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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Jon Stewart to Sarah Palin: '[Expletive] You.' Speaking to a college audience in Boston, Mass. Friday, "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart used his stand-up routine to respond to Sarah Palin's comments about "pro-America" parts of the country, shedding the profanity restrictions that govern his Comedy Central show. "She said that small towns, that's the part of the country she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: [expletive] you," Stewart said to raucous applause.
  2. Limbaugh: Where are the inexperienced, white liberals Powell has endorsed? Rush Limbaugh said Colin Powell's decision to get behind Barack Obama appeared to be very much tied to Obama's status as the first African-American with a chance to become president. "Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. "OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with." As for Powell's statement of concern this morning about the s
  3. Pat Buchanan: As Americans render what Catholics call temporal judgment on George Bush, are they aware of the radical course correction they are about to make? This center-right country is about to vastly strengthen a liberal Congress whose approval rating is 10 percent and implant in Washington a regime further to the left than any in U.S. history. Consider. As of today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco Democrat, anticipates gains of 15-30 seats. Sen. Harry Reid, whose partisanship grates even on many in his own party, may see his caucus expand to a filibuster-proof majority
  4. Karl Rove (from the Wall Street Journal): In the campaign's final two weeks, voters will take a last serious look at both presidential candidates. The outcome of the race isn't cast in stone yet. Barack Obama holds a 7.3% lead in the Real Clear Politics average of all polls, but the latest Gallup tracking poll reveals that there are nearly twice as many undecided voters this year than there were in the last presidential election. The Investor's Business Daily/TIPP poll (which was closest to the mark in predicting the 2004 outcome -- 0.4% off the actual result) now says this is a three-po
  5. I just purchased Tumbleweed Connection and think it's quite great. It might be my pick for best Elton John album. "Come Down in Time" might might contest for the most beautiful, perfect song of all-time. John has some amazing tunes in the early 70's.....Someone Save My Life Tonight, Your Song, Sixty Years On, Daniel, Where to now St. Peter, Madman Across the Water, I Need You to Turn To, Yellow Brick Road....I could on for awhile.
  6. Pieholden is amazing....that's why I listed it #1 on my all-time Wilco list (the version on the IATTBYH dvd is awesome.)
  7. Obama/McCain Liberals/Conservatives US/World Athiests/Christians..... Whether or not there is any type of god I
  8. Thanks for the article. I wish Wayne would spend more time making awesome music, but I'm guessing all his extra-curricular creative activities help contribute to the wonderful ideas that the Lips have created over the years.
  9. I agree. Missouri has the easiest schedule of any of the Big 12 contenders....by far. MU doesn't have to play Oklahoma OR Texas Tech...both are teams that could give Missouri a good test. Meanwhile, Texas and Oklahoma have to play each other, and Texas Tech and Ok. State....AND Kansas, which will compete with anyone (thanks to Todd Reesing). If Missouri beats Oklahoma State like 55-10, then Texas might be in trouble. But if Oklahoma State scores 35-plus, that should give hope that Missouri is beatable....especially playing at Texas. I'm hoping Texas wins tomorrow to get conficence and moment
  10. You think Colt McCoy and Texas score 40 points against Missouri? I think they'll need at least that many.
  11. I'm kinda late jumping in on this thread, but Missouri might be the best team in the country. They cannot and will not be stopped offensively. PAINS me to say that as a Kansas guy. I think I'd bet a month's-worth of pay that the BCS Championship will have a Big 12 team....Missouri, Oklahoma or Texas. This will be decided in the next 8 days. OU plays Texas tomorrow. MU plays Texas next week.
  12. Only 3 Wilco songs I'd say I "can't stand to listen to": Shake It Off We're Just Friends Walken Another 6 that I'd say I "don't like": We're Just Friends Nothingsevergonnastandinmyawayagain Blue Eyed Soul Radio Cure ELT My Darling Pieholden Suite, Dash 7, Lonely One, In A Future Age, Hotel Arizona, Misunderstood? Ugghh! That's a kick in the tacos! I'd probably put ALL those songs in my top 20.
