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Shrimp Boat reissues!

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HUGE Shrimp Boat fan, here.

And I just got word (in my email) that their ENTIRE back catalog has been reissued by:




Plus, if you like what you hear on those discs, they also issued a 3-disc box set of unreleased stuff that is, for somebody like me, absolutely essential and a complete joy! I think that collection is still readily available through all the usual outlets, but the reissues are big news for me.


I just picked up Daylight Savings/Some Biscuit and have now completed the entire Shrimp Boat discography.


Also, AUM is reissuing the first Falstaff album too. It's pretty awesome -- the other (non-Sam) half of SB.


And no, I do NOT work for Aum Fidelity. Steven has just been a really solid businessman and very responsive and cool. I like supporting the little guy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone have a chance to check this out?

I'm curious to know what you thought of it all, as I am a S.B. cultist.


Listeining to Cavale as I type.

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Man, I can't wait to get my hands on some of that. I'm a Sam Prekop/Sea And Cake devotee to a fault. Just got The Biz on Friday and I'm currently addicted.


With the exception of his voice, the SB records (excepting Cavale) all sound pretty damn different from The Sea and Cake. A lot weirder and more organic.

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I would say theres more of a jazz influence



And also a very strong Appalatcian (sp?) folk/country influence too, in some of the tunes.

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The Shrimp Boat Box set from a few years back was outstanding...




Have it.

Love it!

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I got Speckeled Egg on reissue as well....


I have found the other regularly released albums over the years.




"Speckled Egg"?

You referring to "Speckly"?


Yeah, I grabbed that, too when AUM reissued it.


I think that with the new reissues that I mentioned in the first post in this thread, that my SB collection (minus the offshoot bands) is now complete. I do need to pick up a few more TSAC records as well as the second Falstaff record. I am such a freak about them and I take a lot of crap about that at another board where I post.


Oh well.


Louie: You know about The Flavor Channel? Another Chicago band that you may like.

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I got a shrimp boat record from my neighbor's garage sale. It was way warped tho so it didn't play well... I'll ahve to check this out!


Start with Cavale and work your way back, chronologically. If you start with the Some Biscuit+Daylight Savings disc, you will not be happy.

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You referring to "Speckly"?


Yeah, I grabbed that, too when AUM reissued it.


I think that with the new reissues that I mentioned in the first post in this thread, that my SB collection (minus the offshoot bands) is now complete. I do need to pick up a few more TSAC records as well as the second Falstaff record. I am such a freak about them and I take a lot of crap about that at another board where I post.


Oh well.


Louie: You know about The Flavor Channel? Another Chicago band that you may like.

Yea Speckly..it was early. I found it used too.


Also people should try the Coctails reissues as well, since they were Archer Prewitt's original band as well. Their box set is also quite good and fun.



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And also a very strong Appalatcian (sp?) folk/country influence too, in some of the tunes.


Appalachian :thumbup. They'd revoke my West Virginia citizenship if I didn't know how to spell that. Anyway, this sounds right up my alley, I'll have to check them out. I saw them on your top twenty albums list and I try to make a point to at least google any record I see on those that I don't recognize.



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Appalachian :thumbup. They'd revoke my West Virginia citizenship if I didn't know how to spell that. Anyway, this sounds right up my alley, I'll have to check them out. I saw them on your top twenty albums list and I try to make a point to at least google any record I see on those that I don't recognize.




The Appalachian thing is not as strong on Cavale as it is on the rest of the records, but they do a few Carter Family covers on the box set. And, if the Appalachian thing is what you're looking for, you'll dig Speckly with the biggest shovel.

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