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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Harry Nilsson is someone I've always wanted to hear and just never made the point to buy anything. Perhaps he'll go on my Christmas wish list. I was late to Big Star and Chris Bell and was amazed how great they were. Big Star's first 2 records are great and easy to like. But their third, "Sister Lovers", really got me. It's one of my favorite all-time records. Same goes for Chirs Bell's "I Am the Cosmos".....holy smokes is that great.
  2. Wall-E is out today on DVD. For me, definitely one the best movies of 2008...a great love story. It comes with a new 7-minute animated short called "Burn-E". (Burn-E is the robot that got locked out of the spaceship.) I'm curious what others think of the new short....I think it's quite hysterical.
  3. From Camille Paglia: Given that Obama had served on a Chicago board with Ayers and approved funding of a leftist educational project sponsored by Ayers, one might think that the unrepentant Ayers-Dohrn couple might be of some interest to the national media. But no, reporters have been too busy playing mini-badminton with every random spitball about Sarah Palin, who has been subjected to an atrocious and at times delusional level of defamation merely because she has the temerity to hold pro-life views. How dare Palin not embrace abortion as the ultimate civilized ideal of modern culture? Ho
  4. Different strokes, I guess. It scares me that Obama can draw such huge masses....much larger than Palin's.
  5. I totally agree. Biden is as unstable and nutty as they come.
  6. I agree with you. Which emphasizes my point that just because Obama won, doesn't mean he was the best candidate. (I'd say the same thing about Bush in 2004.....Rove won that race more than Bush did.)
  7. I don't get the reason for this guy writing the article. Guess what? America voted, and McCain/Palin lost. Maybe America agreed with Sullivan that she wasn't fit for VP. I can't help but wonder if the reason so many Democrats seem consumed with Palin is that they're afraid of her. They know she's not the dolt portrayed by Tina Fey. They see the crowds that show up when she speaks. They worry she'll be on the ticket in 2012, so take any chance they can to write her off.
  8. Har-dee-har-har. I've posted on this board that I DO think it's cool America finally got a non white guy in office. I love this Morrissey line: In America, The land of the free, they said, And of opportunity, In a just and a truthful way But where the president, Is never black, female or gay, And until that day You've got nothing to say to me, To help me believe I think America will be taken more seriously by many world-wide, which most would think is a good thing. I'm really not trying to be sour grapes. But I seriously believe that any Democrat with a pulse, communication
  9. Economy - takes historic drop. War - most people hate it and want us out. Bush's approval rating - 25 percent. TV personalities ripped Bush a new a-hole every night. SNL couldn't have been more lopsided. The Oprah factor. Congress approval rating - about 15 percent. Blacks voted 95 percent for Obama. Republican votes were down 2 percent this election. Democrat vote was up 3 percent. McCain pissed off many Conservatives....many decided to stay home on election day. Hispanics...who voted 44-44 last election, voted about 62-32 against McCain...despite McCain being much on their side. White guilt
  10. Yes. I am quite aware of that. But this country is basically split down the middle, and getting 95 percent of a 13 percent demographic is HUGE. Not to mention probably at least 1 or 2 percent of white people who understandably feel it's time that America is led by a man of color.
  11. I take it those images are the real deal? That's pretty incredible. I find it intersting that, although many thought that no way would a black man be elected President, that Obama did get elected....in large part BECAUSE of the color of his skin. Yes, the fact that Bush had a 25 percent approval rating and that the economy took a nose-dive were gigantic factors, but getting 95 percent of the African-American vote plus a huge number of white guilt votes was maybe equal factors in Obama's "overwhelming" win.
  12. Couple things: - South Park was pretty funny last week. It equally poked fun of supporters of each candidate. http://www.southparkstudios.com/ - Pitchfork just put up a story about various songs written by various artists in celebration of Obama's victory. For example, Brother Ali has a song called, "Mr. President, You're The Man." And the Dead Milkmen added new lyrics to an old song. A sampling of lyrics, "If the black guy with the Arab name can become president, there's nothing you motherfuckers can't do." (Wow, it must have taken the Milkmen at least 4 seconds to write that.) Wh
  13. If all that happened, it wouldn't be all that bad of a thing. The more extreme the chaos, the better chance of a playoff system someday.
  14. The best title game would obviously be Texas Tech v. Alabama. But if Alabama loses, a Texas Tech v. USC game would be good too. I'd love to see Pete Caroll get whalloped, and Tech has the potential to do that. I'm hoping for a KU win over Texas Saturday, but KU has almost no chance. The Jayhawks D is so lame right now. Texas 45 Kansas 30.
  15. Anybody have or familiar with this 1986 record? Many would probably be familiar with the title song. "Swallowed by the Cracks" also got radio play, I think. One of my favorite all-time discs. Very solid all the way through. Great rock textures and sounds and lyrics touching on the darker sides of life. Only the last song, "Heroes", is positive. I think the disc holds up still. It's the first and only record by this duo, David Baerwald and David Ricketts. Baerwald supposedly has recorded some good things since then, though I haven't heard anything myself.
  16. It makes no difference to me who's #1 right now. BUT.... if Texas Tech wins AT Oklahoma in 2 weeks (since Stoops has starting coaching Oklahoma, he has lost only ONE home conference game!), Texas Tech better be #1. In fact, if they're not unanmous at that point, it'd be unfair. It will all shake down. Florida and Alabama will likely square off in the SEC Championship, with the winner playing in the national title game. It will be a crime if the Big 12 isn't represented in the national title game, but it's possible. Imagine if Texas Tech loses to Oklahoma. Then Oklahoma loses to O
  17. Newest "Up" trailer: http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/up/
  18. You're joking, right? If you watch the trailer, it's obvious that Eastwood's character has a change with how he thinks of others. Looks like it could be quite powerful.
  19. Interesting (paraphrased) quotes from Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas of Newsweek on Charlie Rose, talking about Obama: "He's very elusive." "Obama came out with his family and kids. And then they went back off stage. Have you ever seen a victory speech by a President with noone but the candidate. All by himself." "There's a slightly creep cult of personality. He's so singular...he's a deeply manipulative guy....manages his own spectacle." "He stands back and soaks in the moment. He watches us watching him." "He's self-aware enough to know that this creature he's designed isn't a real
  20. I agree with those. But I'd include Dirty Hairy. His character in Gran Torino looks to have a little Dirty Hairy in him.
  21. Didn't see Million Dollar Baby. Mystic River is amazing.
  22. (To be out in late December or January) http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/grantorino/ His character from "Gran Torino" is Walt Kowalski, a racist Korean War veteran whose prized possession is a classic car that catches the eye of local gangs in his Detroit neighborhood. One of the troubled kids who covets the vehicle is from a family of Hmong immigrant neighbors, whom Kowalski has long resented. Eastwood is still finishing the movie, but it already is regarded as a stealth Oscar contender given his track record of "Mystic River," "Million Dollar Baby" and "Letters From Iwo Jima." The
  23. 96% is a freakish number. I guarantee a LARGE percentage of those blacks voted for Obama only because of his skin color. If McCain was an old, moderate, war-hero in the Senate who happened to be African-Amercian, and Obama was a 44 year old liberal Senator with white skin, McCain would be getting ready for his inauguration.
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