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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. I've always liked Radiohead. I like their combination of great rock songs and slower beautiful songs. Some of their later, more experimental songs don't always work perfectly, but on a song like 'Kid A', I'm happy they experimented. The new album has a mellower, gloomier sound, but the lyrics are actually quite uplifting for Radiohead. I can't imagine how anyone doesn't like 'Bodysnatchers', 'Nude', 'Weird Fishes/Arpeggi' or 'House of Cards'. Yorke's voice never sounded better. Speaking of......Yorke belting out 'True Love Waits' while playing acoustic (on I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings
  2. I find his stuff to be hit and miss....leaning more towards miss. Palace at 4am is an OK listen.....it has a beautiful version of Venus Stop the Train and a few nice "rockers" like C.T.M. and Drinking On your Dime.
  3. What he said. Seriously, wouldn't it be a little embarrasing for Americans if, in the country where ANYONE can be President, we have the same 2 families in office for almost 3 decades? Personally, I'm not excited about anyone. Obama, maybe, just because I'd be interested to see what he could do. Even Guilliani or McCain would create a little excitement. Some of you will puke all over your keyboard, but I'd almost write-in Bono on my ballot. Have you all read his Rolling Stone interview? He be way over his head in the White House, but I've always liked how Bono expresses himself. He mak
  4. Adams doesn't have the self-editing skill that Tweedy has. Wilco wins.
  5. Pardon my french, but what a shitty article that is. What the hell does the writer even mean?! Black artists have had a HUGE impact on rock n' roll. But if a band doesn't have a rhythm or soul like James Brown, then their music sucks? How about this quote, "Several groups that experienced commercial success, such as the Flaming Lips and Wilco, drew on the whiter genres of the sixties
  6. Videotape ends with a sound that sounds exactly like a part of Wilco's "I Thought I Held You". I think it's just wood blocks or something. It's the near-ending part of Wilco's song.....right before Tweedy sings, "I don't think you even understand..." I'm not in any way saying it's a forgery.....just interesting to me that everytime I listen to Videotape, I'm reminded of Wilco's awesome tune.
  7. Richard Buckner or Gary Louris/Mark Olson or Vic Chesnutt or OP8 (Lisa Germano, Howe Gelb, John Convertino, Joey Burns....although I don't think they'd ever play together again)
  8. Some very strange posts about this show and the city. Kansas City may not be paradise, but I'd like to know what cities all these KC bashers come from. I'm sure their cities are WAY, WAY cooler. My take: I showed up early enough to get about 5 feet from the VIP fence. Everyone around seemed to be having a blast. Some were singing along, which I thought was great. Andrew Bird is very talented, but I was seriously done with him after 4 songs. Every song sounded the same....he'd play his violin, record a loop or two, play a ragged electric guitar, whistle like a Clnt Eastwood western,
  9. How about Gray Seal or Funeral for a Friend?
  10. Perhaps "Pablo Honey" is the Radiohead disc we can ALL agree is great. Personally, I love almost everything they've put out. But "Pablo Honey" is what first got me into Radiohead, and I still think it has some phenomenal tunes....Stop Whispering, Thinking About You, Vegetable, I Can't, Lurgee, to name a few. This album is crazy under-rated. Oh yeah. No dissin' of the Lips. That band is almost untouchable imho.
  11. I doubt the band gives a rat's ass about what jakob nicholas wants to hear.....BUT....just in case: - BENNY AND THE JETS (hearing Wilco cover Elton on a night when Elton's playing just 5 blocks away would be the coolest thing ever!) - ASHES OF AMERICAN FLAGS - JUST A KID - I THOUGHT I HELD YOU (Wilco hasn't played this in forever, but it would be killer to hear Nels play the slide guitar part - (ANY Loose Fur song....Laminated Cat, Hey Chicken...)
  12. I paid 8 bucks. And it's worth every cent. The music hit me kind of flat the first time. But after a few listens, I'm really liking it. In some ways it reminds of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, as it seems to reveal new layers with each listen.
  13. How cool would it be if Wilco played an Elton John cover? Elton will be about 5 blocks away playing at the Sprint Center. Could Mikael handle "Bennie and the Jets"? Or maybe "Madman Across the Water"?
  14. Thanks. The way the venue is setup, you may be able to watch the band rehearse....if you don't mind peaking through the gaps of a wooden fence.
  15. When does the band usually rehearse? I'm hoping to get downtown between 4 and 5.
  16. I TOTALLY agree. Surely the VIP section will not take up the whole space in front of the stage. Giving all the rich folks the best seats seems very un-Wilco-like. I know if the VIP section is sitting on their hands all night, Tweedy will say something about it.
  17. Wilco kicks Elton's ass. I'll be there with friends and family. Anyone know if GA ticket holders can get close to the stage? 75 dollar VIP tickets were offered....but I think it's mainly for easy bar access. It would suck if paying big bucks is the only for us big-time Wilco fans to get by the stage. Gonna be fun. Can't wait.
  18. OK...forget the word "indie". How the hell do bands like the Shins and Spoon get asked on SNL and not Wilco?! Spoon's very deserving and will be great. But the Shins music is dull and flat live....imho.
  19. Spoon's a great band. Kudos to SNL for booking them. And what other "indie-rock" bands have been on lately. Weren't the Shins and Arcade Fire on last year? To me, Wilco and the Flaming Lips are better and more deserving than all of 'em. C'mon SNL....get with the program!
  20. All this is subjective, so, to your friend it's probably true. I think Bird's music is interesting and nice when listening on a cd. And he might be fantastic to see in a small indoor venue. But, to me, his voice and the bells and strings and artsy (almost creepy) whistles he employs in his songs are a bit much. I'm not worried about Bird taking anything away from Wilco.
  21. Yeah. I think the VIP thing is pretty lame. I'm hoping the VIP section is small and off to the side. I wanna be standing as close to the stage as I can....and not being able to pay 100-plus dollars for a ticket shouldn't prevent me from trying to do so. I HAVE seen the venue, and it looks to be quite intimate. Standing anywhere inside the fenced off area will sound great, I imagine. But the floor is just wood chips over dirt, so if it rains that day, I would wear an older pair of shoes.
  22. Anyone get presale tix? I got a few General Admission tickets. The Crossroads venue seems to have VIP seating for all their shows....I assume the same for Wilco. Surely the VIP section doesn't hog all the standing room in front of the stage...? Does anyone know where the VIP seating is?
  23. The Conan performance is on youtube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=fvsjbsUjwoA
  24. Okkervil River is on Conan tonight! (Tuesday, Aug 28) PS: The new album is great.
  25. Columbia, MO on Sept 19 is nice. Any rumors of a KC or Lawrence date?
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