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A Shot in the Arm-Post your vaccination pic

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Yeah things are moving really quickly now which is great. 

I got the Pfizer, so yeah maybe I can get my sick day next go around haha 😅

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19 hours ago, TCP said:

Shot one acquired last night! I was hoping for flu-like symptoms so I could take a guilt free day off work but no such luck. Arm is sore as heck though. I'm surprised you folks were able to get pictures of your shots, they were very strict about no photos in the shot area, probably since a medical area and there's privacy issues. It's ok though, I'm just happy to have my shot. My whole family has at least their first shot now except my wife but she gets hers on Wednesday.

Glad you were able to get started on vaccination. I have been worried about some friends in Canada. I was shocked when I learned that there was so much trouble with vaccinations in Canada. The government up there seems to usually have their act together.

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On 5/8/2021 at 5:04 AM, chuckrh said:

Glad you were able to get started on vaccination. I have been worried about some friends in Canada. I was shocked when I learned that there was so much trouble with vaccinations in Canada. The government up there seems to usually have their act together.


It's not so much our current government's fault. At one point in the 20th century Canada was a world leader in manufacturing vaccines but a conservative government in the 80s ended that. It's usually not an issue but unfortunately SOME countries *coughcoughcough* have been hoarding COVID vaccines and only recently started sharing them. So we were limited on the countries we could receive from. I believe the plan is to become vaccine independent again, though of course that will take a few years. But now that we do have vaccine doses coming in at a good rate, the distribution seems to be going smoothly. Apparently in the older age groups the vaccine acceptance is as high at 90% so I suspect we won't run into too much vaccine hesitancy... fingers crossed.

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