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NEW DBT Album Announced

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After having a bit of time to digest this disc I have to say I love it. It ranks up with their best. SRO stands alone at the top of the heap for me, but Decoration Day, Dirty South and this one are all pretty equal in my eyes. The only thing that would put those above this one for me would be that I like Isbell's songs better than Shonna. However Cooley's songs resonate strongest with me and this album Is chock full of them.


I think your view of BTCD is dead on. DD, SRO, and TDS are the cream of the crop in the DBT catalog. BTCD is right there with TDS and could possibly supplant it with a few more listens. I hate to say this, but I think the Shonna songs are somewhat of a novelty act. I'm not saying she is a bad singer or songwriter. I just don't think she's in the same league as Patterson, Cooley, or Jason. The album would have been better served without her 3 songs and "You and Your Crystal Meth."

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I have only heard Shonna's song on the EP that was released (and "Like a Rolling Stone" from a previous compilation (she was awful). On the new song, the song is really nice but it doesn't sound like a DBT song.


I get the feeling that a lot of people will be heading to the bathroom when she sings. Not that it's bad at all. Just a wild change of pace from what I know of DBT>

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i'd agree with that... as gorgeous as The Purgatory Line is, it definitely does not sound like DBT in any way shape or form and if i had heard it on the radio first there's no way i would have even picked up on it.

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On the plus side for Shonna is that I think her Harmonies smooth out Patterson's rough edges.


Completely agree on this. She sounds great on "Two Daughters and a Beautiful wife". I definitely like her as a back-up singer and her bobblehead action is always kind of fun but I'm not sure how I feel about seeing her sing live or her contributions on the overall album.

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I'm kind of surprised no one's commented on this album now that it's officially out, but I guess such is the nature of today's listening timeline/experience. Anyway, four of the guys over at Nine Bullets did a song-by-song review of the album that I dug. I'm cross-posting here what I posted over there. I know some of you frequent that board as well...


I like the song-by-song rundown, so I'm going to humbly submit my opinions now that I've got a copy in hand. I'll admit that when I first heard the 30 second clips on Amazon I was kind of underwhelmed. How dumb of me to make an opinion based on those snippets. Like Patterson says, this one's a grower, and after listening to CMT.com's stream and now listening to the CD, I gotta say it has really grown on me. This is one of their best. There are still some songs that I'll need time to come around on, but all in all I'm glad we got the album they made. I don't think I'd cut a single track, because I think I'll eventually come around to appreciate every single song.


Wes Freed's artwork is really great this time around (although there isn't a lot of it) and the packaging of everything was done really well.


Okay, on to my attempt at a sorta short song-by-song review...


Two Daughters and a Beautiful Wife

What an absolutely gorgeous and heartbreaking song. A really strong opener. I can only imagine the power this song will have over me if our twins due this summer are girls.


3 Dimes Down

Somehow when I heard the 30 second clips, I was under the impression there weren't many rockers on this album. I was wrong and this song is part of the reason. I bet this is going to be great live.


The Righteous Path

I can honestly say that for me this is one of Patterson's best songs...and not just on this album. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm really into this song right now.


I'm Sorry Huston

I know there's a lot of consternation over the Shonna songs, but I for one am really stoked she's writing and singing for DBT. This song has really grown on me. I think it takes a verse to really click for me, but I'm glad it's here.


Perfect Timing

Cooley fucking owns this record and it's not hard to see why with a lyric like "I used to hate the fool in me, but only in the morning. Now I tolerate him all day long." (As has been mentioned elsewhere!)


Daddy Needs a Drink

Not my favorite Patterson song, but it's worth it for Neff and Spooner alone. They really make this song. I also really like Shonna's voice paired with Patterson's.


Self Destructive Zones

"Teenage angst has paid off well, now I'm bored and old." I never thought a Cooley song would share something in common with a Nirvana song, but there you are.



This is a perfect example of why I'm glad all these songs are on the album, even the ones I don't particularly like right now. When I first heard "Bob" I disliked it, dismissed it, and thought it didn't fit the album. Now it's one of my favorites. I think it's some really stellar writing by Cooley. It should be a hit on country radio.


