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Top 20 drunkest atheletes

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I didn't click the link but if Wade Boggs isn't on that list I don't want to know who is.

Were you the dude that posted up that link about Wade awhile back? God, that was an awesome interview/story.

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Yeah, but I still don't want something called "Co-Ed Magazine" in my cache. It just looks bad if anyone is paying any sort of attention.


Ah, just empty your temp internet files and cookies when your done watching, and you'll be fine.. I work in IT, and "big bother" really doesn't pay attention to that stuff anyway.. Unless you work at a high profile government office or something and the site would be blocked anyway..


You have to see it just for the Joe Namath interview.. Hilarious.. He's trashed.. Although it's on Youtube as well..

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Were you the dude that posted up that link about Wade awhile back? God, that was an awesome interview/story.

I am that dude, dude.


Here's a transcript of the interview concerning Boggs' consumption:



FTR, Boggs says it was 67 beers, not 64 beers, on his blog:


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Sweet. John is one cool sonsabitch.


I met him, but it was when I was too young to know any better. My mom's college roommate's husband is his agent, so I've got all sorts of crap signed by him. Maybe when I'm of age I can go out drinking with him. That would probably be fun times.

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I met him, but it was when I was too young to know any better. My mom's college roommate's husband is his agent, so I've got all sorts of crap signed by him. Maybe when I'm of age I can go out drinking with him. That would probably be fun times.


I run into him a lot here in Memphis. Last time I saw him we were urinal neighbors.

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Does Andre The Giant count as an athelete?


I just read an article about him naming him the greatest drunk of all-time. One of the stories in the article talked about him drinking 120 beers in a six hour session!


Others I would mention:


Mickey Mantle

Wade Boggs (or Weed Bags)

Max McGee

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FTR, Boggs says it was 67 beers, not 64 beers, on his blog:



The best part of this is discovering Wade Boggs's blog. If this is legitimately his blog then I am flabbergasted - it's genius. Just read these posts, they are amazing.


"what is with all of the spiky-type hair and the wild colors? when i was a boy we crazied it up by shifting our neckties so that they were slightly askew. hair-do? more like a hair-do-not! AM I RIGHT, INTERNET FRIENDS?"


Is this really him? Is Wade Boggs a lost comedic genius of our time?

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