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Lucinda Williams Fans ? Come ON...

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I'm sure that Lucinda, being the daughter of a respected poet, would say that lyrics are one of the most important parts of her work. It's one reason why she's so acclaimed. It is a bad thing for her to put out an album with mediocre lyrics.


By the way, if you "don't listen to lyrics," does it mean that you don't hear good lyrics either?).


On another side note, I'm expecting Sky Blue Sky to be lyrically similar (a.k.a. bland) to West. Prove me wrong fellas!


Good music is nothing without good lyrics, unless it's instrumental. Otherwise, it's just annoying, like being patronized.


But Lucinda probably doesn't find her lyrics bad, otherwise she wouldn't have recorded them. She may suppose, as myself, that "mediocre" lyrics don't necessarily make a bad song, she may find the values of a song in the honesty with which it's put, with lyrics expressing exactly what she felt. To me Lucinda is that kind of songwriter, she's true to herself, even with the bad sides.


I can be aware of great lyrics when they catch my attention, whether I hear them or read them (I'm French, so I don't catch English lyrics as easily as English speakers).


I totally disagree with the idea that good music is bad without good lyrics.


The Beatles made a lot of bad songs, with your point of view. But "She Loves You" is a great song to me.

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Have not yet heard West but, really, how bad can it be? She's a treasure.


I don't want to convince anyone, but I'd bet you'll be surprised to hear how much it's good. And that lyrics don't give a big clue of what this album is.


By the way, I've been to amazon reading customers reviews: I'm glad much of them are as enthusiastic as me and a few others here. :thumbup

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I haven't heard Righteously in some time, but I remember really enjoying her phrasing on it.


This kind of reminds me of defending Bob back in 90 for writing Wiggle Wiggle. What's Bob doing writing a song of complete nonsense...blah blah blah. It was actually one of the better songs live during the next 1 1/2 years. It always got the place jumping!


West reminds me a little of Time Out Of Mind...Lu went in a different direction like Bob did. I could see the line 'if the flesh falls off my face, I know someone will be there to care' somewhere on this disc.


I can't wait to see her again...

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Yeah, because WWT is a great album. Right there with S/T, Car Wheels, and Essence.


Have not yet heard West but, really, how bad can it be? She's a treasure.

I agree and have not heard it yet, but some of the early reviews have not been that positive. Although we know each other in real life, I have to politely disagree. I love all the earlier Lucinda albums but I am bugged by alot of what is on WWT, particularly the "rap" stuff.


I don't like this song much either, but because of the music, not the lyrics.
The music is actually kinda catchy....it always sticks in my mind whenever I hear it.
The Beatles made a lot of bad songs, with your point of view. But "She Loves You" is a great song to me.
She Loves you is not a bad song!! In fact it is a great piece of pop music. It is a bit immature perhaps (I am wondering how old you are too..) and doesn't stand next to their best, but it was one of their first hit singles and pretty much in line with what popular music was in the early 60s, or as Paul himself called them, silly love songs, or more correctly songs for teenagers, which is what rock and roll was before Bob Dylan and some others came along and made it something more. There isn't anything wrong with silly love songs, but Lucinda has been a full blown adult for quite awhile now (she and I are nearly the same age) and I think she is capable of something better.


Man, I really can't wait to get the new one now.....this is interesting.



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Have not yet heard West but, really, how bad can it be? She's a treasure.


Are you a Dylan fan? Think Knocked Out Loaded or Down in the Groove. Seriously. That bad.


Nobody's infallible.


Time Out of Mind? With due respect to the opinion voiced above, Ouch. What an insult to one of the best records of the '90s. Like KOL and DitG, West represents the absolute nadir for one of America's finest songwriters. It's no resurgence, I'll say that.

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Are you a Dylan fan? Think Knocked Out Loaded or Down in the Groove. Seriously. That bad.


Just wrote this last night about Lucinda vs. Dylan vs. quality:




I can be aware of great lyrics when they catch my attention, whether I hear them or read them (I'm French, so I don't catch English lyrics as easily as English speakers).

That makes more sense to me, and I mean that in a totally respectful way. I am sure that it is much easier for non-native speakers to appreciate good music without the lyrics. Although not exactly the same, it'd be similar to me appreciating a Japanese song, while unbeknown to me, the lyrics were a translated version of the Barney theme song.


The Beatles made a lot of bad songs, with your point of view.

