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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Did the Patriots start winning becuase of Brady, or because of genius/cheater Bill Bellichek? Brady is smart. He's talented. He's definitely one of the best in the league. But when I watch him, that's all I think. I don't feel like I'm watching greatness like when I watched Elway or Favre or Marino or Montana. I think a number of quarterbacks over the years could have replicated what Brady has done with the coaching staff and solid players in the organization. How would you compare Brady to Bernie Kosar? Sounds like a funny comparison, but Kosar ran into 3 Elway teams that beat him i
  2. Tom Brady is a top-5 quarterback in the NFL right now. Nothing more. He's a sure-bet Hall-Of-Famer because of his 3 titles. Trent Green, when on the Chiefs.....and playing behind a great offensive line, racked up huge numbers under Dick Vermeil's 5-year tenure. The Chiefs had the #1 offense for most of that time period and Green went over 4,000 yards one year. Green would stand back in the pocket and pick apart just about anybody....much like Brady does now. But the Chiefs defense ranked almost dead last every year and the Chiefs had only one playoff game.....a close loss to the Colts in w
  3. To maintain your election, think of baseball or cars or Hillary Clinton's legs.
  4. Belichick is a piece of crap and I'm SO freakin' glad he lost. He ran to shake hands with Coughlin KNOWING there was a second left. Then a ref even told Belichick there was a second left, and Belichick pretended not to hear him and ran off the field. The guy's a dick. He ran the score up a few times this year. He wears his hoodie sweatshirt to show the world he can wear whatever the hell he wants. He's short with the media on purpose, knowing it pisses them off and makes him look smarter than everyone. And Tom Brady, a good quarterback, is OVER-RATED. Funny how, when he's under pressu
  5. Ha. I like the "Holy dumb" post. I agree with writer Stephen King, "Either Way" is the best song of 2007. Leave Me Like You Found Me is beautiful. I love. The person bored with AGIB?......really? At Least That's What You Said still gives me goosebumps. Hell is Chrome is spooky good. Spiders is funky great. I WILL agree with Wilco getting boring or bland if the next record is like Sky Blue Sky. I love the beauty of the record, but don't want another. I hope the go back to 70's rock-pop sounds. I've been listening a ton to Chris Bell's "I Am the Cosmos", and I totally dig and love hi
  6. Every concert I've been to, the crowd goes nuts for an encore. If that wasn't the case all the time, then bands shouldn't feel obligated. But, usually, the crowd is whipped into a frenzy by the last song of the set, and it's cool when the band leaves and the crowd starts stomping and clapping for more. To me, it's fun. The 2nd encore shouldn't always be a given. But again, if the crowd's going bonkers, c'mon back for more. I don't get the complaint. The encores....fake or not....are part of the experience of going to rock show.
  7. I love most all of SBS. I would trade One True Vine for Walken....Walken, to me, dampens the end of the album. Walken should have been a bonus track. As for no good music these days. That's total BS. I don't even get to listen to all the new music that I want to, and I've heard some great stuff lately. Okkervil River, Band of Horses, Raconteurs, Vic Chesnutt, Rock Plaza Central, Drive By Truckers, Cat Pwer, Richard Buckner, Radiohead (yeah, it's wimpier than The Bends, but wimpier doesn't always mean suckier....it can also mean more mature and understated).....
  8. The Lifting I've Been High The Ascent of Man All The Way To Reno Beat A Drum The Worst Joke Ever I Wanted To Be Wrong The Boy In The Well I'll Take The Rain Around the Sun
  9. Is it uncool to admit I'm feeling a little excitement about a new R.E.M. album? If it is, then forget I said anything.
  10. Amen, brother. One True Vine is so freakin beautiful. I'm mystified how Tweedy/Wilco didn't think it a good fit for Sky Blue Sky.
  11. I agree and disagree. Maher thinks WAY too much of himself. I saw him do stand-up, and he's quite funny, but he definitely thinks he's gods gift to mankind. I don't think Leno does. I don't get why everyone rips so hard on Leno. If people don't like his jokes or personality, fine. But everything I've heard suggests he's a very good guy and a friendly guy. His repertoire with people on the street is so natural. I imagine that's how he always is. Sure, his comedy may seem mainstream and un-edgy, but it ain't easy writing jokes that make a large majority of people laugh. Letterman, to me, c
  12. Weird Tales is very solid. My favorite song is All The Same to Me. Jennifer Save Me is also very nice. Making Waves' subject matter is a downer, but what a great song by Kraig Johnson. And no love for White Shell Road? That's my favorite 'rocker' on the album.
