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How well traveled are viachicago members?

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I can remove Monaco!


Afghanistan (316)

Albania (97)

Algeria (76)

Angola (53)


Antigua and Barbuda (108)

Armenia (218)

Azerbaijan (127)

Bahrain (142)

Bangladesh (475)

Belarus (212)

Benin (23)

Bhutan (94)

Botswana (161)

Brunei (233)

Bulgaria (852)

Burkina Faso (47)

Burundi (36)

Cambodia (348)

Cameroon (67)

Cape Verde (30)

Central African Republic (24)

Comoros (29)

Congo (Brazzaville) (33)

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (75)

Costa Rica (1222)

Côte d'Ivoire (68)

Cuba (339)

Cyprus (867)

Djibouti (23)

Dominica (104)

Dominican Republic (561)

East Timor (Timor Timur) (41)

El Salvador (184)

Equatorial Guinea (30)

Eritrea (37)

Ethiopia (142)

Fiji (317)

Gabon (28)

Gambia, The (69)

Georgia (240)

Ghana (180)

Guinea (29)

Guinea-Bissau (13)

Guyana (90)

Haiti (102)

Iran (838)

Kazakhstan (144)

Kenya (477)

Kiribati (19)

Kuwait (258)

Kyrgyzstan (71)

Laos (112)

Lebanon (759)

Lesotho (24)

Libya (71)

Madagascar (90)

Malawi (96)

Maldives (151)

Mali (66)

Mauritania (71)

Mauritius (159)

Micronesia, Federated States of (94)

Moldova (91)

Mongolia (219)

Montenegro (26)

Mozambique (52)

Myanmar (Burma) (244)

Namibia (177)

Nauru (22)

Nepal (721)

Nicaragua (166)

Niger (46)

Nigeria (319)

Oman (125)

Pakistan (1769)

Palau (36)

Papua New Guinea (197)

Paraguay (78)

Qatar (130)

Republic of Macedonia (234)

Romania (1060)

Rwanda (59)

Saint Kitts and Nevis (57)

Saint Lucia (95)

Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (69)

Samoa (46)

San Marino (44)

Sao Tome and Principe (28)

Saudi Arabia (546)

Senegal (90)

Serbia (530)

Seychelles (158)

Sierra Leone (33)

Solomon Islands (60)

Somalia (86)

South Africa (6914)

Sri Lanka (793)

Sudan (222)

Suriname (45)

Swaziland (41)

Syria (358)

Tajikistan (46)

Tanzania (291)

Togo (50)

Tonga (93)

Trinidad and Tobago (274)

Tunisia (124)

Turkmenistan (45)

Tuvalu (27)

Uganda (175)

Ukraine (814)

United Arab Emirates (1051)

Uzbekistan (174)

Vanuatu (57)

Venezuela (760)

Western Sahara (11)

Yemen (113)

Zambia (97)

Zimbabwe (230)

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Removed Dominica and St Lucia



Afghanistan (316)

Albania (97)

Algeria (76)

Angola (53)


Antigua and Barbuda (108)

Armenia (218)

Azerbaijan (127)

Bahrain (142)

Bangladesh (475)

Belarus (212)

Benin (23)

Bhutan (94)

Botswana (161)

Brunei (233)

Bulgaria (852)

Burkina Faso (47)

Burundi (36)

Cambodia (348)

Cameroon (67)

Cape Verde (30)

Central African Republic (24)

Comoros (29)

Congo (Brazzaville) (33)

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (75)

Costa Rica (1222)

Côte d'Ivoire (68)

Cuba (339)

Cyprus (867)

Djibouti (23)


Dominican Republic (561)

East Timor (Timor Timur) (41)

El Salvador (184)

Equatorial Guinea (30)

Eritrea (37)

Ethiopia (142)

Fiji (317)

Gabon (28)

Gambia, The (69)

Georgia (240)

Ghana (180)

Guinea (29)

Guinea-Bissau (13)

Guyana (90)

Haiti (102)

Iran (838)

Kazakhstan (144)

Kenya (477)

Kiribati (19)

Kuwait (258)

Kyrgyzstan (71)

Laos (112)

Lebanon (759)

Lesotho (24)

Libya (71)

Madagascar (90)

Malawi (96)

Maldives (151)

Mali (66)

Mauritania (71)

Mauritius (159)

Micronesia, Federated States of (94)

Moldova (91)

Mongolia (219)

Montenegro (26)

Mozambique (52)

Myanmar (Burma) (244)

Namibia (177)

Nauru (22)

Nepal (721)

Nicaragua (166)

Niger (46)

Nigeria (319)

Oman (125)

Pakistan (1769)

Palau (36)

