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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. If I had to name an American Radiohead, I'd say the Flaming Lips. Like Wilco, the Lips aim more for the heart, but they seem more experimental than Wilco....not saying they're better or worse for that, but they're attitude towards music seems closer to Radiohead than Wilco. Both bands (Flaming Lips and Radiohead) seem a little out there.....non-fans or music listeners who don't like "alternative" music would most likely call the music weird or strange. Most Wilco tunes are pretty safe compared much of the Lips and Radiohead songs. I'm not saying Wilco is "safe", but Radiohead and the F
  2. Other than the final scene with Two-Face and Gordon. Once the Joker story wrapped up, I just didn't care at all about Two-Face and Gordon and Gordon's family. The Dark Knight's brilliance is the Joker and his relationship with Batman. The rest, to me, was filler.
  3. I think all bands should play AT LEAST one cover every show. It's a way for a band to pay tribute to another band/song they like, and gives the fans something different than what they can hear on the albums. I remember seeing JP and the Wilcos rip into Immigrant Song a couple times back in the Being There days.....was AWESOME.
  4. I like where Wilco's at. I would just like to see them add some pop or studio layers or some kind of pizazz to their next album. I was listening to R.E.M.'s Green earlier, and was amazed at how damned fantastic it sounded. Some songs like Get Up are great, crunchy pop....other songs like The Wrong Child are achingly beautiful.....other songs are haunting, like I Remember California or World Leader Pretend. I feel like Wilco is kind of in a jammy rock mode. And that's fine. They can do whatever the hell they want. But, to me, Being There and Summerteeh are great because they h
  5. Amen. The guy really is an amazing musician/artist. If you somehow get tired of the balloons and confetti and gong and dancing costume people and lasers and ufo and video screen..... then keep yours on Drozd. He's awesome.
  6. Yes. The Flaming Lips are just fun. His voice isn't super, but when I saw them, I didn't care....at all. Their show is a fun, uplifting party. I'd truly be shocked if someone saw their show and didn't have a good time. And despite the emphasis on partying, their genius pshyh-rock music still shines. Pompeii is an amazing song live.
  7. When Joker's on the screen, the movie is amazing. He's got just the right amount of creepiness mixed with a dark comical side. And the action scenes are great....the new motorcycle vehicle is super cool. And I love the interplay between Batman and the Joker. But, like Spiderman 3, it's got too much going on. SPOILER ALERT..... I know Two-Face is a conflicted character, but I didn't quite buy his wrath towards Gordon and his family. Nor did I understand how he wasn't so pissed off at the Joker. I don't know. Maybe they couldn't give enough time to flesh out Dent/Two-Face's character
  8. I picked this up last weekend and have been listening since. Anyone who likes baseball and music MUST pick this up. The lyrics are intereting, informative and entertaining, and the music is mostly great. Definitely one of my faves of the year. Just the song titles might make someone want to get it...."Ted Fucking Williams", "Some Days I Dream of Willie Mays", "Satchel Paige Said", "The Yankee Flipper", "Jackie's Lament".... If only this had been around when Ken Burns made his PBS baseball documentary....Scott McCaughey and Steve Wynn may have made a few extra bucks.
  9. Who You Gonna Marry is great. Classic Westerberg. The 2nd song is cool, too. The rest is so-so.......but no complaining at the price. I like that Westerberg let us hear some things he's been working on.
  10. I think a agree a bit with you. How can he not be losing it if he can let those words come out of his mouth? I still find much of him interesting....regardless of what he thinks politically. But it's similar to Don Imus....I find his show to be interesting and funny many times, but for him to allow "nappy-headed ho" to come out of his mouth while on air is stupifying. Maybe Savage and Imus really should call it a day.
  11. Nobody would support his statements. Unfortunately, he probably speaks the truth in a minority of autism cases, but for him to say it as a general statement of what he thinks of autism is inexcusable. Still.....he's 10 times more entertaining and interesting than 90 percent of talk radio hosts. I don't always like his opinions, but I find his show to be very listenable.
  12. 3 listens in..... First listen left me flat. Not at all like the train tha knocked me over when I first heard Black Sheep Boy. But after a couple more listensn, it's showing it's typical Okkervil River beauty and genius. And I haven't even soaked in the lyrics yet, which usually are interesting. My only "complaint" is that it sounds more like a long EP. It's basically an 8-song record. But on the positive side, it meshes well together and doesn't overstay its welcome.
  13. This could be really awesome! Anybody know anything about this new music? I've been wondering when he'd come back with some new music after his hand injury.