  13. Letterman ruled in the 80's and early 90's. He was silly, off the wall, sarcastic, goofy, and had great bits. Chris Elliot may be the best late-night writer/guest/bit actor of all time. Looking back, I'm not sure if it was Letterman I liked, or the crazy, bizarre sense of humor led by Letterman, but provided by great writers and bits. But I cannot stand Letterman anymore. His show is so damned repetitive. And Letterman's starting to get the smug, almost condescending attitude that John Stewart wreaks of. And, speaking of Stewart, let HIM do the political show. Jokes about politics have a place
  14. Yeah, I think you're right. But there's obviously a gray area in that. Last night, Conan started the show by giving the audience 3 choices for what Conan could do. The first 2 options were lengthy political commentaries on 2 different subjects. The ideas were actually typed on the screen in lengthy paragraphs. The 3rd option was to ride a girls bike. I'm sure Conan wrote the commentaries/jokes. And Leno is still doing his monologue. People can say what they want about Leno, but the guy DOES have good monologues. I don't think his monologue quality has dropped off too significantly. As for
  15. Sorry. You're right. Those teams are SO much crappier than Youngstown St, Akron, Kent State, Northwestern and Minnesota (Baylor had a better year than this sad team). But I'll give you this, Ohio State's only loss was to a Rose Bowl participant......at HOME, to the 9-4 juggernaut that is the Fighting Illini. Bottom line is, Ohio State was way out of the Championship picture when there short season was over (when's the Big 10 gonna add a conference title game to THEIR schedule?!), but becuase KU lost to Missouri, Missouri lost their Conference Championship to Oklahoma, and West Virginia
  16. GO LSU! If Ohio State loses, Kansas will be the ONLY bowl winner with one loss. The Jayhawks will not be declared "national champions", but they should be. LSU lost to mediocre Kentucky and Arkansas teams. Kansas lost a close game to a very offensively talented Missouri team on a nuetral field. Mark Mangino for President!
  17. I have a disc with 11 new songs from the Dublin shows. Not expecting much after the VERY disappointing, Around The Sun, the new songs sound much more promising. Mr Richards, Man Sized Wreath, Disguised and Accelerate sound particularly good. I wouldn't go as far to say Stipe is ruining the latest records, but I miss the mystery of the lyrics. There are many times where the lyrics sound forced or overly thought out. I like the R.E.M. songs where you hear words or phrases that conjure impressions rather than specifics. But Peter Buck has definitely turned the rock way up on the new b
  18. The arena-rock Spiders is indeed very awesome, and it would be cool if they pulled it out for a live show. But I love that Wilco came up with the AGIB version. That song, to me, is the glue of that album and is an example why I love Wilco. The song is rockin', edgy, wierd, funky....it's definitely one of Wilco's creative peaks. I compare Spider's song evolution to that of Not For the Season/Laminated Cat. The original Not For the Season would pump up any concert. But Loose Fur's Laminated Cat takes it to a whole other interesting, artistic level.
  19. Um, yeah, Democrats are gonna make a HUGE difference with all the world's problems. Democrats and Republicans are all the same. But if it makes Wilco FEEL better to support the party that doesn't have George Bush in it, I guess it's their perogative. Personally, I hope the money DOES help Obama. Lord knows Hillary and Bill don't need any help getting cash.
  20. Old Country For Old Men was really fabulous. Like most Coen Bros. movies preceding it, it's top-notch in so many ways.....unique camera angles, cinematography, editing, dark humor, great characters and actors/actresses. Bardem made a creepy but mesmerizing villian. Josh Brolin was great also...he was so fun to root for. The lady playing his wife was superb as well. Some of the scenes were edited in a way to make them ultra intense and heart-pounding. I particularly loved the scene where Brolin got chased down by the guys in a truck and then a dog through the river. There's also an implic
  21. Who's gonna win the Border War this weekend? Missouri and Kansas seem to be almost equal. Both teams play very smart, are very well coached, and have talented quarterbacks. The 2 biggest differences I see: - Missouri has perhaps the best receiver in the country....Jeremy Macklin is an amazing athlete. - KU has a HUGE turnover ratio of plus-19 in conference games. No other teams comes close. I predict KU again wins the turnover battle and beats MU by a slim margin.
  22. Sideways is another great movie. Toy Story and the Incredibles are also great.
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