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Everything You Thought Was Right Was Wrong Today is one of my favorite hidden gem albums. Slobberbone is no more, but their tales of depressing barroom haziness, dead-end employment, and the fleeting pleasures of restless small-town souls live on and make for a good listen. They certainly aren't novel themes for rock and roll, but there's a keen observer's eye to the stories that neither over-romanticizes nor talks down to the subjects of the songs. Slobberbone reminds me of good, unflinching blue-collar Southern Lit in that way- someone like Larry Brown.


And every version of me I tried so hard to retain

Gets swallowed and sweat out and pissed on down the drain

There's just no easy way to say

That everything you thought was right was wrong today

Move along, 'cause you can't stay


Any other fans?

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Great band. I have all of their cds. I actually used to play in a band with a guy who used to play in a band with a guy who went on to play with Slobberbone.

I saw them live at Antones once and they were sloppy awesome and very entertaining.

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Slobberbone was a great underappreciated band. 4 stellar albums (EYTWRWWT is probably their best) and (from what I've heard) a killer live show. Never got to see them but sure wish I did. They hung it up a couple years back after their bass player moved away. The remaining members reformed w/ a new bass player and a keys player as The Drams (who are also really good). Brent Best (Slobberbone/The Drams lead singer/songwriter) is one of the best song writers out there today, imho. The way he tells a story or turns a phase is remarkable. He also has produced the last couple Two Cow Garage albums.


If you write a band off just because they have a stupid name, well that's your loss.

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For some reason, Jubilee Dive completely flew under the radar. I almost wish they had just kept the name Slobberbone instead of changing everything up when the bass player moved. They have had to completely start over.


I remember asking Brent after a show this spring if they were working on any new material and he said they might have some stuff recorded in the summer, but I haven't really heard anything since.


If you haven't heard any Slobberbone/The Drams, you need to start at the beginning with Crow Pot Pie and go from there. They are all great albums.


Their final concert in Denton was unbelievable and one of the best concert-going experiences I've ever had. And it was actually Slobberbone that led me to see DBT for the first time at Stubb's in Austin.

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Is anyone taking book that VC's Brent Best is actually the manager of "Whiskey Glass Eye"? ;)

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Is anyone taking book that VC's Brent Best is actually the manager of "Whiskey Glass Eye"? ;)

I'm going to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and guess that it's really him.


(If so, welcome!)

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As Paul Harvey used to say, "Now we know the rest of the story". If that was you Brent, I was trying for a laugh, hence the wink. You make some kickass rock and roll.

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Hey! I just realized that I wasn't that far off!

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Wouldn't being in front of them make more sense?

Stooka's right. I don't think that they're that kind of group.

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