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Took the boy to see it today. We both really enjoyed it. It was really interesting to see Jack White in action. It may all be afectation...but the guy seems like a real throwback. He related to Page better than the Edge did.


A lot of fathers and their teenage sons in the theater. The circle will be unbroken...





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Took the boy to see it today. We both really enjoyed it. It was really interesting to see Jack White in action. It may all be afectation...but the guy seems like a real throwback. He related to Page better than the Edge did.


That doesn't surprise me at all, because Page and White essentially come from the same tradition, whereas the Edge comes from the opposite end of the spectrum, so to speak. That being said, I totally want to watch this.

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The coolest (well...one of them) comes right at the beginning.


Jack White makes a Diddley Bow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diddley_bow and he proceeds to nail on a pickup and lets it rip. Very cool.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, saw this last night and it might be in my top 5 movies of all time. I could have watched for another 8 hours. Seeing where U2 used to practice, where Zep IV was recorded, etc... I'm a sucker for that stuff. Watching Jack build that guitar in like 3 minutes. They all come at the guitar from such different angles but all have such obvious love for the instrument. It's funny, Stairway to Heaven is such a cliche for guitar but when you watch Jimmy play it in the context of this movie you realize what a great guitar song it is (and why it has become such a cliche). Early footage of all of them, wathcing them all play "In my time of dying". I couldn't sleep for hours after I got home. Amazing movie.

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