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Music that your spouse plays to death

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Case in (my) point, James Taylor. :punch


Now let's be fair. The guy is a decent musician, a very good singer, and a pretty good songwriter. Maybe the last point is debatable, but still. Millions of people have been comforted by his version of You've Got A Friend, and I can't take that away from them. However, Traffic Jam is an abomination that won't be forgiven. But, it's not like she's pummeling me with Streisand, or teh gay showtunes compilation. I really have no problem with JT - he's probably a very nice guy, doesn't beat his family members, isn't a Republican, and all the rest. The thing is when his music is playing, it's like I'm choking and can't get any air. Maybe I feel like I'm being sucked into another demographic -- the one where I'm twenty years older, downing bottles of Viagra and Prozac in between dry martinis, and need Taylor's soothing strings to complete my fantasy life. Where I care more about my RRIF investments and the scratches on my Lexus, than about the community food bank or some forgotten hippie dream I was supposed to adhere to.


Yeah, the dreaded boomers. Fuck that, we're both only 42. Give me death.

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Sweet blog man. :thumbup


I can't actually say my spouse plays anything to death around the house ( I have that covered :shifty ) but in the car there's always that damn 'alternative' station...she'll tell me "hey, they play Wilco"- but when? I love the band and all but suffering through piles of shit to get to it is NOT my idea of fun.

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I loathe getting into my truck after he's driven it by himself, because I inevitably get blasted with KSHE, the wretched classic rock station. Not that I have a problem with classic rock; some of it, I like. But I swear, every time this happens, they're playing "Panama" by Van Halen.

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I'll never forget fire and rain because a camp counselor (who could play) used to play that song for us in the night in a screened cabin with all the crickets and other night sounds, and it struck me then even though I knew nothing at the time about the history behind the song. Other than that, taylor doesn't do much for me. (But who woulda thought him for a junkie?)


My wife luckily doesn't play too many annoying tunes in front of me, though it may be out of fear of the tweedy obsession she has come to accept over the past 5 or so years.

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(But who woulda thought him for a junkie?)


I guess those were pretty strange times. He was Joni Mitchell's lover, and she was in love with both Taylor and Graham Nash at the time.


Much as I do admire some of these artists, the whole thing is a bit repulsive.

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I guess those were pretty strange times. He was Joni Mitchell's lover, and she was in love with both Taylor and Graham Nash at the time.


Much as I do admire some of these artists, the whole thing is a bit repulsive.


i don't think she was in love with either of them. she's spoken pretty candidly about how she suffered from a huge inability to love for a long time.


also, james taylor spent some time in a psychiatric hospital when he was pretty young (teenage years or 20s, i think). i believe he was treated for depression. it's the same hospital that susanna kaysen (author of girl, interrupted) went to.

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My old boyfriend claims that Fire And Rain was written for his cousin who spent time in the psychiatric hospital with James.

He also claims to have picked up Aimee Mann in a Lawrence bar during the cocaine years, and travelled with her and her 'Till Tuesday band to Colorado for a lost week.


The dude had some outrageous tales, but every one of them turned out to be true. :lol

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My old boyfriend claims that Fire And Rain was written for his cousin who spent time in the psychiatric hospital with James.


"..the single "Fire and Rain," a song about his experience in an asylum and the suicide of his friend, *Suzanne Schnerr. " (wikipedia)

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My old boyfriend claims that Fire And Rain was written for his cousin who spent time in the psychiatric hospital with James.

He also claims to have picked up Aimee Mann in a Lawrence bar during the cocaine years, and travelled with her and her 'Till Tuesday band to Colorado for a lost week.


The dude had some outrageous tales, but every one of them turned out to be true. :lol

Beeper King?

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My girlfriend loves Maroon 5 and Fall Out Boy.


I've managed to get her into Wilco. Immersing her into the live experience on our one-month celebration was the best way to do that.


We've basically agreed that I will not play Deerhoof or anything else she makes "the face" at as long as she won't play the two aforementioned vomit-inducing hit makers.

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My girlfriend loves Maroon 5 and Fall Out Boy.


I've managed to get her into Wilco. Immersing her into the live experience on our one-month celebration was the best way to do that.


We've basically agreed that I will not play Deerhoof or anything else she makes "the face" at as long as she won't play the two aforementioned vomit-inducing hit makers.

Does she make "the face" at Nels Cline music?

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My wife doesnt care a bit about music so I have complete access to the home and car stereo. She recently did bring home from the library the 2 soundtracks to the Bridget Jones movies, which caused some alarm on my part. She later determined the tunes on the discs to "suck", much to my relief.

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My girlfriend got me into 75% of the good music I listen to now. Not that my taste was ever bad ;)


and as much as I love her, this phase of Daft Punk and Ratatat is gonna kill me. Luckily she evens it out with Andrew Bird and Wilco.

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She was actually in the studio recording a single with Rush that week. :hmm


i listened to that song 5 times over the weekend.


my wife has been playing the new moby album a little too much for my liking...but in comparison to the 'cars' and 'madagascar' soundtracks the kids have to listen to when we eat, i can live with it.

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My problem is I get my wife into music I love -- then she plays the SHIT out of it with her one track mind. She has done this with the Stone's Let it Bleed', RHCP By the Way, numerous Wilco albums, etc. Right now its Mermaid II. 'Secrets of the Sea' USED to be my favorite 'inconsequential Wilco track'. Does it really have to go on repeat? :ohwell

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To the OP, James Taylor lives near me and I know several people who have been in his company. I can tell you that every single one of them thought he was a stuck up douchebag with a false sense of entitlement. So don't feel so bad.

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I love 'em, but if I hear Summerteeth one more time, I'm gonna scream.

And that used to be my favorite Wilco album.

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