wore pink

Or if a prostitute was queen"


"If dogs became kings

And the pope chewed gum

And hobos had wings

And God was a bum"


I mean, Jesus. To quote Greil Marcus, "What is this shit?"



Maybe not great, but no worse than anything from "Living With War" or most of Tom Petty's recent material.


I heard one song on XM the other day and thought it sounded good. I don't know what song it was.

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I finally started to listen to this album: people, you're crazy! This album is a MASTERPIECE!
Now I really have to hear this.....Car Wheels is a masterpiece; I find it hard to believe this is also.


(Anyone want to bite my neck and give me John Coltrane???? :lol )



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Now I really have to hear this.....Car Wheels is a masterpiece; I find it hard to believe this is also.


(Anyone want to bite my neck and give me John Coltrane???? :lol )




My point: West avoids all what scared me on world Without Tears: it's musically tasty, perfectly produced, more away from alt.country cliches. If you know the music of Matthew Ryan for example, I'd say it's closer to that kinf of stuff. It's strictly the sensual Lucinda. Like a more American Cat Power. It's like Essence, but more rich and focused, it keeps the same qualities of flow.


Car Wheels may be a masterpiece as a collection of songs, but it doesn't have the perfect flow of a whole album. To boot, it might have got old with years, production included.


West is the real Lucinda (or if you prefer what she "is now"), what she wanted to make for years now. She really needed to get away from the Car Wheels sticker.



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My point: West avoids all what scared me on world Without Tears: it's musically tasty, perfectly produced, more away from alt.country cliches. If you know the music of Matthew Ryan for example, I'd say it's closer to that kinf of stuff. It's strictly the sensual Lucinda. Like a more American Cat Power. It's like Essence, but more rich and focused, it keeps the same qualities of flow.


Car Wheels may be a masterpiece as a collection of songs, but it doesn't have the perfect flow of a whole album. To boot, it might have got old with years, production included.


West is the real Lucinda (or if you prefer what she "is now"), what she wanted to make for years now. She really needed to get away from the Car Wheels sticker.

This is clearly a joke!! Again I haven't heard it so I certainly can't say how good or bad it is, but what exactly is the problem with the older Lucinda???? Why does she have to be an American Cat Power (Cat Power IS American by the way!!!) What was wrong wtih Car Wheels? The production, musicianship, songwriting, etc is excellent and has aged well. So well that they have decided to release MORE of it so all the fans will buy it twice. As others have said, what was wrong with Lucinda before? The Koch album and the Rough Trade albums are excellent as well. (The one Folkways album I have is okay, but not as good as the more mature stuff..) Essence was good, World Without Tears had problems (go ahead, bite my neck if you want...) What alt.country cliches are we talking about here? As usual if you want to rip someone it is easy to call them alt.country, but since I like that stuff dissing it won't work with me.


(Anyone who dismisses country music in general is ignorant and knows nothing about "American" music anyway ....!!)



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LouieB, there isn't any trouble with the older Lucinda, I'm a big fan... the only trouble *may* be about Car Wheels fanatics


West isn't a new Car Wheels? Well, for the better! It's another kind of masterpiece


to me, Lucinda Williams (the 88 album) was a masterpiece, too


and West is, too - I don't mind much the punches critics give to the lyrics


for example I don't see what's wrong about saying "bite my neck and play John Coltrane"


With Lu it's all about the music, the voice, the moods, the feelings she gives to us


At least I can certainly say to you that I'm not a fan of Car Wheels "for the lyrics"


I'm afraid it's not useful to keep on explaining, I think my post was clear and fair, but you won't need to get my point anyway...


Oh, and may I add that I'm a big fan of country music... ;)

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for example I don't see what's wrong about saying "bite my neck and play John Coltrane"
Nothins is particularly wrong with it, its just kinda stupid....

but what do I know, it appears to be her biggest hit single ever.....


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You don't have to prove

Your manhood to me constantly

I know you're the man can't you see

I love you Righteously


Why you wanna dis me

After the way you been kissin' me

After those pretty things you say

And the love we made today


When you run your hand

All up and run it back down my leg

Get excited and bite my neck

Get me all worked up like that


Think this through

I laid it down for you everytime

Respect me I give you what's mine

You're entirely way too fine


Arms around my waist

You get a taste of how good this can be

Be the man you ought to tenderly

Stand up for me


Flirt with me don't keep hurtin' me

Don't cause me pain

Be my lover don't play no game

Just play me John Coltraine


Nuff said....



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I'm sure that Lucinda, being the daughter of a respected poet, would say that lyrics are one of the most important parts of her work. It's one reason why she's so acclaimed. It is a bad thing for her to put out an album with mediocre lyrics.


By the way, if you "don't listen to lyrics," does it mean that you don't hear good lyrics either?).


On another side note, I'm expecting Sky Blue Sky to be lyrically similar (a.k.a. bland) to West. Prove me wrong fellas!


Good music is nothing without good lyrics, unless it's instrumental. Otherwise, it's just annoying, like being patronized.

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righteously was the reason i couldn't get into lucinda for quite some time. that song is awful.
Glad someone agrees with me....sadly this is what alot of people heard, mainly on the radio. It is hardly indicitive of her actual body of work fortunately, but yea, its pretty terrible.



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luckily i got beyond that.


Yeah, because WWT is a great album. Right there with S/T, Car Wheels, and Essence.


Those Three Days is one of the most honestly brutal songs I've ever heard. She conveys the dichotomy that is "love" as well as anyone.


Have not yet heard West but, really, how bad can it be? She's a treasure.

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Glad someone agrees with me....sadly this is what alot of people heard, mainly on the radio. It is hardly indicitive of her actual body of work fortunately, but yea, its pretty terrible.




I don't like this song much either, but because of the music, not the lyrics.

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You don't have to prove

Your manhood to me constantly

I know you're the man can't you see

I love you Righteously


Why you wanna dis me

After the way you been kissin' me

After those pretty things you say

And the love we made today


When you run your hand

All up and run it back down my leg

Get excited and bite my neck

Get me all worked up like that


Think this through

I laid it down for you everytime

Respect me I give you what's mine

You're entirely way too fine


Arms around my waist

You get a taste of how good this can be

Be the man you ought to tenderly

Stand up for me


Flirt with me don't keep hurtin' me

Don't cause me pain

Be my lover don't play no game

Just play me John Coltraine


Nuff said....




That's not nuff said to me: I don't see how these lyrics can be so laughable or ridiculous. They express a feeling. Every people can feel that way.

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