Papua New Guinea (197)

Paraguay (78)

Qatar (130)

Republic of Macedonia (234)

Romania (1060)

Rwanda (59)

Saint Kitts and Nevis (57)


Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (69)

Samoa (46)

San Marino (44)

Sao Tome and Principe (28)

Saudi Arabia (546)

Senegal (90)

Serbia (530)

Seychelles (158)

Sierra Leone (33)

Solomon Islands (60)

Somalia (86)

South Africa (6914)

Sri Lanka (793)

Sudan (222)

Suriname (45)

Swaziland (41)

Syria (358)

Tajikistan (46)

Tanzania (291)

Togo (50)

Tonga (93)

Trinidad and Tobago (274)

Tunisia (124)

Turkmenistan (45)

Tuvalu (27)

Uganda (175)

Ukraine (814)

United Arab Emirates (1051)

Uzbekistan (174)

Vanuatu (57)

Venezuela (760)

Western Sahara (11)

Yemen (113)

Zambia (97)

Zimbabwe (230)

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I took out Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda, Cyprus, Grendada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines


Afghanistan (316)

Albania (97)

Algeria (76)

Andorra (94)

Angola (53)



Armenia (218)

Azerbaijan (127)

Bahamas (1017)

Bahrain (142)

Bangladesh (475)

Belarus (212)

Benin (23)

Bhutan (94)

Bolivia (227)

Botswana (161)

Brunei (233)

Bulgaria (852)

Burkina Faso (47)

Burundi (36)

Cambodia (348)

Cameroon (67)

Cape Verde (30)

Central African Republic (24)

China (10909)

Colombia (570)

Comoros (29)

Congo (Brazzaville) (33)

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (75)

Costa Rica (1222)

Côte d'Ivoire (68)

Croatia (835)

Cuba (339)


Djibouti (23)


Dominican Republic (561)

East Timor (Timor Timur) (41)

Ecuador (576)

El Salvador (184)

Equatorial Guinea (30)

Eritrea (37)

Ethiopia (142)

Fiji (317)

Gabon (28)

Gambia, The (69)

Georgia (240)

Ghana (180)


Guinea (29)

Guinea-Bissau (13)

Guyana (90)

Haiti (102)

Indonesia (4915)

Iran (838)

Jamaica (584)

Kazakhstan (144)

Kenya (477)

Kiribati (19)

Korea, North (124)

Korea, South (4015)

Kuwait (258)

Kyrgyzstan (71)

Laos (112)

Lebanon (759)

Lesotho (24)


Libya (71)

Madagascar (90)

Malawi (96)

Malaysia (6928)

Maldives (151)

Mali (66)


Mauritania (71)

Mauritius (159)

Micronesia, Federated States of (94)

Moldova (91)


Mongolia (219)

Montenegro (26)

Mozambique (52)

Myanmar (Burma) (244)

Namibia (177)

Nauru (22)

Nepal (721)

Nicaragua (166)

Niger (46)

Nigeria (319)

Oman (125)

Pakistan (1769)

Palau (36)

Papua New Guinea (197)

Paraguay (78)

Qatar (130)

Republic of Macedonia (234)

Romania (1060)

Rwanda (59)




Samoa (46)

San Marino (44)

Sao Tome and Principe (28)

Saudi Arabia (546)

Senegal (90)

Serbia (530)

Seychelles (158)

Sierra Leone (33)

Singapore (10828)

Slovenia (568)

Solomon Islands (60)

Somalia (86)

South Africa (6914)

Sri Lanka (793)

Sudan (222)

Suriname (45)

Swaziland (41)

Syria (358)

Taiwan (4509)

Tajikistan (46)

Tanzania (291)

Thailand (6767)

Togo (50)

Tonga (93)


Tunisia (124)

Turkmenistan (45)

Tuvalu (27)

Uganda (175)

Ukraine (814)

United Arab Emirates (1051)

Uzbekistan (174)

Vanuatu (57)

Venezuela (760)

Vietnam (900)

Western Sahara (11)

Yemen (113)

Zambia (97)

Zimbabwe (230)

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I've only been to Italy: Southern Italy (Apulia).

It's my favorite place in the world; Lecce, in particular.

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I can remove Monaco!

I totally missed that one earlier... oops.

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I took out Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda, Cyprus, Grendada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines



I think you used an earlier list -- a lot of the countries that have been taken out are still on the list you posted.

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Here are the rules...if you have been to any countries still on the list of the person above you remove them in your reply....I have taken out the ones I have been to. There are currently 203 countries in the world (Don't mind the numbers after the countries name) I also added Antartica even though I guess it is not a country but I feel should be on the list.


