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Amazon Launches Cloud Player

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Surprisingly, Amazon has launched a new cloud player (with the exception of LaLa, RIP) before Apple or Google, both of which have programs in the works. I've yet to use it or try it out, but it looks like there are a few options on how it can be used. Has anyone else looked deeper into this?



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havent there already been cloud lockers for music? i really miss lala. i bet that really cut down on downloading.


LaLa was great. Apple gobbled it up and at the same time said they were working on a cloud of their own. News of Google's just came into the picture recently. I haven't heard of any others right now, but news of Amazon's launching seemed like it'd be something people would be discussing around here...

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LaLa was great. Apple gobbled it up and at the same time said they were working on a cloud of their own. News of Google's just came into the picture recently. I haven't heard of any others right now, but news of Amazon's launching seemed like it'd be something people would be discussing around here...


I'm anxious to try it, I'm just not sure how much I would use it. For one, I worry about draining my phone battery (I don't mind carrying a phone and an iPod). I also rotate the music I listen to so frequently, that unless the storage space was significant, it would be too much of a pain to be constantly deleting and uploading music.


I read that Google is beta-testing something with their employees. And Apple, of course, is building their server home and reportedly working on cloud-based applications.


Amazon also released this without clearing licensing rights with the labels. I'm not sure why you would need rights for people to upload the music they own in order to listen to wherever they are, but I'm sure the worry is some manner of piracy that could result from this.

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I'm anxious to try it, I'm just not sure how much I would use it. For one, I worry about draining my phone battery (I don't mind carrying a phone and an iPod). I also rotate the music I listen to so frequently, that unless the storage space was significant, it would be too much of a pain to be constantly deleting and uploading music.


I read that Google is beta-testing something with their employees. And Apple, of course, is building their server home and reportedly working on cloud-based applications.


Amazon also released this without clearing licensing rights with the labels. I'm not sure why you would need rights for people to upload the music they own in order to listen to wherever they are, but I'm sure the worry is some manner of piracy that could result from this.


I read that about Google too. I'm really curious to see what comes next. I really liked the idea of the cloud and used LaLa frequently while it was still active; it was great to not have to worry about storing everything on an external hard drive. Being able to access my full library from anywhere -- a computer, phone, etc. is awfully convenient. But I'm with you on the phone, actually. My battery sucks as is, so I can only imagine how quickly it'd get zapped if I was using it to play music too...

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i liked lala b/c i could go online and really research an album or artist before buying. i could listen to the whole damn album! so great. all this digital business is such a mess. some stuff is on the cloud, some stuff isn't, some stuff is only on itunes, some stuff isn't, some stuff used to only be available on cd, now it's out of print. what a nightmare. it seems like we had finally gotten lots smaller bands from the last 40 years out on CD only for the CD to die(?) and be out of print. i for one can't handle subscriptions or streaming. too many choices is overwhelming for me.

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... all this digital business is such a mess. some stuff is on the cloud, some stuff isn't, some stuff is only on itunes, some stuff isn't, some stuff used to only be available on cd, now it's out of print. what a nightmare. it seems like we had finally gotten lots smaller bands from the last 40 years out on CD only for the CD to die(?) and be out of print. i for one can't handle subscriptions or streaming. too many choices is overwhelming for me.

I feel the same way. I love the iTunes/iPod model, but even that is hardly a solution for me, as I now have well over three hundred gigs of music, and can't store it all on any one device. For that reason alone, the cloud player offers nothing to me....

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I feel the same way. I love the iTunes/iPod model, but even that is hardly a solution for me, as I now have well over three hundred gigs of music, and can't store it all on any one device. For that reason alone, the cloud player offers nothing to me....


Once there's a cloud that offers unlimited storage/uploads at a "reasonable" rate, you'll be set. I can't imagine it's too far off.

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i love Rdio


I'm going to give this a try. The Rhapsody app has been really frustrating to me. Do you use Rdio mainly on your PC or do you also use the iPhone/Android apps?


