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Beware of who might sit next to you on the bus

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I think ya'll are being a bit hard on our Canadian friends, I'm sure they were all so distracted watching the Kids in the Hall or listening to the New Pornographers on their Ipods that they never even knew what was going on until it was too late.

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Note to self: Get a concealed weapons permit and pack heat next time I ride on a bus. Could have saved that poor dudes life.


Oh wait.. The incident was in Canada.



we Canadians generally don't carry around guns with us wherever we go. i've never actually seen a gun or held a gun in my life, and I hope i never do (except for in museums, etc.).
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He was being ironical - he hates America.


Well, If you were to try to stab an American, sir, the... how shall I say it? The aura of royalty would cause you to miss. But, a Canadian... I mean, why not stab a Canadian?


'look out world, here comes Kurt Vonnegut!!!'

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People who can't tolerate feelings of powerlessness like to pretend that they would have behaved like an action hero. It's pure fantasy. In a shocking, life-threatening situation like this, you don't think, you react (like an animal). That's how the brain works.


Criticizing the survivors of this tragedy (anonymously, on the Internet!) is hardly an act of bravery. :rolleyes

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People who can't tolerate feelings of powerlessness like to pretend that they would have behaved like an action hero. It's pure fantasy. In a shocking, life-threatening situation like this, you don't think, you react (like an animal). That's how the brain works.


Criticizing the survivors of this tragedy (anonymously, on the Internet!) is hardly an act of bravery. :rolleyes

Two very good points. People on Flight 97 had a little while to think about what they were going to do, weigh the possibilities and come up with a plan. There wasn't any time to do this in this case.

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I also think it's worth noting that once everyone else was safely off the bus (there were children on board, from what I understand), the driver, one of the passengers, and a trucker (who stopped to help) returned to try to assist the victim, but it was too late. If the poor guy was stabbed in the throat with a hunting knife while he was sleeping, it's likely that he was mortally wounded by the time people heard his screams. It's very sad, but I'm glad that the rest of the passengers survived to return home to their loved ones.


It's natural to feel angry and disgusted when you hear about something so horrible, but unfortunately some of that anger has been misdirected at the other victims of this crime. Although they're physically safe, some of the survivors may develop PTSD, etc. This isn't something that you'd walk away from unshaken and unchanged.

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I hesitate to bump this thread but... WTF! :realmad


Church members enter Canada, aiming to picket bus victim's funeral



pay no attetion to these maggots! Jail em!


I first met them @ a Matthew Shepherd tribute in college with his mom. They stormed the halls crying god hates faggots or something.The venue was full of Mathew Shepherd supporters that ignored them.Their "tour of hate" continues round this country at soliders funerals. They have about as much clout as Jesse Jackson.Wait, even less. My ma just cussed them out @ a funeral.Ignore them,They hate it!


They planned to picket Heath Ledger's memorial service with signs claiming the actor died and is in Hell because he played a gay character in

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The Criminal Code of Canada says a hate crime is committed to intimidate, harm or terrify not only a person, but an entire group of people to which the victim belongs. The victims are targeted for who they are, not because of anything they have done.


Hate crimes involve intimidation, harassment, physical force or threat of physical force against a person, a family or a property.


Sections 318 and 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada address hate crimes.


Section 319 deals with publicly stirring up or inciting hatred against an identifiable group based on colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation. It is illegal to communicate hatred in a public place by telephone, broadcast or through other audio or visual means. The same section protects people from being charged with a hate crime if their statements are truthful or the expression of a religious opinion.


It would be cool if they ended up in jail, though. "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."


Unfortunately, since their views are "the expression of a religious opinion," that probably lets them off the hook. :hmm

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It would be cool if they ended up in jail, though. "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."



I've yet to figure out why their shit ain't a hate crime.To see and feel them in person is the weirdest form of hate I have ever witnessed!I had goosebumps.Really scary..the kids that spout this hate.

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