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i actually had a dream last nite about some new radiohead song. no joke. that's how much i'm anticipating this album. normally i don't like to listen to bootlegs of new songs before they're released, but i caved this time last year when they were touring. "videotape," "arpeggi," "15 step", "all i need", "bodysnatchers" all have potential to be among the best stuff they've ever written. and i'm sure they've got a few more tricks up their sleeves.


"this is my way of saying goodbye..."

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i actually had a dream last nite about some new radiohead song.


That just knocked loose a dream that I had a month ago. I was talking to someone in my car about how stoked I was about the new Radiohead album. At a red light Thom Yorke pulls up next to my car on a motorcycle. He says "I wouldn't get your hopes up too much," and then drives away.


I then woke up sad.

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At a red light Thom Yorke pulls up next to my car on a motorcycle. He says "I wouldn't get your hopes up too much," and then drives away.



Radiohead albums typically take some time for me to warm up to them and digest, anyway, so I guess I'm not dying of anticipation here. At one point I think I heard some low-fi live recordings of some new songs and was pretty meh about it--but that could have just been due to the lousiness of the recordings. Who knows?

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Radiohead albums typically take some time for me to warm up to them and digest, anyway, so I guess I'm not dying of anticipation here. At one point I think I heard some low-fi live recordings of some new songs and was pretty meh about it--but that could have just been due to the lousiness of the recordings. Who knows?


I saw them live last summer and enjoyed a good bit of the new tracks but I think they will certainly come to life in the studio. This is my most anticipated release in a long time (more so than SBS)...so whens this thing going to finally come out?

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...so whens this thing going to finally come out?
A release date for the album has yet to be announced, but it is believed the album, the follow-up to 2003's 'Hail To The Thief', will be out before the end of the year.
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After the last one, Radiohead was dropped from my "go out and get the album the day it's released" list. I hope this one is better.

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After the last one, Radiohead was dropped from my "go out and get the album the day it's released" list. I hope this one is better.



I initially liked Hail To The Thief, but the songs just didn't hold up for me on repeated listens (There There being the exception). I really like Kid A, but I think the electronic elements of the last album really just bogged it down.


That said, I might still buy this on its release date if early reviews are generally favorable, otherwise I might wait. I'm excited for this, but with some reservations.

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i'm thinking this will be out in november. MAYBE october, but i'd be surprised if the release date is is only a few months off when it's announced.


having said that, when the eraser came out last year, i think it was only announced like six weeks before the release date. so, who knows.

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well if its being mastered right now, we can always hope that there is a sneaky employee at the mastering place who is going to leak it. :shifty


I bet Radiohead had that place on LOCKDOWN. Although I wouldn't mind hearing some early mixes. The HTTT early mixes were, in some cases, much different than the album's final mix.


And what's with all this HTTT hate? While not their best album (Kid A), it certainly is a fine work that holds up after repeated listens. I can listen to it all the way through as easily as I listen to any other Radiohead album.

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I bet Radiohead had that place on LOCKDOWN. Although I wouldn't mind hearing some early mixes. The HTTT early mixes were, in some cases, much different than the album's final mix.


And what's with all this HTTT hate? While not their best album (Kid A), it certainly is a fine work that holds up after repeated listens. I can listen to it all the way through as easily as I listen to any other Radiohead album.


There's no hate with HTTT w/me. It's a solid album.

Put it up against the likes of OK, Bends, Amnesiac and Kid A and it's a little lacking but hey...what isn't.


And about those early mixes, not only were they different, I'd argue that they may have been better.

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And what's with all this HTTT hate? While not their best album (Kid A), it certainly is a fine work that holds up after repeated listens. I can listen to it all the way through as easily as I listen to any other Radiohead album.

It's not so much that I hate the album, it just didn't hold up for me all that well. At first I liked it pretty much through and through, but I don't know the electronic stuff in it seemed much more sluggish and inorganic as pieces of the music (compared to say Kid A), and the songs just don't catch my ear quite as well. If you like it great, but I just don't find myself revisiting it very much at all, whereas the other albums I definitely do.

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My feeling for the new album is that it will be pretty much devoid of the electroic feel of Kid A/Amnesiac. HTTT was putting rock and computers together. I think it works, others feel differently. The new album (I can't wait until we at least get a title), is going to be Radiohead's second masterpiece; it will be grandiose and full of lush orchestration. It won't be a rock opera, because they don't have the dramatic vein, a la Muse, but it will be classical rock. Of course there will be good guitar songs (Bangers for one), but the songs we will be doting over will be the ones peppered with string arrangements by Greenwood the younger. If there is a computer-tinged song on the album, it will be one we havn't heard yet. One of those songs from the chalkboard that we were so anxiously awaiting to debut last year. As a final note, my guess for album title would be Hodiau Direkton or Down is the New Up.

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Hail To The Thief is the only album of theirs I don't own, and I'm not sure why.

Don't rush out and buy it. There are like one, maybe two, good songs on it. The rest of it is just Yorke's continued demonstration that he really does not like music of any kind.

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"Down is the new Up" is the name of one their new songs. I don't mind it as a song title, but I wouldn't want it as an album title either.


I wouldn't mind "Dead Air Space", despite the fact it's been the blog title for a while. There was a "New Suburbia/Suburbanite" thing floating around on the blog for a while too...I'd be down with that for a title as well. Feels kinda similar to "OK Computer".


I need this album now...

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