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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. I thought for the Obama campaign, words mean something. If I take her quote literally.....that she's never been proud of America until now.....that pisses me off and offends me. America has had many huge warts over its hundreds of years, but for anyone to not have been proud of America in their lifetime, that's just crazy talk. But I'm smart enough to know she didn't TRULY mean what it was she EXACTLY said. She was referring to the supposed seriousness and energy and enthusiasm that Americans are approaching the upcoming election with. (Hmm....I thought Americans were serious back in the
  2. Based on the way she chooses her words, she must be a BRILLIANT attorney.
  3. Michelle Obama is not an America hater. Her comments should not make anybody think otherwise. But if I was Barack, I'd make sure a microphone never appears in front of her face before November. She understandably doesn't understand the game of politics. You just don't say crap like that. It doesn't sound right to a certain group of people. Though I think this is blown out of proportion, her comments DID have a tone of, "America isn't as great a place to live as a lot of people think." Tell that to the World War vets who kept America a free land. Or tell it to the hundreds of thousands
  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tweedy, kiss my ass. I Thought I Held You is AWESOME. It has that cheesy, syrupy, sappy feel of some of those great 70's love ballads. I LOVE that shit.
  5. You all will laugh at the source, but an interesting article today from the National Review. The writer wonders if Al Gore might come in late to save the day for the Democrats and their experience-challenged candidates. Here's an interesting quote, talking about the Democrats, Hillary and Obama: "You have a convention hall full of party activists, nervous and weary from months of watching the party
  6. Ha. I agree. Their last album was just sooooooooooooo bad. I'm a long-time R.E.M. fan and somewhat of an apologist. I still defend Up as a great album. Reveal?....not as much. But just hearing a 30 second snippet of Supernatural Superserious got me pumped up. Buck is actually playing a crunchy-sounding electric guitar!
  7. And it won't be hard to top the "official" video. Anyone else think the Supernatural Superserious video is awful? Imitation Of Life's video, for example, was amazing....maybe I was hoping this new one would be in the same league.
  8. El Ron Huxtable for President. Very well said. I remember reading about Trey Parker and Matt Stone when they made Team America. They always considered themselves liberals, but they were out in California and got sick of the actor types railing against Bush and the Republicans, and you can see that in the hilarious Team America. Both sides on the extreme can be utterly ridiulous, and Team America did an awesome job of nailing both sides. Honestly...in all seriousness.....there's many times when I'm watching the mainstream news outlets or hear George Clooney on TV or hang around cr
  9. Michael Savage for President! (waiting..........)
  10. Lamrod, you rock! It's so easy to get people rattled on this board when it comes to politics. I love it. I'm definitely more Conservative than not, but consider myself faily moderate. But when I read political topics on this board, I find myself WANTING to be Republican. Some of the smug, left, "we love and care for everyone and Republicans don't" crap that people write on her makes me sick to my stomach. (I actually kinda sorta liked the article.)
  11. I have a picture in my head of the old Coca-Cola commercial ("I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony.....")....and there's Obama, leading a throng of people. He's on a roll, for sure. He's young, attractive (some say....I agree wiht Michael Savage....he's a little Alfred E. Newman looking), and is a phenomenal speaker. Of course, noone is actually listening to what he says, nor considering the details or realistic possibilities of his plans, but right now the dude is on fire. Unfortunately for Barack, it's not even Valentine's Day yet. Something tells me McCain and others
  12. What?! It has nothing to do with what Conservatives will do or not do. Seriously, do you not agree that there will be some, (rightly or wrongly), who will be a little nervous about voting in a candidate who has a family history of being Muslim? And I think it would be awesome if some day in America, the land of the free and opportunity for all, had a black President. But are some of you that thick to realize there is still a segment of America....mainly older Americans.....who will not cast a vote for a black President? I just think Obama has a LOT going against him to win. Of course,
  13. I'm mixed. It's great Wilco got recognized for their album. But I absolutely HATE the Grammys. So many things about it that suck. I kind of wish Tweedy decided NOT to go. Oh well, no biggie. My favorite moment was watching Peter Buck walk onstage in his jammies back when REM won for Losing My Religion or whatever the heck they won for. Buck clearly didn't look to thrilled to be there.
  14. I listen to talk radio sometimes to be entertained. And Savage is very entertaining. A little off his rocker? Perhaps. But very entertaining.
  15. I'm not saying I personally have a problem with Barack's Muslim background. But if any of you think it's not going to be a problem...perception-wise....to many not-so-informed and Christian moderate Americans, well, you all are HUGELY mistaken.
  16. Pleas enlighten my dumb ass regarding Obama's Muslim/no-Muslim background.
  17. I don't always agree with Rush, but I respect his consistency. He's dulled with age, but he used to be one of the most entertaining and fresh broadcasters in America. Listening to Rush does not brainwash anyone. But watching CNN all the time can. As for an entertaining radio personality to make you think, listen to Micahel Savage.
  18. We'll see in November. Obama is rolling right now because nobody knows anything about him. He's the candidate for "change", so people like him. Once they understand his postions ("they" meaning moderates), they'll be less inclined to vote for him. And, yeah, it's dumb as hell. But when SOME moderates get in the booth, no way in hell are they gonna vote for a minority candidate who was taught Muslim (I didn't read it in my inbox, a-holes. It's fact. I don't think of Obama as Muslim, but I guarantee many Joe Redneck's across America do.....doesn't help that his middle name is Hussein). All of
  19. Obama will get torched in the election if he's the nominee. He's one of the most left members of the Senate, his health care ideas would be outrageously expensive, many don't trust his ideas on the economy, what exactly is he going to change?, and people won't like hearing this, but how many moderates will not find it possible to cast a ballot for a black/Muslim candidate? McCain will be unfairly blasted for being too old. And many will claim he's too trigger happy, but he'll also win over a lot of moderates, as he is far less conservative than most Republicans and he has a history of f
  20. I disagree. To me, it sounds like R.E.M. in a studio playing a song. Buck's guitar is great. Stipe sounds a little raspy but natural. To me, it's so different than, say, "Leaving New York", which was an over-produced, schaltzy piece of crap.
  21. I think it's funny that for the past 4 or 5 years we've talked how over-polished and bland and wussy that R.E.M has become....now they put out a single that's a little raw and dirty and imperfect, and some don't seem happy about THAT. You all kill me. I like the song. Welcome back R.E.M.!
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