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On a whim I decided to hit the early show of The Sea and Cake at the Empty Bottle last night. I like these guys and had seen Sam and Archer do a duet once and Archer open for Jeff at the Vic way back when, but this was my first time seeing the band. I made a faux pas early in the evening, having snuck into the Bottle to check out the ticket situation (it was sold out on the website) and walked around to the front door and asked the guy sitting there about tickets only to realize the moment the words came out of my mouth that it was Archer Prewitt himself chilling by the door. More than a bit embarrassing. He told me he couldn't get me tickets and I introduced myself and apologized. I lined up with the rest of the fans outside when the time came, met some nice folks from Kansas City and Schaumberg and copped a ticket at the door, hung out and waited for the show, which ended up being packed.


Of all the Chicago post-rock groups (Tortoise, Califone) these guys are the most accessable and certainly on this tour the most rock oriented with the bass, drums and two guitar line-up as well as some high energy songs. Really nice show, with some old songs and some new songs. I guess they are headed out to the east coast the next couple weeks and then over to Europe. It was great to see them on their home turf. Sam talked about growing up not far from the Bottle after the show and I again apologized to Archer. Many in the crowd were going to see them twice and the folks from Kansas City were blown away, since they were big fans and definitely pleased to be seeing them in Chicago, their first trip here.



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I like the sea and cake a lot, but it seemed hefty of them to charge $20 at the bottle. Sounds like it was worth it though. I have not gotten to hear the new album yet. When I was in school in indiana I'd love driving around the state roads at night with Oui on repeat.

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The Sea and Cake, I think, are highly underrated. The music is beautiful, subtle, and ultimately still very accessible. I haven't had a chance to see them live, though I would love to...and I still need to get my hands on the new album...but definitely one of the bands I can't speak highly enough of.


The Biz is a real highlight for me, though none of their albums are letdowns at all.

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