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when you are done obsessing over Bob Dylan...

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I go through periods of listening to the Handsome Family. Recently I picked up an early album by them and one of their most recent efforts (Last Days of Wonder) and frankly these guys put out the most consistantly weird, tuneful, and original (in a fairly derivative way) music I know. All done on a Mac pretty much. They may not be to everyone's taste, but they are fun as hell to listen to.


The Handsome Family is my vote for a collaboration with Jeff Tweedy some day when he wants to duet with people.



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The Handsome Family is my vote for a collaboration with Jeff Tweedy some day when he wants to duet with people.


Agreed. Not everyone's thing, but a very underrated band.


Jeff did sing backup on a few songs on their Through The Trees record, I'm pretty sure. And of course, Jeff and Rennie collaborated on the great Golden Smog tune "All The Same To Me."

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Oh yeah! I love this band. I picked up "In the Air" years ago and fell in love with their twisted and often funny songs. I've since picked up 3 or 4 other records, each with their charms.

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Really odd is right. Some of the songs are downright disturbing. Often Chicago groups of the Bloodshot/Hideout variety cover their tunes. The imagery and the story lines can stick in the back of your mind and be upsetting when you think about them.


Yea Jeff sings with them and gets a thanks for loaning them equipment as I recall on that album. (Hey Paul...long time no see.)



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(Hey Paul...long time no see.)


It was just last month, Lou...Well, I guess that is long for me. :lol


What can I say? The damn economy is taking its toll on everything, I guess. But I'm planning to be in town for Pitchfork in a couple weeks. (OK, done hijacking the thread. Back to discussion about the awesomeness of the Handsome Family. :thumbup)

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Actually I was more refering to here.... :lol


Hey it is my thread let's hijack the fuck out of it. See you at Pitchfork I guess. I wish I could say I was totally looking forward to it, but it should be okay. Besides how many people are really going to log on here to talk about the Handsome Family?


As long as we are talking about the shitty ecomomy, it has to be taking its toll on traveling bands as well.




Yeah, the ridiculousness of gas prices must be keeping some bands off the road (or at least closer to home). It has to be having an effect when gas is almost $5 a gallon some places. Makes me glad I don't have a car right now.


And as for not being around here as much, I'm always around. Just can't keep up with your epic pace, Lou. :ninja (Nice primer on Chicago, btw.)

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I really like the Handsome Family. They used to open for Tweedy at Lounge Ax with some regularity. I've talked to Brett a few times and he's a great guy...good sense of humor.


Through the Trees is a great album. I need to dig these guys out again.

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