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A. "hey, there's room up front. I wanna go up there." In this case, your friend might have been wondering why you didn't join her. Get over it. Either go join her up front, or tell her you'd have more fun if you stick together and ask if she'd mind staying with you where you are. Or just enjoy the show from where you are, and let her stand where she likes. no big deal. A few rows away isn't much anyway. you can still gesture to each other when you want to share a moment of "oh my god that rocked."


B. "hey, some of my friends are up front. i'd like to go up there too." Again no big deal. why not join her and the rest of the group?


C. "My cooler friends are up front. See ya sucker!" In this case, this person is not really your friend and is engaging in Jr. High behavior. Calmly tell your "friend" that you'd rather go to the show with someone who enjoys your company. Then deal with the consequences if she is pissed and you are no longer "friends."


D. "I'm deliberately trying to ditch you because I was just using you for the ticket but I don't actually like you." See suggestion for C.


E. "I'm not clear on whether this is a date or not. I'm not comfortable with that. I need to create a little space." In this case, it's not so much about concert behavior as it is about the nature of your relationship, and . . . . well, that's another question entirely.


...is this the poll?

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So I'm in a pickle...


I have tickets for an upcoming Wilco show with a friend. But this friend recently ditched me at the last show we went to so that she could sit in the front row, making me sit alone a couple rows back. It ruined the concert for me. Do I return the favor and tell her I gave away her ticket to someone else...after the show has sold out?


Ditched you just to get "a couple rows" closer? That's pretty lame. Were you trying to converse with this person during the show? Or was she trying to converse with you and you told her to shut up?


I have and will continue to ditch people at shows if they try to talk to me the whole time the band is playing. I don't go see live music all that much anymore, and when I do go, the last thing I want to do is have a conversation or a running commentary spewed into my ear while the band is playing. I've never ditched someone at an assigned seating or advance ticket type of show, though.


Did this girl pay for the ticket last time? How about this time?

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