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The Waco and Felice Brothers and Justin Townes Earle

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These three artists are mushed together in one thread simply because they all have new albums out and I have seen all three in the last week. I figure we rarely talk about alt.country type acts anymore and all would be enjoyable for folks liking roots rock type material.


The Waco Brothers released Waco Express, Alive and Kicking at Schuba

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I really like the Felice Bros. Hopefully they can continue to develop their songwriting. Their songs are straight out of the Basement Tapes for sure.

I can't get "Frankie's Gun" out of my head. Great tune.

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hey Lou - The Waco show at Schubas was just great. It was good to bump into you again. I picked up the live album about a week before the show and it is really strong. These guys really get after it live. I would have a hard time seeing anyone having a bad time at one of their shows.


The Felice Brothers latest album is great. I'm not sure how it lacks originality?? I haven't heard much else by them but definitely want to check them out live.


Justin Townes... haven't heard a note. If he's 1/3 as talented as his Dad, he's worth listening to. I know he's been playing some small places in Chicago but I haven't had a chance to see him yet.

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I love The Felice Brothers. I'm a huge fan of Tonight at the Arizona. I like the new self-titled release, but it doesn't measure up to TATA for me. They definitely have a Dylan/Band thing going on, but to dismiss them as an unoriginal cover band is naive. I saw Justin Townes Earle open for Jason Isbell last July in Philly. He's very good. Definitely more of an old-school country sound to him. I'd compare him to someone like Wayne Hancock. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with The Waco Brothers. If someone "in the know" could point me to a good place to start with these guys, I'd appreciate it.

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Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with The Waco Brothers. If someone "in the know" could point me to a good place to start with these guys, I'd appreciate it.


I would rarely recommend a live album as a starting place but in this case, I'd recommend the live one at Schubas.

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Great post, Louie. I've read great things the Felice Brothers and checked out their myspace pade yesterday. Sounds pretty good, and I'd like to see them live. I'll have to look for that Waco Bros live album. Nice description.


>Long live alt.country.


Love that.

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I'm kicking myself for missing Justin Townes Earle, I just kept putting off getting tickets and missed it, ah well. I'll have to pick up his album, I got the Yuma EP a bit ago it's great. And speaking of Paul Burch, that guy is great, he hasn't been to chicago since I'v ebeen into him tho, ah well indeed.

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hey Lou - The Waco show at Schubas was just great. It was good to bump into you again. I picked up the live album about a week before the show and it is really strong. These guys really get after it live. I would have a hard time seeing anyone having a bad time at one of their shows.


The Felice Brothers latest album is great. I'm not sure how it lacks originality?? I haven't heard much else by them but definitely want to check them out live.


Justin Townes... haven't heard a note. If he's 1/3 as talented as his Dad, he's worth listening to. I know he's been playing some small places in Chicago but I haven't had a chance to see him yet.

Yea, that was a fun show. I would agree that this live album is a good place to start, since they are a strong live band and the album is sort of a greatest hits collection (with a few non-hits thrown in.) If one needs a non-live album, Cowboy in Flames is a good place to start.


I sort of agree that the Arizona album by the Felices is a bit stronger than their new one, but both are very similar. I think the new one has less variation, but frankly have only listened to both once, so what do I know. Actually the fact that these guys are so much like the Band is sort of funny in a way. They even look like them back in the day. I don't think they are intentionally copping the entire Band thing, but clearly some of it is intentional.


Jason Earle is a young talent who can only get better. Paul Burch has not been around lately. (There is a Burch and Waco Brothers album in the can somewhere, but it has never been released by the way...) I wouldn't mind seeing him again.



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Actually the fact that these guys are so much like the Band is sort of funny in a way. They even look like them back in the day. I don't think they are intentionally copping the entire Band thing, but clearly some of it is intentional.

The Upstate NY connection, the hats, the coats, and the sound.

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good to hear Paul Burch's name. one of my secret gems of my record collection. I love Paul, quite classic i think. yes waiting for that Waco Bros. Burch record but doesnt seem to be coming out anytime soon plus the reissues of Paul's records on vinyl.

Strangely none of this seems to be happening for Paul....wonder what is going on?



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Great to see the love for the Felice Brothers. I agree that their sound can be a bit derivative, but I think they're still growing and coming into their own. Their live shows are raucous beer-soaked events, and the very definition of a good time. They are a band I'll be keeping my eye on in the next year or so; I have a feeling they're going to go big.

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Great to see the love for the Felice Brothers. I agree that their sound can be a bit derivative, but I think they're still growing and coming into their own. Their live shows are raucous beer-soaked events, and the very definition of a good time. They are a band I'll be keeping my eye on in the next year or so; I have a feeling they're going to go big.
who isn't somewhat derivitive these days....they certainly are a scrappy bunch of guys, just trying to make it on their own terms.


i was just on paulburch.com and it mentioned a new record with the WPA Ballclub this spring, so we'll see?!?!?!
That would be sweet....



