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Quick question regarding "You Are My Face"...

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I took it as like how much his kids look like him or something. the songs seems to be about family/raising kids. ie "the door screems I hate you." like a kid yelling that to a parent from inside his room with the door closed.
I've always thought of "the door screams I hate you" as a slamming door. I always imagine it's a screen door that bounces back and slaps against the door frame a couple of time as the person who has slammed it drives away in anger. This probably has nothing to do with the actual song, it's just the visual I get when I hear that line.
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I don't know if he intentionally took it from this source, but it is in Toni Morrison's "Beloved".


That would be really cool if it is, I just finished reading the Bluest Eye.



I always took it as a child screaming at a parent from inside his room with the door shut.

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Yeah I think the kids/relations sharing facial features makes sense. The song seems to span eras and family members in a way that creates a loose kind of temporal distortion. These old ideas of struggling families (working in the gold mine) give way to a present scenario that has a similar kind of angst. Stories fit into phones, houses hemmed into homes etc. Through the chaotic world people find someway to bind a family together.


Happy holidays.

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Guest David Puddy
Beloved is my least favorite book of all time!


same here. just terrible.


also, you are my face is probably the one of jeff's songs that i've never been able to understand, even somewhat. i have just no idea what he's saying, but i love it none the less.

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