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Why come Republicans never cry about tax breaks for these folks??

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Are excess profits good? Probably not as bad as the huge bonuses that the corporate executives will pay themselves.


I'm not saying that what some CEOs make is anything less than obscene, but their pay has no significant effect on the price of oil.

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Unfortunately, the "experts" aren't doing so well either. Instead, they choose to invest in things like ethanol which is arguably worse than oil.



The Minnesota Corn (ethenol) lobby will have your head if the find you.

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Corn based ethanol's usability is one of the biggest lies ever spread to the American public.

My problem with it is that if we were to switch to it, how much corn would we have to grow to be able to fuel our cars? Wouldn't that lead to overfarming that would destroy the soil and lead to another dust bowl situation? Yeah, I'm for alternative fuels - but not that one. How about nuclear cars? :brow

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Guest tandylacker
Corn based ethanol's usability is one of the biggest lies ever spread to the American public.


A close second would of course be global warming. :thumbup


Yeah, they can't grow enough to corn to keep the nation happy, but they can do a little to help slow it down right now. Not much, but a little. And if they continue to go in that direction, maybe they will come up with a way to artificially produce it with some other materials, who the hell knows.


Its not as if we need to get the scientists working on the ethanol idea to stop and start working on something else. There's plenty of people trying to make it rich with alternative fuel ideas. Its only a matter of time.


By the way, how's everyone doing today? My second kid was born yesterday. She's in intensive care for some incompatible blood type jaundice, but will be out tomorrow. :thumbup What's that have to do with anything? It doesn't.


Oh don't worry, "they" won't let the soil be ruined. "They" will just pump it full of chemicals to help the corn grow.


"They" will tell us that the drinking water is fine, don't worry...


The cast of that terrible horror movie from a few years ago is going to do this? :shifty

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By the way, how's everyone doing today? My second kid was born yesterday. She's in intensive care for some incompatible blood type jaundice, but will be out tomorrow. :thumbup What's that have to do with anything? It doesn't.


congrats dude.

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Guest tandylacker

But seriously, I thought only high school/college kids and industrial business owners were concerned with gas prices? I think people have moved on to high Starbucks prices and Britney Spears related news. What's with that girl? Oh, snap!

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My problem with it is that if we were to switch to it, how much corn would we have to grow to be able to fuel our cars? Wouldn't that lead to overfarming that would destroy the soil and lead to another dust bowl situation? Yeah, I'm for alternative fuels - but not that one. How about nuclear cars? :brow



Yeah plus if you go to the movies and get a popcorn it will probably cost you $50 instead of $20 it cost now.



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