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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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First since the Sanchez no hitter?


Yep. How sad is that?


Nolasco's flirted with it 2 or 3 times this year. His numbers don't show it, but he's been one of the best pitchers in baseball for about a 2 month stretch.

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oh thank you! :lol you know, i'm not sure he ever recovered from crashing into toronto's new and lethal scoreboard in 2005.

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"Brian Anderson sees an angel massaging konerko's shoulders in the dugout. kenny williams pinch hits Konerko for quentin, and then the angel of shoeless joe comes down and stops the knuckle ball in mid air so paulie can take a huge hack at it. Konerko proceeds to hit a weak grounder to the third baseman, but shoeless joe (being invisible) grabs it and creates all sorts of confusion and strange misdirections so that paulie hits an inside the park homerun to win the game."

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"Brian Anderson sees an angel massaging konerko's shoulders in the dugout. kenny williams pinch hits Konerko for quentin, and then the angel of shoeless joe comes down and stops the knuckle ball in mid air so paulie can take a huge hack at it. Konerko proceeds to hit a weak grounder to the third baseman, but shoeless joe (being invisible) grabs it and creates all sorts of confusion and strange misdirections so that paulie hits an inside the park homerun to win the game."


Paging Darren Daulton.

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Yes. Vibes to Yaz.





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So I dug a little deeper because I've been ballwashing Ricky Nolasco for the past few weeks, and he's having the most unappreciated dominant season in the bigs.


Since June 1, he looks like this:



104 IP, 93 HA, 13HR, 99 K, 14 BB (11 unintentional), 1.02 WHIP, 3.2 ERA

Since June 1, Ricky's got the 6th most K's in all of baseball, and he's allowed fewer walks than everyone in the top 40 in K's.


Man, if he played anywhere but Florida he'd be, at the very least, a top 10 Cy Young candidate. He'd be in my top 5, probably.

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Not a good day to be a Red Sox fan. Ouch. There goes 'at least we won't have to face Halladay this series.'

yah: ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch !!!

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I suppose this is old news concerning Olympic baseball, but I told my dad that the US got bronze, and he basically said that they deserved it for running into the catchers in the US-China game. I got pissed and told him that A. that kind of thing is always a part of baseball, and B. the Chinese pitcher beaned Matt fuckin' LaPorte in the head (I mean, the dude was endangering a Cleveland Indian prospect, so what the fuck, man?), which is more unacceptable. Of course, he wasn't having any of it. I gave up, because he thinks China is awesome regardless of what they do, even beaning someone in the head.


In the meanwhile, apparently our away game vs. the Rangers is delayed. poop.

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