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so ok, im new here...and i am just throwing this one out for all you old fishes....

any shot of me getting to have dinner with tweedy? i'd love to have a little nosh and interview him for a local mag i write for....

any suggestions on how to accomplish this? or am i nuts? i know he's a busy guy....but jeez, i can at least try, right? im hesitant to go thru the usual avenues ie management, bc i just think it would be quicker to try and catch him before a show somewhere, and ask the guy himself....a real old school approach...

thanks for entertaining my dream here...

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I think if you caught him before a show he would probably nicely tell you to contact tony margherita, who is "the management". But I have never tried it, so who knows. And it's more likely than not you'd end up doing a phone interview, but maybe not. It can't possibly hurt to try.

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I think the most respectful way would be to go through management. If they're a smaller band, i don't think it matters as much, but it is Wilco and Tweedy is pretty much a dream interview for most magazines.

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I've read/ heard of countles stories of Springsteen doing such things. People seeing him at a red light and asking if he wants to go have a beer, and he does and hangs out for a couple of hours. Some fan saw him at a movie and asked if Bruce would come home and say hi to his parents and he did. Bar bands inviting him to join them onstage at some roadside bar and he gets up. These are things that still happen today, not just pre-BITUSA. I guess it's more tha individual, Tweedy may be a little more private. I've probably walked by every member of Wilco on the street outside shows 10 times each. I give a nod or say hi, but I've never really cared about hanging out. I think it has to do with being reared in punk, and not caring about such things. The music's good enough for me.

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In my experience, he's not even that receptive when you do have a chance to say hello.


I don't how often he's not receptive. A good friend of mine has managed to meet him after EVERY show and she has had nothing but good to say about him. She even got him to chat with me on the phone after a show once :D If you're anywhere but the East Coast, I wish you luck. If you are on the East Coast...I wish you TONS of luck!!! We have a much harder time getting to him out here :hmm

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my hit/intuition is that he would be pretty easy to approach if done tastfully and considerately...of course, i could be colored by my dreams of him :stunned

i was going to try and catch him in DC...before the 9:30 club shows...but ergh...maybe not?


I don't how often he's not receptive. A good friend of mine has managed to meet him after EVERY show and she has had nothing but good to say about him. She even got him to chat with me on the phone after a show once :D If you're anywhere but the East Coast, I wish you luck. If you are on the East Coast...I wish you TONS of luck!!! We have a much harder time getting to him out here :hmm
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