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Think about your values supporting corporate peons right now. You're now making this nasty/personal. I was just answering a question.


Ignore him. I appreciate you giving me a legitimate response.


If I may pose a follow-up question...


What do you think about Wilco promoting their albums through appearances on network television (I'm thinking primarily about shows such as Letterman and Leno)?

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Ignore him. I appreciate you giving me a legitimate response.


If I may pose a follow-up question...


What do you think about Wilco promoting their albums through appearances on network television (I'm thinking primarily about shows such as Letterman and Leno)?


I don't think it is nearly as bad. In cases such as this, artists are not directly selling their music to an unrelated product.

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Guest Mr. Sandman
I don't think it is nearly as bad. In cases such as this, artists are not directly selling their music to an unrelated product.


ignore HIM, he's just a bit.


Here's my question: Tweezers or Cleansing flush*?



*for your sandy vagina

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I don't think it is nearly as bad. In cases such as this, artists are not directly selling their music to an unrelated product.


I don't know...aren't Wilco booked as a guest because whoever is responsible for the content of the show thinks they will draw in a certain segment of viewers? In my admittedly semi-ignorant view of how TV works, the goal of a show like The Late Show is to attract as many viewers as possible, not because they care about the numbers themselves, but because they care about how the numbers influence the amount of advertising revenue they can generate. In this relationship, Wilco and CBS are using each other to promote their products - Wilco is selling an album, a DVD, or maybe a tour, and CBS' is selling time.


I know there are a lot of other factors involved in who gets booked on late night talk shows, and I guess Wilco isn't technically paid for their appearance outside of whatever nominal fee people get...but aren't they still playing a part in the mainstream entertainment game? They're still making their music a soundtrack to a huge corporate money-making machine.


Or am I totally off base?

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Think about your values supporting corporate peons right now. You're now making this nasty/personal. I was just answering a question.


I certainly hope you've destroyed all evidence of The Clash from you CD Collection.


Of course, I can't tell if you are being ironic, cliqueish or insufferably 'pure'.

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I don't know...aren't Wilco booked as a guest because whoever is responsible for the content of the show thinks they will draw in a certain segment of viewers? In my admittedly semi-ignorant view of how TV works, the goal of a show like The Late Show is to attract as many viewers as possible, not because they care about the numbers themselves, but because they care about how the numbers influence the amount of advertising revenue they can generate. In this relationship, Wilco and CBS are using each other to promote their products - Wilco is selling an album, a DVD, or maybe a tour, and CBS' is selling time.


I know there are a lot of other factors involved in who gets booked on late night talk shows, and I guess Wilco isn't technically paid for their appearance outside of whatever nominal fee people get...but aren't they still playing a part in the mainstream entertainment game? They're still making their music a soundtrack to a huge corporate money-making machine.


Or am I totally off base?


They are still playing a part in the machine to be sure. It's definitely not as direct as signing a contract with a completely different company not involved in entertainment for an unrelated product. However, if you want to be completely ethical about all of it, you would be like Fugazi and not even interview in magazines with ads for alchohol or tobacco.


It's all a slippery slope, but one big criteria for selling out over the years has been licensing your music for an unrelated product. Neil Young wrote a pretty famous song about it. I think it's easy to see that a line's been crossed when it comes to commercials.

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Well guys, I know this thread was meant to be funny and all but it was true! My chemistry teacher was asking me about the band I have on my t-shirts everyday, so I told him to go pick up any one of the Wilco records and check them out for himself. Went to the music store and BAM all sold out. Funny eh, works so well. Really this thread was meant to be a joke, to sort of poke fun at how offended some people are getting over this, not meant for "unclepunk" to talk about the "machine" and "the system".


Really guys ask yourselves, how is Wilco, our favourite band, putting a song in a car comercial really hurting you. For me I see it in the bands perspective, it's a positive matter, they get money for commercial and they get their music shown to an audience that might not have seen it before, two pluses for me! Sure you might not respect them as much but really I could care less, I love Sky Blue Sky, I love The Thanks I Get and I love Wilco.

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Well guys, I know this thread was meant to be funny and all but it was true! My chemistry teacher was asking me about the band I have on my t-shirts everyday, so I told him to go pick up any one of the Wilco records and check them out for himself. Went to the music store and BAM all sold out. Funny eh, works so well. Really this thread was meant to be a joke, to sort of poke fun at how offended some people are getting over this, not meant for "unclepunk" to talk about the "machine" and "the system".


Really guys ask yourselves, how is Wilco, our favourite band, putting a song in a car comercial really hurting you. For me I see it in the bands perspective, it's a positive matter, they get money for commercial and they get their music shown to an audience that might not have seen it before, two pluses for me! Sure you might not respect them as much but really I could care less, I love Sky Blue Sky, I love The Thanks I Get and I love Wilco.


Well, la, la, la! Wooh!


Wilco putting a song in a commercial hurts me (and you) as long time fans but completely lessening their art and making it meaningless. What about one of their songs that meant so much to you and now you get to hear about cars, tires and financing. The commercialization totally lessens the meaning and, overtime, in cases such as "Like A Rock", become the only thing that you associate with the song.

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Well, la, la, la! Wooh!


Wilco putting a song in a commercial hurts me (and you) as long time fans but completely lessening their art and making it meaningless. What about one of their songs that meant so much to you and now you get to hear about cars, tires and financing. The commercialization totally lessens the meaning and, overtime, in cases such as "Like A Rock", become the only thing that you associate with the song.


Did they change the lyrics to focus on cars, tires and financing?

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