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I searched to see if there was already a thread, but pulled up zero results, so here we are...


I can't get enough of their harmonies. Their voices (they're sisters) mesh so well it's eerie.


Their latest album came out last week. It's good. I have all of their albums, and I'm a big fan. 


Here's a clip of them performing a Patti Smith song, for Patti. Looks like she gets a bit choked up towards the end of the performance.


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Been listening the new album "Ruins" a lot of late. Agree with OP....the sisters' harmonies sound so damn good. The song "Fireworks" is classic, and "Nothing Has To Be True" is a powerful way to close out an album


Seek out the recent KCRW session. They do a cover of Heart's "Crazy On You" that might be better than the original. At least as good.

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