PS..yes I know I am a dork. hmm.gif




You are not a dork, this is my kind of list, but the post removals in this need to be reconciled, and since you started the thread, I hearby nominate you.



I think I can take out China (what a good feeling, metaphorically speaking), Slovenia, and Costa Rica, but all the others probably have already been claimed.

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Afghanistan (316)

Albania (97)

Algeria (76)


Angola (53)


Antigua and Barbuda (108)

Armenia (218)

Azerbaijan (127)

Bahamas (1017)

Bahrain (142)

Bangladesh (475)

Belarus (212)

Benin (23)

Bhutan (94)

Bolivia (227)

Botswana (161)

Brunei (233)


Burkina Faso (47)

Burundi (36)

Cambodia (348)

Cameroon (67)

Cape Verde (30)

Central African Republic (24)


China (10909)

Colombia (570)

Comoros (29)

Congo (Brazzaville) (33)

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (75)

Costa Rica (1222)

Côte d'Ivoire (68)


Cuba (339)

Cyprus (867)

Djibouti (23)

Dominica (104)

Dominican Republic (561)

East Timor (Timor Timur) (41)

Ecuador (576)

El Salvador (184)

Equatorial Guinea (30)

Eritrea (37)

Ethiopia (142)


Gabon (28)

Gambia, The (69)

Georgia (240)

Ghana (180)


Grenada (113)

Guinea (29)

Guinea-Bissau (13)

Guyana (90)

Haiti (102)

Indonesia (4915)

Iran (838)

Jamaica (584)

Kazakhstan (144)

Kenya (477)

Kiribati (19)

Korea, North (124)

Korea, South (4015)

Kuwait (258)

Kyrgyzstan (71)

Laos (112)

Lebanon (759)

Lesotho (24)


Libya (71)

Madagascar (90)

Malawi (96)

Malaysia (6928)

Maldives (151)

Mali (66)


Mauritania (71)

Mauritius (159)

Micronesia, Federated States of (94)

Moldova (91)


Mongolia (219)

Montenegro (26)

Mozambique (52)

Myanmar (Burma) (244)

Namibia (177)

Nauru (22)


Nicaragua (166)

Niger (46)

Nigeria (319)

Oman (125)

Pakistan (1769)

Palau (36)

Papua New Guinea (197)

Paraguay (78)

Qatar (130)

Republic of Macedonia (234)


Rwanda (59)

Saint Kitts and Nevis (57)

Saint Lucia (95)

Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (69)

Samoa (46)

San Marino (44)

Sao Tome and Principe (28)

Saudi Arabia (546)

Senegal (90)


Seychelles (158)

Sierra Leone (33)


Slovenia (568)

Solomon Islands (60)

Somalia (86)

South Africa (6914)

Sri Lanka (793)

Sudan (222)

Suriname (45)

Swaziland (41)

Syria (358)

Taiwan (4509)

Tajikistan (46)

Tanzania (291)

Thailand (6767)

Togo (50)

Tonga (93)

Trinidad and Tobago (274)

Tunisia (124)

Turkmenistan (45)

Tuvalu (27)

Uganda (175)

Ukraine (814)

United Arab Emirates (1051)

Uzbekistan (174)

Vanuatu (57)

Venezuela (760)

Vietnam (900)

Western Sahara (11)

Yemen (113)

Zambia (97)

Zimbabwe (230)



Right, of what was left I eliminated Greece, Malta, Chad and Liberia. The last two were only 24-48 hour stops on a Naval ship but I set foot there so it counts.


Not sure if this was the latest list (I seem to remember a couple of these being mentioned already) but have trimmed out;


Andorra, Bulgaria, Croatia, Fiji, Monaco, Nepal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore

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Here are the rules...if you have been to any countries still on the list of the person above you remove them in your reply....I have taken out the ones I have been to. There are currently 203 countries in the world (Don't mind the numbers after the countries name) I also added Antartica even though I guess it is not a country but I feel should be on the list.


PS..yes I know I am a dork. hmm.gif


Also on a side note I have been on the borders with Guatemala, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia (within 10 miles), Jordan but never made it in.





OK Do over! Great concept, but now I've read the whole thread, and it's not even remotely working. It would be cool if it was set up as a poll to tally the countries viachicagoans have been to. Clearly from reviewing the thread, we have many well travelled members.


Not that I'm volunteering to set it upohmy.gif

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OK Do over! Great concept, but now I've read the whole thread, and it's not even remotely working. It would be cool if it was set up as a poll to tally the countries viachicagoans have been to. Clearly from reviewing the thread, we have many well travelled members.


Not that I'm volunteering to set it upohmy.gif


Who can set this up? I am technically challenged! :unsure

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