A quick look at Rdio's site showed a selection as good, if not better, than Rhapsody's. So I am intrigued.

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I'm going to give this a try. The Rhapsody app has been really frustrating to me. Do you use Rdio mainly on your PC or do you also use the iPhone/Android apps?


A quick look at Rdio's site showed a selection as good, if not better, than Rhapsody's. So I am intrigued.


i use rdio on my work pc, imac at home & my EVO phone. it's fantastic. i've found maybe 10 albums they don't have (mainly canadian stuff. luke doucet/kathleen edwards)

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I'm going to give this a try. The Rhapsody app has been really frustrating to me. Do you use Rdio mainly on your PC or do you also use the iPhone/Android apps?


A quick look at Rdio's site showed a selection as good, if not better, than Rhapsody's. So I am intrigued.


i use the Desktop Mac app and iPhone both yeah. you can sync files for offline play on the iPhone app too.


it's selection has improved drastically over the last 2 months. it was a bit scarce last fall. but they keep adding a TON every Tuesday and have a running list of what labels aren't on it yet and are actively working with them.

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i use the Desktop Mac app and iPhone both yeah. you can sync files for offline play on the iPhone app too.


it's selection has improved drastically over the last 2 months. it was a bit scarce last fall. but they keep adding a TON every Tuesday and have a running list of what labels aren't on it yet and are actively working with them.


I only looked at the new releases for this past Tuesday and noticed a couple of albums there that I couldn't find on Rhapsody. I get the most use out of the offline play feature, which is the source of my frustration with the Rhapsody app. I'm anxious to see how Rdio's compares.

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I only looked at the new releases for this past Tuesday and noticed a couple of albums there that I couldn't find on Rhapsody. I get the most use out of the offline play feature, which is the source of my frustration with the Rhapsody app. I'm anxious to see how Rdio's compares.


one issue i've had with offline playing (and it might just be on android?):

if i have rdio set to offline mode & i reboot or close the app, when i try to listen to songs synced for offline, nothing comes up. can't figure out why.

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If anyone is interested in streaming music to their iphone or android phone I'd suggest Audiogalaxy. It's free, and runs an agent on your home computer and streams to your cell whenever you want.


Now THAT sounds cool. Especially since you don't have to have one of those i-droids or smart telophones to use it... Nice!

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Now THAT sounds cool. Especially since you don't have to have one of those i-droids or smart telophones to use it... Nice!


Well I think it's mainly designed for use with smart phones, but there's a web page you can log into your account with and stream your music at any computer as well.

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Just grabbed Audiogalaxy and it rocks. One major peeve though....what is up with how it tracks/lists the songs?? I have all my stuff tagged correctly but the tool shows them all in weird order. Kinda blows it for me unless you just wanted to shuffle.

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Just grabbed Audiogalaxy and it rocks. One major peeve though....what is up with how it tracks/lists the songs?? I have all my stuff tagged correctly but the tool shows them all in weird order. Kinda blows it for me unless you just wanted to shuffle.


I didn't have any tagging issues with mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to give this a try. The Rhapsody app has been really frustrating to me. Do you use Rdio mainly on your PC or do you also use the iPhone/Android apps?


A quick look at Rdio's site showed a selection as good, if not better, than Rhapsody's. So I am intrigued.


I actually decided to try MOG, and I absolutely love it. Better selection than Rhapsody, MUCH better sound quality than Rhapsody, and the app works wonderfully.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been using the Amazon Cloud Player at work for a month of so. I periodically upload a few albums while I'm surfing the internet at home, then I'm ready to go the next day at work. I don't know that I'd pay for the service, but I received the 20 GB of storage after buying an MP3 album, so why not use it? I like the fact that I don't have to remember to take my iPod to work everyday now.


Right now I'm trying out a free trial for MOG. I wasn't all that interested until I saw that I can use MOG on my Roku Box (http://www.roku.com/), which means I can listen to the music through my stereo rather than my cheesy laptop speakers. It should work out nice for work as well, and the price is reasonable.


I'm sampling the new Buddy Holly tribute right now. :music

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