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who isn't somewhat derivitive these days....they certainly are a scrappy bunch of guys, just trying to make it on their own terms.


True enough. When I first listened to them on MySpace I was bothered by how much Ian Felice sounds like Bob...but live, he's a completely different monster. Love those guys!


Louie, you're not John Boston, are you? If so, I met you at the Felice Brothers show at Frontgate during SXSW! Heh. Small world, either way...

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True enough. When I first listened to them on MySpace I was bothered by how much Ian Felice sounds like Bob...but live, he's a completely different monster. Love those guys!


Louie, you're not John Boston, are you? If so, I met you at the Felice Brothers show at Frontgate during SXSW! Heh. Small world, either way...

Uh no......LouieB is my actual name, actually....


But I do know John Boston very well and help him tape stuff; if you read the first post I think that is clear. Look for his (with my assistance) peice on GloNo in a few weeks. I wll post it up if this thread is still around. John was at SXSW, but I was not. Maybe next year.



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Ah, sorry - I got confused by this sentence:

We (John Boston and the Whiskey Bender crew) were able to do an interview...


Anyway, small world! John's a nice guy. Looking forward to reading your piece!

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Ah, sorry - I got confused by this sentence:

We (John Boston and the Whiskey Bender crew) were able to do an interview...


Anyway, small world! John's a nice guy. Looking forward to reading your piece!

Yea, I am part of John's Whiskey Bender crew...that's where the confusion is, as is the fact that it is John's piece that will be up on GloNo. Check out some of John's other work on GloNo. We (John and crew, but mostly John) has done some great stuff with other artists. And yes, John is a great and generous guy, giving alot of PR to groups basically for free. (Give GloNo some credit here too...) We talk alot about the state of the music industry and how tough it is for mid-level and new artists.


Just a strange story that I hope I can talk about.... When Gary Louris was in town recently promoting his new album and doing an under-attended show at the Metro, John tried to contact his management (well in advance of his show) to get an interview and maybe tape a few numbers and they simply didn't return his requests. This was just one of the stupidest things ever... Why not get any free publicity you can for Gary?? John is a big Jayhawks fan really wanted to sit down and talk to Gary and put it out there yet no one (Gary's people) couldn't figure out that this might be a good idea. Kind of stupid on their part wouldn't you say??


I would like to re-recommend Justin Earle's EP (since I do not have his full length CD yet) Yuma. The guy has some songwriting talent going to be sure. These are good old fashioned songs with real stories and characters behind them and actual tunes that you can sing along to. I have to say, I think this guy has a pretty bright future going for himself, not simply as an offspring of another major talent.



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Yea, I am part of John's Whiskey Bender crew...that's where the confusion is, as is the fact that it is John's piece that will be up on GloNo. Check out some of John's other work on GloNo. We (John and crew, but mostly John) has done some great stuff with other artists. And yes, John is a great and generous guy, giving alot of PR to groups basically for free. (Give GloNo some credit here too...) We talk alot about the state of the music industry and how tough it is for mid-level and new artists.


Just a strange story that I hope I can talk about.... When Gary Louris was in town recently promoting his new album and doing an under-attended show at the Metro, John tried to contact his management (well in advance of his show) to get an interview and maybe tape a few numbers and they simply didn't return his requests. This was just one of the stupidest things ever... Why not get any free publicity you can for Gary?? John is a big Jayhawks fan really wanted to sit down and talk to Gary and put it out there yet no one (Gary's people) couldn't figure out that this might be a good idea. Kind of stupid on their part wouldn't you say??


I would like to re-recommend Justin Earle's EP (since I do not have his full length CD yet) Yuma. The guy has some songwriting talent going to be sure. These are good old fashioned songs with real stories and characters behind them and actual tunes that you can sing along to. I have to say, I think this guy has a pretty bright future going for himself, not simply as an offspring of another major talent.




Yeah, I saw John at that Gary Louris show too! Funny. I'm really surprised to hear that they didn't want to grant an interview...seems like his management really dropped the ball on this tour.


I enjoyed Justin Earle's set as well; wasn't sure what to expect, and it seems like he's gone out of his way a bit to differentiate himself from his dad, but it was really good. There was one ballad in particular that was just lovely and heartbreaking.

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I finally bought Justin's regular album yesterday and it is good too, but somehow the stripped down sound of his EP is somewhat more appealing. I guess I need to listen to it a few more times....



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  • 1 month later...
Uh no......LouieB is my actual name, actually....


But I do know John Boston very well and help him tape stuff; if you read the first post I think that is clear. Look for his (with my assistance) peice on GloNo in a few weeks. I wll post it up if this thread is still around. John was at SXSW, but I was not. Maybe next year.




Felice Brothers: Glorious Noise Video


Louie B on camera action!

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