Home Field Advantage

How did I miss this when I thought this album wasn't going to bring the rock? I won't say this is one of Shonna's best on the album. I'll just say it's one of the best on the album period.


The Opening Act

I'll admit this is one I'll have to come back to at some other time. Right now it doesn't do a lot for me, but that doesn't mean it won't at some point in the future.


Lisa's Birthday

Another one that I can do without now, but maybe that will change. I will say I'm glad they're playing different types of songs and trying other things out, because how boring would it be to have a ton of songs (or albums) from a band that all sound the same?


That Man I Shot

After Jason's "Dress Blues," I think this is the best Iraq War song going. I know a lot has been said (by Patterson and others) about addressing the political by talking about the personal, and this is an amazing example of that. I also love the way the guitars comes in at the beginning.


The Purgatory Line

I don't think Shonna's voice sounds like Neko Case's (no one sounds like Neko), but I think this song would have fit in well on Blacklisted or Fox Confessor Brings the Flood. I never thought I'd hear a song like this on a DBT record, but I'm really happy it's on this one.


The Home Front

Ultimately I don't think this song is as effective as "That Man I Shot," if that's even the right word. I think this song will always be connected to "That Man I Shot," and the latter is the better of the two. (For me anyway.)


Checkout Time in Vegas

Shonna's harmony/backing vocals are one of the great surprises of this record, and the second verse of this song is a great example of that.


You And Your Crystal Meth

This is yet another song I'll have to come back to at some point. It'll take more time to grow on me.


Goode's Field Road

I know this is an older Patterson song, but it shares the same theme as almost as every other Patterson song on this album: the love for and responsibility of family. I think it's clear Patterson's a real family man and that really speaks to me at this time in my life.


A Ghost to Most

This man can turn a fucking phrase. I remember when they started playing these songs last year, and this one immediately stood out for me. What an absolutely awesome chorus (whether you think it's bridges or britches Wink .)


The Monument Valley

This is a perfect closer and Patterson vocals sound great on this one. Everyone's contributions on this record stand out well, especially Shonna, Neff and Spooner's.

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too bad that an ego battle ruined a great triple-threat band. Jason will be sorely missed and if this album isn't much better than a Blessing and a Curse, I can see the band's decline.




Ruined the band? According to who? They were great before Jason, great with him, and great after he left. ABAAC is one of the weaker DBT albums. BTCD blows its fucking doors off.

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too bad that an ego battle ruined a great triple-threat band. Jason will be sorely missed and if this album isn't much better than a Blessing and a Curse, I can see the band's decline.




I love Jason and all, but this album is proof that they don't need him to be a great band. I would suggest listening to the record before spewing such nonsense about decline.

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as great as BTCD is, i'd still take Jason's record ahead of it... for one, he knows how to edit. just because a CD can hold 80 minutes of music, doesn't mean you have to fill it up.


and they were just good before he joined, especially live. i saw them twice in '00 before he joined and the difference between those 2 shows and even the first show i saw with him in 2001 was unreal. and their albums took a big big jump in overall quality when he joined too (SRO was good without Jason, but the ones before it lacked quite a bit imo).


i agree the last DBT was their weakest since before SRO, no doubt about that, and that this new one kicks the shit out of it, but let's not kid ourselves here, Jason added a LOT to that band and they are a better band today for him having been a member, and i bet you even the current members of DBT would agree with that.

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When I heard Jason was leaving the Truckers last spring I was very disappointed. I think Jason Isbell is a very talented musician. He definitely brought a lot to the band and took them to another level musically. Decoration Day is easily one of my favorite albums of all-time. As far as the pre-SRO albums go, I will not defend Gangstabilly, but Pizza Deliverance is a very solid effort ("President's Penis Is Missing" aside). Sirens of the Ditch is one of my favorite albums from last year. However, I don't think it is in the same league as Brighter Than Creation's Dark. BTCD definitely has some filler ("You and Your Crystal Meth" and the 3 Shonna songs come immediately to mind), but Sirens has some as well (if "Try" and "Devil Is My Running Mate" disappeared, I wouldn't bitch). I saw the band last summer in NYC and thought there was a drop-off without Jason. I was concerned that the decline would continue onto BTCD. That is not the case. The new album is stronger than A Blessing and a Curse and, arguably, The Dirty South. I'm looking forward to seeing them live this spring to see how far they've come since I saw them in NY last summer. I will say the shows I downloaded from Athens, GA a few weekends ago sound excellent and have renewed my faith in The Rock Show. The 2008, post-Jason Isbell Drive-By Truckers are far from "ruined."

