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all freekin right

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so I get this note earlier in the week:


Link with email submission:





'The MuseBox is pleased to announce an exclusive opportunity for

Toronto! The Beautiful Noise HD TV Concert Series is taping at

Berkeley Church from March 31 - April 7 and features some amazing

talent! These shows are not advertised and there are no tickets for

sale! The only way to get in is by rsvp'ing to show(s) via the

corresponding show email address and send it back to The MuseBox (NO

CALLS will be accepted).


Monday - March 31st

9pm My Morning Jacket (Doors at 8:15pm)

Tuesday - April 1st

Afternoon7pm TBATBA

9pm TBA

Wednesday - April 2nd

7pm Kaki King

8pm Jon Langford

9pm Dr.Dog

Thursday - April 3rd

7pm The Constantines

9pm Ted Leo & The Pharmaicists


Friday - April 4th


7pm The Black Angels

9pm The Donnas

Saturday - April 5th

7pm Islands

9pm Stars


Sunday - April 6th


7:15pm People And Planes


Monday- April 7th

Afternoon TBD

7pm Brittish Sea Power

9pm Yo La Tengo


Berkeley Church is a very intimate venue and the lucky rsvp'ers that

get to attend these tapings will be notified by email shortly. Tickets

will be under your name at the door.

Doors will open at 6:30pm SHARP. Nobody will be admitteed that is

not on the exclusive list.

Berkeley Church, 315 Queen Street East (one block west of Parliament

at Berkeley).

This is all ages show, ID required for liquor.No photography is

allowed. All cameras and cell phone cameras will be confiscated.No

obvious logos on hats or t-shirts.


and then I get this note today:


You are on the list for The Constantines and Ted Leo. Doors are at

6.45pm SHARP, The Constantines show starts at 7.45pm and Ted Leo

starts at 9.15 pm. You are also on the list for:


Monday doors 6.45 7:45pm





and sometimes the world is a happy happy place. Indie music, in a church, with beer. This could be a whole entry in the Stuff White People Like blog.

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Yeah, you've got a lot to be smiling about right there.


Thanks Jimmy!



Saw Basia last week. She was phenominal and much better than my camera phone will allow. They also had the whole place doing these incredible Gypsy type hand-claps for all of 'I was a Daughter'


I tell yah, that girl still gives off more light than she takes in:




(sorry, my camera-phone is not the best)


Better pictures at last weekend's Lee's palace Gig:



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Dang - Can't make it to either one for work reasons. Gave away the tickets to a friend on another message board.


Buut - there is a Silver Lining to this. I get to go drink on an expense account on April 16th and then drag some consultants to the Dirtbombs/Kelly Stotlz show for some loud double-drummer goodness.


' With our necklaces of radio teeth

And barcode faced tattoos

We'll build a tribal fire of sound-bites

Cut from central network news'

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wait so is this thing free if you rsvp????? I need to see that ISLANDS show!!! I am forever grateful for being born in Toronto.....!!!



Umm yeah. Give the link a try although I beleive 1st crack was given to people on their mailing list and the info has sorta got widely known.

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thanks allot, I gave it a shot. This would be awesome though. I am so ready for the new Islands album. Ive been listening to live versions of "I feel evil creepin in".

like I said I need to see this show. Once again thanks

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I just recieved this email.

Hi. Thank you for RSVP for the tapings of Beautiful Noise ad/or Solos Concert Series at Berkeley Church from March 31 - April 7. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A TICKET CONFIRMATION EMAIL!!! THIS WILL NOT GET YOU INTO A SHOW. This is merely a confirmation email that we have received your request. If there is space for you, you will be sent an email confirmation later this week. Thanks for your interest and patience! The MuseBox Music & Culture Teamwww.themusebox.net


heres hoping, seriously though in a church, awesomenesssssss

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Even though lizish hate them you would not be disappointed by Stars, they put on a super slick show.



Yeah. I don't know what it is about them. Maybe 'super slick' is correct and there is something too calculating and pre-determined.


I love Amy Milan solo though, so it's probably just me and my fucked up taste.

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I dunno I was with you, I thought they were really boring but boy live they were really damn good. All super good musicians and the show was just plain fun, I was converted.

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