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I was at my local Whole Foods and, much to my surprise, "Ball and Chain" came across the Muzak channel, loud and clear. Well, not too loud, of course, because that would bother the customers.


It was simultaneously wonderful and awful. But the best part of it was watching this 50-something Hinsdale woman (Hinsdale is a very wealthy, WASP-y community in the West Suburbs of Chicago) doing an absentminded little shuffle in front of the organic granola, and twirling her $300 sunglasses.


And this is after hearing "Blitzkreig Bop" over the Walgreens Muzak system a year or so ago.


Punk is the new Barry Manilow.

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"Ball & Chain" by They Might Be Giants?


Social Distortion.

(See topic subhead.)

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This kind of stuff doesn't surprise me anymore. Doesn't mean I don't cringe a bit every time it happens, tho. :unsure


My best guess is that somewhere in the world there is somebody a lot like me who is stuck working a job coming up with programming for Muzak...and at least that guy isn't me! :lol

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Bruce appeared on Ness' solo country album a few years back, so its not that unlikely of a combo.




Yeah...I just found that out... still pretty cool to witness that in person! One day I will see a random Springsteen cameo at a show at the Stone Pony :hmm

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so people who enjoy punk music don't shop for groceries?


Boy, you are really good at missing the point!


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Boy, you are really good at missing the point!



the point that it's somehow incredible to hear social distortion in a grocery store, especially their most mainstream hit that garnered signficant MTV and radio play? or is it the point that most grocery store 'customers' would be 'bothered' by having to listen to it?


'Punk is the new Barry Manilow.' Surrrrre it is.

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how is that mike ness disc anyway? always wanted to check it out but forget about it.

Pretty good. I haven't listened to it in quite a long time, but it has some good stuff on it. I particularly liked his versions of "Don't Think Twice, Its Alright" and "Long Black Veil". Everybody in the world has covered those songs, but I like the way he does them. There are a few good originals on there, too. Nothing earth-shattering, but its an interesting album.

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I have lots of cute little quirks like that.

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Because I'm better at real life than I am at board life.

I'm terrible at this stuff.


And yet... I insist on staying here.

It's got me... like some sort of Matrix or something!

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