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1-18-08 AKA Cloverfield

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1-18-08 Trailer


I haven't seen anything posted here, so if it has...please correct me. Saw the above trailer for a JJ Abrams project before the Transformers movie and now, it seems, there are a bunch of LOST-esque teaser sites all over the web.


I'm really hoping it is as good as the trailer makes it look. Anybody have any more info?

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if they market this properly ie. don't give everything away like most trailers do nowadays, and are able to keep everybody guessing 'wtf is this about' like the original matrix did...then yeah, it's gonna be a lotta fun.

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That initial trailer definitely worked in generating buzz... when it ended, you could hear half the audience excitedly asking each other, "What was that? Did you catch the name of it?" Even my wife, who normally resists that kind of genre picture, was intrigued. Let's hope it's not another Blair Witch knockoff (it doesn't look like it will be).


Speaking of cool creature flicks, El F, this might interest you: The Host comes out on DVD next week. Even though it was one of my most eagerly anticipated movies of 2007, I missed its brief theatrical run and can't wait to finally catch up with it.

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Wow. That looks good, B. I'll have to put that into the Netflix que.


another fantastic theory on this 1-18-08...a film version of the video game RAMPAGE. Supposedly, the website SLUSHO is tied to the film...and when you read the History of the drink, you see some weird synopsis of how some guy discovered and ingrediant for the drink that made him 'grow'.

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I've been eagerly anticipating The Host coming to DVD as well. I missed its theatrical run and am looking forward to finally catching it.


And yeah...this 1-18-08 thing ... whatever it is ... looks pretty intriguing. For the time being, anyway. It is a very effective trailer, for sure.

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  • 6 months later...

I haven't seen Cloverfield yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Thought it might be fun to share an email sent to me today by a friend of mine who did not enjoy the movie:



Do not waste precious moments of your life on CLOVERFIELD. This movie sucks more suck than I though anything could possibly suck. First off, it suffers from the PEARL HARBOR effect. After 20 minutes of that movie, you can't wait for the Japanese to start bombing those imbeciles to kill them all. Five minutes into CLOVERFIELD, I could not wait for the monster to show up to start eating these self-absorbed miserable pricks. I wanted to see them all die and was pulling for the monster big time. Luckily, they all die before the end of the movie. When the building finally shook and the power went off 25 minutes in, I found myself uncontrollably shouting, "Finally!!" Secondly, the monster sucks. It is never explained where it came from. It looks exactly like the monster living under Jabba the Hut's bed in RETURN OF THE JEDI, only this one has a tail and can shoot off tiny spiders. The tiny spiders should be totally badass, but instead they are easily defeated when the stupid humans merely slap at them. One decent moment is when one insufferable woman is bitten by a spider and then explodes from whatever the spider laid in her. Third, injuries have no continuity in this world. Skank-ho Beth is stuck when a steel cable is imbedded in her shoulder. Two minutes after being jerked off the cable, she is seen sprinting down the street at full speed. Also, the only one not to survive the helicopter crash from 60 stories up is the pilot, the only one wearing a helmet. Everyone else and,unfortunately, the camera survive. Fourth, it is all shot by a handheld camcorder. I felt like I was about to have epileptic seizures throughout the entire movie. Be prepared for headaches and nausea. My biggest complaint deals with the actual dramatic structure of the story. A great choice for the primary conflict could have been, say, oh, how about... GIANT MONSTER ATTACKS NEW YORK!! Instead, that conflict is secondary to this stupid love story between Rob the prick and Beth the skank. That conflict is at least resolved at the very end of the movie when they say, "I love you." "I love you too." "(nuclear bomb hits Central Park)" The only redeeming things about this film are that it is only 70 minutes long (they couldn't make it suck any longer than that), everyone of these assholes die, and the biggest dick-hole of all, the cameraman, has a very satisfying death when the monster eats his ass in the middle of the park. We saw the "digital" version on Monday. As we were leaving, one of the people I was with asked if the maybe the other version may have been better. I responded, "No, this one sucked DIGITALLY!" Everyone in the theater laughed. They all hated it. Many left during the movie. IT SUCKS!!!

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i might go see this tonight, but i've been sick the past few days and already kinda queasy. it might mean closing my eyes during a lot of it, so i'm not sure if it's worth it. i've heard people have been puking cause of motion sickness...

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add me to the motion sickness list - this movie made me really sick. I would have gotten up to leave, but thought the bright lights of the lobby would have pushed me over the edge into pukeville. I sat through the second half of the movie with my eyes closed thinking about how quickly I could get the lid off the cup and puke in it, if need be.


I didn't hate the movie - and probably would have enjoyed it had I not felt like I was going to die throughout the whole thing.

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