  14. Agreed. Looks AWFUL. "Bolt" looks only slight better. But no big deal, because Pixar will be back next June with another winner. This one will be called "Up". "Carl Fredricksen spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest. But at age 78, life seems to have passed him by, until a twist of fate (and a persistent 8-year old Wilderness Explorer named Russell) gives him a new lease on life." "Up" takes audiences on a thrilling journey where the unlikely pair encounter wild terrain, unexpected villains and jungle creatures."
  15. Thanks for the James Lilek article. Liked that a lot. I agree with him about the space walk clip....one of the better scenes of the movie. The clip cuts off right before the robots fly around space with William's swelling music for an old Disney-like magic. I lean Conservative politically, and I DO NOT understand anyone getting rattled by the so-called message of the movie. One thing that seems to be misunderstood is the fat humans. Yes, they've become fat partially out of laziness. But also because, as shown in one scene of the movie, their bones dissolve over time, meaning they can't s
  16. No, I LOVE that Pixar chose to have non-talking robots. It's genius. My point is, what a huge risk Pixar is taking by having characters that movie-watchers....mainly kids....may not totally relate to. But I, an adult, thought Pixar did an AMAZING job of making me care and understand Wall-E and Eve. I knew it was a risky going in to the movie, and having seen it, am even more amazed that a movie like this was made. We're lucky they attempted it.
  17. Sorry. I should've been more specific. The robots in Wall-E are not only non-human, but they don't talk like humans. In fact, they don't talk...though we can understand their thoughts thanks to superb animation and the noises by the sound guy. In Cars, we can't relate to them physically, but the characters are very well thought-out and we can relate to their voices and interests.
  18. I'm surprised how different Wall-E is from all other Pixar films. Really, Wall-E and Eve are the only characters we truly know and care about....and they're robots who can't talk. We get to know the Axiom's Captain, but only a little bit. In some ways, that bothered me. But only when I think back on it. It didn't bother while watching the movie. I found myself caring for Wall-E and Eve....despite them not being human. I can't imagine Pixar being able to put this movie out 10 or 15 years ago. I think people trust Pixar now and are willing to plop down their money to see if it works.
  19. Not that anyone cares what I think, but... I've had the disc for a week now and I'm super impressed. "I'm Amazed" is the ONLY song I'd say is mediocre....I usually skip it now. Otherwise, very solid. Not sure how I'd rank it in their list of albums, but it's up there. Definitely like it at least as much as "Z". "Smokin From Shootin" and "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream pt.2" is a PHENOMENAL close to the album. Wow. Seriously, Pictchfork and Kot are either high on crack, or have set WAY too lofty goals for MMJ. Reminds me a bit of when Wilco's "A Ghost is Born" came out. I f
  20. Pesonally, I like that this movie might make people think about how they treat the environment and make them recycle and be aware of the planet. But I hope the main point of Wall-e isn't that it's a pro-Green political statement. Wall-e was conceptualized more than TEN years ago, and scaring people that our planet is in grave danger seems to be the farthest thing from Andrew Stanton and Pixar's minds. It just became something to give the story another layer. Stanton's comments indicate he was merely interested in showing a lonely robot and to emphasize with its predicament. Then he wanted a
  21. From the Wall Street Journal: WSJ: Though it's billed as a "love story," WALL-E takes a strong stance on our treatment of the environment. Is that the over-arching theme of the movie? Mr. Stanton: In 2002, I came up with the idea of WALL-E finding a living plant and I liked the idea of a man-made object keeping something "real" inside of him. But there was never really an environmental theme to the movie. I'm happy that it happens to be parallel with something we're all conscientious of, but the last thing I'm going to try to do is make a "message movie." I hate being preached to when I
  22. Thought I'd bump this thread up with Wall-e hitting theatres this Frday. Starting to hear really great buzz about the film.....as well as the opening short, "Presto".
  23. Hmm.....I wonder if you're talking about me...? Hmmm... Some folks don't have the time or desire to want to go on and on about arguing something that is mostly subjective. I'd rather listen to music and watch baseball games. Politics is interesting, but rather bores me to tears after about 10 minutes of discussion. I'll check back on the polictical threads in November.
  24. I don't have time for this shit. You win dude. Obama rules. He's gonna win by a landside. He's Jesus Christ walking on earth. He can do no wrong. If elected, the United States will be Eden....gas prices will be 50 cents a gallon and we'll all be holding hands naked, smiling with each other. And Conservatives all are dumb fucks who don't know shit. But you do. You know all. You rock!
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