I do believe that. ;) Fortunately, the good songs are really damn good.

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Here are how I would rate the Lucinda Williams albums:


Ramblin: 2

Happy Woman Blues: 3

Lucinda Williams: 5

Sweet Old World: 4


I need to listen to again the following ones, but my latest ratings were:


Car Wheels on a Gravel Road: 5

Essence: 5

World Without Tears: 3

At the Fillmore: 2


and after one listen so far:


West: 5 (or maybe just 4, it depends on how it grows on me, but it can't be below a 4)

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musically, West has grabbed me from track 3 to 11 especially, I found it flawless


when she rocks, she doesn't go over the top like on WWT, but anyway she's mostly quiet and melodic, and especially subtle in a moody way, if that makes any sense. Her music finds some edgy harmonies here that you didn't find in Essence. "Fancy Funeral" and "Rescue" made a special effect on me.


This record, I played on headphones, and it went right to my blood, really, in some comfortable zone. Thanks to Lu's voice which marks a great return to form, for my pure pleasure!

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Are you a Dylan fan? Think Knocked Out Loaded or Down in the Groove. Seriously. That bad.


Ouch! That's severe. It took him 10 years to rebound from those imposters.

There must be something redeemable about West. At least I hope so -- I'm seeing her in April.

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Ouch! That's severe. It took him 10 years to rebound from those imposters.

There must be something redeemable about West. At least I hope so -- I'm seeing her in April.

I also plan to try and see her on this tour, at the Vic...


If we didn't say this before....Sweet Old World is a fantastic album...


I got totally scared off from the Fillmore album when I heard a cut on the radio...


There is a duet with Steve Earle on one of his records that is worth the price of admission....



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There is a duet with Steve Earle on one of his records that is worth the price of admission....




'you're still standing there' from i feel alright. great song & one of my fave albums ever. in fact, i'm going to quit listening to west & listen to that.

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'you're still standing there' from i feel alright. great song & one of my fave albums ever. in fact, i'm going to quit listening to west & listen to that.
(Thanks for filling in the blanks to my aging brain..or really my lazy writing..)


The story I recall reading about You're Still Standing is that after hearing that recording she decided to go back and redo Car Wheels, which is why I am looking for the original version of it, because I have trouble believing it was bad. In fact someone I met who had the original said the original was better than the redo.


Great song and great duet; classic stuff. (Speaking of Steve Earle, his more recent stuff isn't up to par either...)



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(Thanks for filling in the blanks to my aging brain..or really my lazy writing..)


The story I recall reading about You're Still Standing is that after hearing that recording she decided to go back and redo Car Wheels, which is why I am looking for the original version of it, because I have trouble believing it was bad. In fact someone I met who had the original said the original was better than the redo.


Great song and great duet; classic stuff. (Speaking of Steve Earle, his more recent stuff isn't up to par either...)




I gave up on him a few albums ago - I can not stand his voice anymore.

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While Modern Times may be mediocre (or maybe not) it is fun throughout. Everytime I have listened to it has aspects that make it worth listening to.




To be honest, I really can't bring myself to listen to more than 3 or 4 songs on that CD. And I really, really like Dylan.

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The songs will undoubtedly be better in a live setting.


Presumably, you'll get a setlist that includes the good tracks from her other albums, as well.


I'd go see her, despite my feelings about West.

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To be honest, I really can't bring myself to listen to more than 3 or 4 songs on that CD. And I really, really like Dylan.
I think it is one of the funnier albums he has ever done....


Can we finally dispense with the opinion that the American Songs V by Johnny Cash is the best thing he ever did?


And I also read music reviews on Amazon and they almost always give high marks to nearly everything. The book reviewers tend to be more cirucmspect than the music reviewers.



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actually only about a year...Oh Mercy!


"Most of the Time" does almost redeem that entire album...almost. Fortunately, there is also "Man in the Long Black Coat". The album is still overrated, though.

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"Most of the Time" does almost redeem that entire album...almost. Fortunately, there is also "Man in the Long Black Coat". The album is still overrated, though.
I would agree that it is overrated, but it is far better than some of the other albums of the period and the production saves quite a bit of it.



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re: steve, he does need a semi comeback. while there are a few good/great songs on the last two albums, overall i don't like htem. i love most of jeruselam live though. he needs to write a love/break up album. i feel alright & transcendental blues are so great.

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