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Jessica Lea Mayfield

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any of you ever heard of her? she's only 21 apparently but these two albums would seem to belie that fact. i've recently come across her and on a whim bought her most recent album, "tell me," that she released last week. after three solid days in heavy rotation, i had to go get her first release "with blasphemy so heartfelt."


check her out.

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I also saw her open for JTE in Chicago. As described she is very pleasant and sounds remarkably like Neko Case, but performs without her clever between song banter. I have nothing bad to say about her, but I also found her remarkably neutral in most ways. She is good in the same way many other female vocalists are good, singing mid tempo songs about relationships and such. Her band was good, but also not that exciting. I have not heard her records. I doubt I will either.


I thought the Chicago audience was somewhat rude to her, but then I think lots and lots of loud talking during opening acts is rude. Call me old fashioned. Then again maybe nothing she was doing was really getting people's attention. Some of the audience was mildly interested in her, while the rest were talking to their friends or getting hammered in anticipation fo seeing Justin.



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"Our Hearts Are Wrong" is a song I like a great deal.

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just saw her open for JTE on Monday, lovely set.


would have liked a bit more variety in her set tempo wise, but still really gorgeous stuff. her guitarist is pretty hot shit too.

Yep. Found her live set to be lackluster and kinda boring, but the songs were nice. Her guitarist reminded me of Nels a little bit - enough to be interesting, but not enough to annoy me.

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She opened for the Avett Brothers in D.C. on Friday. Unfortunately I only caught her last song, but I really liked it. I'll have to check out more of her stuff.

Hey, we were at that show!


And I found her to be incredibly dull and lackluster. I liked her songs well enough, but aside from her awesome shoes, there was nothing remarkable or energetic or even personable about her. :(

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She was suppose to open for The Avett Brothers for their show last Sunday but she apparently went on Letterman monday. She sent her brother David Mayfield. Weird guy. Little too country for my taste but he had some.... character.

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