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Jim Marshall (Marshall amps) RIP

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Apparently, this one went to 88. Still, divisible by 11.


Rest in peace, Jim. Thanks for The Sound.

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I'm more of a Fender/Vox guy but I can't deny the massive influence his amps have had over the past 50 some odd years. A true legend.

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I can't be the only one today who's got these lyrics running through my head: "There's a guitar leaning on a Marshall stack. . . "


There was a nice piece on Jim Marshall on the BBC news hour today. I hadn't realized he was British.

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When I moved into my freshman dorm, a dude had a massive Marshall stack along the wall of his tiny dorm room, with a Gibson Flying-V always leaning up against it.

He dropped out before years end - but it was fun as hell playing his gear. They only time I played through a Marshall.

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One of the four horsemen of Rock and Roll: Seth Lover, Leo Fender, Les Paul and Jim Marshall.

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