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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. Here's the "official" statement about the movie: What if mankind had to leave Earth, and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off? After hundreds of lonely years of doing what he was built for, WALL
  2. I got to hear the show via the stream. Pieholden Suite is fantastic. Jar is always great. And hearing the band and Total Pros rip into Monday makes me hope they play it on SNL. (Or Casino Queen.....that song sounds SO good now.)
  3. Getting into specifics is really stupid, in my opinion. But listening to Summerteeth, it's VERY clear Jeff was in a rough patch in his marriage. To me, it's what helped make Summerteeth the powerful record it is....great pop tunes with dark, personal lyrics about relationships. There's a whisper I would like to breathe into your ear but I'm too scared to Get that close to you right now There are dreams we might have shared and I still care and I still love you But you know how I've been untrue In the beginning we closed our eyes Whenever we kissed We were surprised to Find so much i
  4. Ha. I wish on either account. Nope. Just a huge fan of Pixar.
  5. How so? To me, it was more of a teaser. Pixar has always been consistent in not revealing too much of a movie in advance of the release. The most recent trailer is the first one to let us know that there's another robot in the movie than Wall-E. 25 minutes of the movie was recently shown at Wondercon, and everything I've read online suggests it's visually breath-taking and tugs at the emotions. Stanton is a big fan of the 70mm cinemetography used in the great sci-fi movies like 2001 Space Odyssey. He went to great lenths to make Wall-E look like the old sci-fi movies. I hear there's grea
  6. I found an article online about the upcoming Pixar movie, directed by Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo). Here's a picture from the movie and a quote from Stanton in the article about the movie.
  7. Great thoughts, Lost Highway. Well said. But Charleston is still New York's bitch.
  8. (to the tune of Hotel Arizona) Hotel in Carolina, eighty bucks on my Visa card Rental car and airplane tickets, took time off from my lame-ass job Even if they come back through They can kiss my fat ass. Hey, Wilco, screw you! They can kiss my fat ass. Wilco, screw you! I feel no connection, between them and me Well I guess, with masturbation, the light I will see I'll just drink my case of brew, I say the Wilco guys are gay and froo-froo I say the Wilcos are gay and froo-froo Hello, I'm Jeff Tweedy Hello, I love New York! I love New York! I guess all my misery, is only misery to me Wilc
  9. Yeah, I'd go with that. I love the natural, "like-your-sitting-in-the-studio-with-the-band" feel of Sky Blue Sky and A Ghost is Born. But it might be cool to hear this lineup mix their natural music with some studio trickeries. Tweedy's solo Lullaby for Rafters and Beams was beautiful....that seemed to have a little studio enhancements with it.
  10. I thought it'd be fun to hear what Wilco fans thought would be a good direction for the band to go....in general terms. It's obvious here that nobody gives a rat's ass. You DID say you don't want them to be influenced by any album. Taken literally, I agree. But, I think a handful of albums can get into an artist's rotation, and can influence the direction of their next record. I'm hoping they go into more a funky, dirty, unpredictable, rockin' direction, rather than a Grateful Dead, guitar-wankery direction. That's just me. And your post was anything but "critical." Your post was
  11. HUH?!! Every freakin' album they've put out has been influenced by records in their cd collections. Go check out "Kangaroo" by Big Star and tell me it doesn't remind of you "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart." Go listen to Neil Young's "Down by the River" and tell me it doesn't remind you of the guitars in ALTWYS and Spiders off Ghost is Born. Jeff Tweedy talked much of Relatively Clean Rivers, and supposedly some songs off Sky Blue Sky have that sound. I could go on and on. You don't think Radiohead or the Flaming Lips or the Rolling Stones......ete, etc, weren't influenced by records t
  12. (to the tune of Hotel Arizona) Hotel in Carolina, eighty bucks on my Visa card Rental car and airplane tickets, took time off from my lame-ass job Even if they come back through They can kiss my fat ass. Hey, Wilco, screw you! They can kiss my fat ass. Wilco, screw you! I feel no connection, between them and me Well I guess, with masturbation, the light I will see I'll just drink my case of brew, I say the Wilco guys are gay and froo-froo I say the Wilcos are gay and froo-froo Hello, I'm Jeff Tweedy Hello, I love New York! I love New York! I guess all my misery, is only misery to me Wilc
  13. The vibe of Suicide's "Suicide" The emotion of Chris Bell's "I Am the Cosmos" The music of My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless"
  14. Saturday Night Live is still worth tuning into. It's a little up and down in the sketch material, but hasn't the show always been the like that? I'm SUPER-PUMPED to see the Wilco live from New York this Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!! Um.....where the hell is Charelston?
  15. OK. I also feel bad for the tens or hundreds of people traveling from outside of Charleston. Sucks for you all. It really does. If I were you guys, I'd be pissed, disappointed and bummed out. But it does not suck for the hundreds of thousands of fans who would NOT have attended the show. Sorry, but getting a chance to play on SNL is more important than a show in Charleston. Wilco made the correct decision. Wilco WILL be back in Chareleston in late Summer. I'm not sure what all you people attending the show think Wilco should do. Maybe Tweedy can pen a love ballad to Charleston and play
  16. Those handful of strips are funnier than 90 percent of today's comics. Thanks for the link. By the way, does anybody think more than 3 or 4 strips per newspaper is even mediocre? Dilbert, Baby Blues, Opus, and Doonesbury are solid, in my opinion. Wizard of Id has way over-stayed its welcome, but is still funny at times. Same with Garfield. Get Fuzzy may be the dumbest "popular" wide-spread strip....I hate that damn strip. And Brevity is equally lame. I remember the good old days, when I could open up the paper and read Far Side, Calvin and Hobbes and Bloom County.....WOW!.....what a
  17. I'd be SO much happier with You Are My Face, as opposed to Walken. Walken has a great finish, but I've always found the body of the song to be clunky and awkward. Hate if Here will sound great....especially if the supposed extra musicians tagging along. (I still hope for a surprise and hearing Side With the Seeds.....the guitar work on the song is so awesome.)
  18. I feel bad for all you Charleston fans. I'd be very disappointed also. But sitting here as a Wilco fan in Kansas City, I'm THRILLED of Wilco's decision.....beings they've NEVER played on SNL. It was no-brainer decision for Wilco. Any fan outside of Charleston would have to agree. I have a feelling Wilco will make it up to you all.
  19. this is AWESOME news. They should play Either Way and Side With the Seeds to show their awewom range....the beautiful and the skewed rockery. Impossible Germany is a MUST if SNL give them time to do it.
  20. It was talked about a tiny bit on the night of the 5th show, but Tweedy really let it be known how much he HATES this song. I think he's nuts. Yeah, the lyrics may be a little cheesy for his liking, but I LOVE the music of this song. I even like that he sings no lyrics after saying he's "run out of metaphors". The song makes me think of some of those 70's am radio songs that you would never brag to your friends about liking, but when in the car by yourself, you'd crank it up.....maybe like Charlie Rich's "Very Special Love Song" or Mac Davis' "Baby Don't Get Hooked on Me".
  21. Great thread. I've seen both movies and think both are DEFINITELY worth seeing for any movie fan. But I give the edge to "Old Country For Old Men." I liked "Old Country" for so many reasons. It looks great. The editing and pacing and suspense is great. The acting is great. And even though it takes place 30-plus years ago, it makes me think of the world today....the scariness and realness of greed and evil. Plus, the Coens add a tiny bit of their weird humor that keeps the movie from getting TOO serious. There Will Be Blood is AS GOOD, in the sense you won't be able to stop
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