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Try is filler??? that song f'n rocks the house, especially live...


not huge on Devil, but it's not a bad song or filler. i'd argue that Jason's album has no filler, and at least 3 maybe 4 songs that are as good as anything on BTCD. like i said, BTCD is grreat, but doesn't touch Dirty South and Decoration Day for me, and SRO is a tough call.


i think i should also mention that while i don't mind Patterson's or Cooley's voices (in fact sometimes i love both of theirs, just not always), Jason's voice is head and shoulders above either of them for me, and was a big part of why i loved what he added to the Truckers. obviously people are gonna have their preferences, but as someone whom the singer is the single most important factor in getting into a band/artist for me, it's obviously something I put more stake in than most folks.

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1. Decoration Day

2. Southern Rock Opera

3. Brighter Than Creation's Dark

4. The Dirty South

5. Pizza Deliverance

6. Sirens of the Ditch

7. Alabama Ass Whuppin

8. A Blessing and A Curse

9. Gangstabilly


The Top 7 are all great, though. And I quite enjoy 8 and 9 even.


But I've been loving Brighter Than... for a while now, and it's nice to see its getting a fair share of critical praise.

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1. Decoration Day

2. Southern Rock Opera

3. Brighter Than Creation's Dark

4. The Dirty South

5. Pizza Deliverance

6. Sirens of the Ditch

7. Alabama Ass Whuppin

8. A Blessing and A Curse

9. Gangstabilly


The Top 7 are all great, though. And I quite enjoy 8 and 9 even.


But I've been loving Brighter Than... for a while now, and it's nice to see its getting a fair share of critical praise.


Those rankings look pretty good to me.

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for me:


1. The Dirty South

2. Decoration Day

3. Southern Rock Opera

4. Sirens of the Ditch

5. Brighter Than Creation's Dark (could easily move up in due time)

6. A Blessing and A Curse (honestly after this record i only care for a few songs per album, the production on those first ones up until SRO are rather poor too, which doesn't help)

7. Pizza Deliverance

8. Alabama Ass Whuppin

9. Gangstabilly


as great as BTCD, i do wish it had just a few more out and out rockers, but it's certainly their most gorgeous record on the whole.

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I love Jason and all, but this album is proof that they don't need him to be a great band. I would suggest listening to the record before spewing such nonsense about decline.



Honestly, I was kind of down on this band after Jason left. I thought they lost the plot with A Blessing and a Curse. I even ripped the sound samples from the new album. But after many spins, I can honestly say it might be the best thing they have ever done. And it *easily* surpasses Sirens of the Ditch. Sirens just sounds like your standard singer/wongriter stuff. BTCD just sounds raw and alive. I'd rank the albums like this:


1. The Dirty South

2. Brighter Than Creation's Dark

3. Decoration Day

4. Southern Rock Opera







the rest.......


As for the length, it doesn't matter to me. The only weak song is "Crystal Meth".

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You are right. DBT is a great band, but imo they were sublime on Decoration Day and The Dirty South. Jason did add a lot to both of those albums. I do hope the new album is all you say it is, but it seems a little early to declare it an instant classic.


Actually, now would be the only time to declare it an "instant classic." Wait any longer, and it will only be "classic." :D

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Sirens just sounds like your standard singer/wongriter stuff.

Sirens has more diversity & southern soul than you're giving it credit for i think...


and while i do love this new album, don't get me wrong, i must be one of the few who aren't really that big of a fan of a number of Cooley's "Bob", "Lisa's Birthday", and to a lesser extent (in that i enjoy the song for the most part), "Perfect Timing". Soundwise they reminds me of bad, ironic, early 80's country. Maybe some people enjoy that, but growing up in Montana in the 80's, there's very little country from that era i can stand these days. those 3 tracks stick out like a sore thumb sound-wise compared to Cooley's other tracks as well as Patterson & Shonna's tracks.

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