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arcade fire on austin city limits

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I have Funeral and love Tunnels and Wake Up. Also like Rebellion and Power Out. The rest I have not warmed up to as much. I don't have Neon Bible yet, although I like Intervention. I'll probably pick it up soon. However, I just have not been able to go nuts for this band yet.


I enjoyed the ACL episode the other night, especially the last four songs (Tunnels, Power Out, Rebellion, Wake Up.) But, while I appreciate the energy, there are some aspects of it that annoy me. I especially don't enjoy watching Regine Chassagne, she reminds me of how Celine Dion would act if she were in a rock band. The wild eyed staring into the camera was too much for me. I also watched their set from ACL Festival on the Blue Room and about lost it when she was acting out the lyrics with hand signals. When a band shows energy because it's obvious they are into the music, that's one thing, but some of their antics seem to be for attention grabbing purposes only. If I actually saw them live and in person, I might change my mind.

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Yeah, I loved everything about the band except her. She was flat out annoying and I thought her voice was terrible. My friend walked into the room while I was watching and he said..."She needs to stay away from the reefer."


that's the funniest thing i have read all day!

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I really enjoyed this...as I said in another thread, I don't think I've seen ACL "rock" so much before. :lol I thought Win, and Regine, really made for an interesting performance. It was great to see the whole band's musicianship though.


I've only seen them perform on SNL prior to this I'm sad to say, but ACL made me crave their live show even more if it were possible. :yes

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i'll give them credit that they got the crowd into a frenzy, but i second that Regine was obnoxious, really mugging for the camera. also, how excited can one get playing a tambourine? it seemed that the members freaking out onstage were contributing the least musically to the song...but i guess responsibility is spread thin when you have twenty hands. two of the songs they played sounded very samey to me, so much that i could hum the first one over the second and it fit perfectly. they also bang on a drum or whatever they're holding and sing/scream altogether a lot. other than that, it was good television.

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i'll give them credit that they got the crowd into a frenzy, but i second that Regine was obnoxious, really mugging for the camera. also, how excited can one get playing a tambourine? it seemed that the members freaking out onstage were contributing the least musically to the song...but i guess responsibility is spread thin when you have twenty hands. two of the songs they played sounded very samey to me, so much that i could hum the first one over the second and it fit perfectly. they also bang on a drum or whatever they're holding and sing/scream altogether a lot. other than that, it was good television.


If they were a little more mainstream, this would make for a great SNL skit.

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ACL performance > SNL performance by leaps and bounds... at least on the 2 youtube clips i saw


my sister and i actually had a discussion yesterday about whether or not Win smashing the guitar on SNL was a good thing. i said yes, she said it was disrespectful to the instrument... :hmm

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He threw one down from the top of the stairs

Beautiful women were standing everywhere

They all got wet when he smashed that thing

But off in the dark you could hear somebody sing

Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

I don't know who they think they are

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

It started back in 1963

His momma wouldn't buy him that new red harmony

He settled for a sunburst with a crack

But he's still trying to break his momma's back

Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

I don't know who they think they are

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

He loved that guitar just like a girlfriend

But every good thing comes to an end

Now he just sits in his room all day

Whistling every note he ever played

There oughta be a law with no bail

Smash a guitar and you go to jail

With no chance for early parole

You don't get out untill you get some soul

Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

I don't know who they think they are

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

Late at night the end of the road

He wished he still had the old guitar to hold

He'd rock it like a baby in his arms

Never let it come to any harm

Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

I don't know who they think they are

Smashing a perfectly good



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ACL performance > SNL performance by leaps and bounds... at least on the 2 youtube clips i saw


my sister and i actually had a discussion yesterday about whether or not Win smashing the guitar on SNL was a good thing. i said yes, she said it was disrespectful to the instrument... :hmm

I thought the guitar-smashing was cringe-worthy, because it was so humorless and so obviously premeditated. I really like Arcade Fire, but that side of them really rubs me the wrong way.

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I especially don't enjoy watching Regine Chassagne, she reminds me of how Celine Dion would act if she were in a rock band.


Oh my goodness, I thought the EXACT same thing while watching the interview at the end of the show!!! She loves the camera, for sure. When she shoved Tim a la Elaine from Seinfeld, I just rolled my eyes and thought, "Okay, honey, it's not ALL about you..."


I think she's adorable and talented, though, so I can tolerate her acting like a complete jackass sometimes. Heh.

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She loves the camera, for sure. When she shoved Tim a la Elaine from Seinfeld, I just rolled my eyes and thought, "Okay, honey, it's not ALL about you..."


I think she's adorable and talented, though, so I can tolerate her acting like a complete jackass sometimes. Heh.


Yeah, how dare a rock star actually have fun and enjoy being in front of the camera/audience?

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I thought the guitar-smashing was cringe-worthy, because it was so humorless and so obviously premeditated. I really like Arcade Fire, but that side of them really rubs me the wrong way.

heh. it was most definitely not premeditated at all though. i thought it was lame myself too, but Win did it because he was pissed at breaking a guitar string, not because he wanted to "look cool".


Oh my goodness, I thought the EXACT same thing while watching the interview at the end of the show!!! She loves the camera, for sure. When she shoved Tim a la Elaine from Seinfeld, I just rolled my eyes and thought, "Okay, honey, it's not ALL about you..."


I think she's adorable and talented, though, so I can tolerate her acting like a complete jackass sometimes. Heh.

she's just goofy like that, not trying to steal the spotlight or anything. she's like a cartoon character in real life. definitely the most weird/eccentric member, but at the same time super goofy/funny too.

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