  13. In honor of all the Obama freaks on this board, a song... (To the tune of Golden Smog's "Jennifer Save Me") OBAMA SAVE ME Obama save me (Ooo-ooo-ooo-woo-ooo) Obama save me (Ooo-ooo-ooo-woo-ooo) McCain and Palin's faces look at me as if to say: "We're senile, dumbass mavericks. We will torture pagans, blacks and gays" I wanna hug Barack. I dig the way he talks! And if he leads today, we'll all smile tomorrow And if he leads today, we'll dance tomorrow He'll tax big, evil business The poor of us will never be fleeced We'll have great jobs, fancy houses We'll all live in ever-afte
  14. Your tongue's in cheek, right? McCain is likened to Hitler?......c'mon now.
  15. Aren't all you Obama supporters SO proud to have someone as classy as Madonna on your side? From gigwise.com:
  16. Yeah, Caliendo is pretty funny as an imperonator. Fey is a great writer, nothing more. What do you mean by, "I knew you'd like him"? Are you saying that like I'm a dumbshit with poor taste in humor? I agree with YOU that Mad TV bites the big one. But he was maybe the lone shining moment. I saw Jim Gaffigan recently, and he was HILARIOUS. A great stand-up act. (This is where you click "reply" and tell me how much Gaffigan sucks and that anyone who likes Jim Gaffigan is a boob.)
  17. 1. Pieholden Suite Rehearsal - IATTBYH movie soundtrack 2. At Least That's What You Said - A Ghost is Born 3. Hummingbird - Wilco Book 4. Lonely One - Being There 5. Dash 7 - A.M. Honorable Mention: Diamond Claw (Wilco Book), Panthers (best version is Tweedy acoustic, back when he introduced the song), Another Man's Done Gone (Mermaid Ave. 1), Blood of the Lamb (Mermaid Ave. 2).
  18. I think the guy's pretty talented. Not his fault that stations show endless commercials with him. I love his Jim Rome impersonation.
  19. I'm not saying this a huge deal, but the Wall Street Journal has this nugget about something Joe Biden referred to in the debate....if Palin had been caught in such a lie or mis-statement, it would have been mocked relentlessly by people on this board and on SNL, among other places: "Closer to home, the Delaware blarney stone also invited Americans to join him at "Katie's restaurant" in Wilmington to witness middle-class struggles. Just one problem: Katie's closed in the 1980s. The mistake is more than a memory lapse because it exposes how phony is Mr. Biden's attempt to pose for this
  20. I'm glad YOU brought this up. It WAS tasteless and is one of the reasons I sense a little mean-ness in Palin's impersonation as opposed to Biden's or Bill Clinton's or W. Bush....who are just eccentric, casanova-like or goofy dumb. But all of this is pretty silly arguing about. Humor is subjective and we all have our reasons for finding something funny. To me, I can see Fey TRYING to be funny. There's no illusion for me. She's obviously a phenomenal writer, but for me, she's not talented enough to pull off an impersonation. Same goes for Armisen as Obama. Same goes when Will Forte trie
  21. I'm not gonna argue. That's fine. Palin deserves a little ridicule after the Couric interview. While I thought the Biden satire was a bit soft, I DO think Sudeikis was funny as Joe Biden. Politics aside, I still don't find Fey to be funny. She works as Palin because she looks so much like her. Then, she talks like a ditzy moron, and liberals have orgasms over how funny it is. OK. Whatever floats your all's boat.
  22. Best show so far....though that's not saying a whole lot. The talking to animals was pretty funny, I agree. The Biden/Palin skit wasn't terrible. Jason Sudeikis is at least funny as Biden. The digs at Biden (ripping Scranton and saying how much he likes McCain, only to rip him later) were comical, but very soft jabs. As usual, Palin is portrayed as a loon without a brain. I liked Will Forte on the news, singing the song about how everyone voted....very funny. Sadly, that was the ONLY highlight of the news...the news update is getting weaker by the week. The Mary Poppins skit is the typ
  23. Barack Obama, the candidate of Change: (Obama walks in the door of his home after a day at the office....greeted by his two girls) GIRLS: Hi Daddy! Wanna go shoot baskets with us outside? OBAMA: Shoot baskets? Didn't we do that yesterday? And the day before that? I'm getting tired of that. GIRLS: Okay. How about we play Scrabble? OBAMA: Scrabble?! We've been playing that same old crappy game for years now. That game is asinine. GIRLS: Um....okay, Daddy. What do you wanna do? OBAMA: I don't know. I need to go change. GIRLS: Ok. (Obama leaves) MICHELLE: Girls...Barack...dinne
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