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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. The panties and their bunches adds flavor. By the way, your condescending tone has a rather Obama-esque tone to it. (Another problem for Obama to overcome.)
  2. C'mon. You can't be serious. All these political boards turn into this crap, where we parcel every little phrase. It's great that the Buchanan article got responded to and disagreed to. I LOVE hearing the devil's advocate to anything....helps me form my own opinions. I just found it predictable and almost comical that SEVEN points were taken out of a small article and rebutted. And any Democrat who thinks Obama didn't hang on by his fingernails agains Hillary is fooling themselves. There's some serious doubt and apprehension starting to build with Obama when it comes to middle o
  3. Thanks for clearing this up for me. So damn typical. Post one freakin' article on this board from a smart, respectable Conservative, and your panties get in a bunch and you try to contradict every statement. Yeah, Buchanan ain't mister know-it-all, but he does raise some good points. Of course, we'll just have to wait til November to see what America really thinks of Obama. It WILL be a close race....will come down to one or two states. And it will be the biggest choke job in American history if Obama loses this election with Bush's 30 percent approval rating, a crappy ec
  4. Interesting Pat Buchanan article: PJB: How Obama Won
  5. Has Dreamworks REALLY been that great compared to non-Pixar Disney animations? Disney cartoons the past 9 years that are not Pixar: Tarzan (GREAT movie for the first 2/3. Then it lost me.) Fantasia/2000 (not really a movie....great art) The Emperor's New Groove (Fun to watch with kids....not terrible, but definitely not great.) Atlantis:The Lost Empire (Um...not good.) Lilo and Stitch (Nice effort. I liked this movie. Funny in parts. Touching in parts. Great soft, water-colory-y look.) Treasure Planet (Great boys movie. Pretty good overall movie.) Brother Bear (Not seen it.) Home on the
  6. Surf's Up wasn't super great, but I appreciated the almost documentary approach of presenting the movie. I liked it more than some apparently...I found it creative and touching. I'll give Kung Fu credit for eliminating many pop-culture references and dopey radio songs.....but isn't it a problem when the supposed 2nd best animation company in the world makes one of their best movies, and the best anyone can say is that it has "visual imagination" and a story that's "mildly engaging". How pathetic.
  7. "I wish they'd stick to writing about trains and attics and the civil war or whateverthehell they were mumbling about on those first couple of albums" Ha, that's awsome. I totally agree. To me, R.E.M. is at its best when they write the same way Monet or Van Gogh paint a picture. I think it's Stipe's way-too-direct wording and phrasing of his most recent political songs that drives me crazy. Flowers of Gautemala is almost like an impressionist painting the way it hints that something in Central America ain't right....but presents it in the most beautiful way. The first few times I heard
  8. I think I agree, though I kind of like Chicken Little quite a bit....GREAT art/animation look and character design and a cute/fun/funny story for adults and kids both. But Ice Age was funny and had a nice little story....and the little muskrat or whatever he was hilarious. I can think of 6 studios that have made at least one better animated movie than anything I've seen from Dreamworks: - Disney (Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Dumbo....etc...) - Pixar (Toy Story, Monster's Inc...etc...) - Miyazaki (Spirted Away, Howl's Moving Castle...etc...) - Fox (Ice Age) - Warner Bros. (Iron Giant) - Sony (Su
  9. This thread isn't breaking any new ground, but it IS demonstrating how great R.E.M. have been. I think so far we've had 7 different albums (including Chronic Town) mentioned as their best. And that doesn't include Adventures in Hi-Fi or Up.......2 albums I've seen on fave lists.
  10. Well, shit. This R.E.M. album ranking thing is just too damn hard. It's like listing my favorite-tasting pizzas. I must admit that, listening to Fables a couple times, well hells bells.....it IS a freakin' great record. OK, for fu**ing right now, I'll say: 1. Out of Time 2. Life's Rich Pageant 3. Fables of The Reconstruction 4. Automatic 5. Green
  11. I haven't seen The Wild, but it's basic story couldn't be any more basic than Kung Fu Panda. One of these days, Katzenberg will realize that kids are smart and like movies with depth like Toy Story or Pinnochio or Iron Giant or Monster's Inc. Dreamworks is the top 40 movies....flavor of the day.
  12. I took a couple kiddos to see Kung Fu Panda. Once again, Dreamworks has put out a movie that's got funny moments and some good action sequences, but an unforgettable and unoriginal story line. What gives with the higher ups at Dreamworks? They seem ONLY interested in cashing in on the very young crowd and not making great movies that people will want to see 10 or 20 years down the road. All their movies are fairly entertaining for the 10 and under crowd. But everytime I, a thirty-something, sit through one, I find myself not giving a crap about anything or any character. Even Shrek, t
  13. Document...like most R.E.M. albums...is a great listen. I think it's a little weak towards the end. While R.E.M. has written many great political tunes, I prefer them when they deal with the heart and thoughts of living and dying. To me, Life's Rich Pageant is a better political record. Flowers of Guatemala and Fall On Me are my 2 favorite political R.E.M. songs. In fact Life's Rich Pageant will always be in my top 3 R.E.M. releases.
  14. Been listening a lot to R.E.M. lately....partly to try to figure out what exactly it is that's missing from the OK but disappointing Accelerate. It's no revelation, but Bill Berry's skill and music/hook sense was very strong. And Stipe's subtle yet universal lyrics are all but gone. I go back and forth with my favorite R.E.M. album.....Chronic Town, Murmur, Life's Rich Pageant always jump to the top when I think of early R.E.M. And Green and Adventures in Hi-Fi are up there for new-ish R.E.M. But, for me, Automatic and Out of Time are the 2 that duke it out for best album. An
  15. Funny how some of you take McClellan so seriously. McClellan's timing of this book wreaks of someone trying to cash in while he can. Mary Matalin (yeah.....a nazi conservative, I'm sure most of you think), said McClellan was let go because he wasn't adding anything to any of the meetings Bush and others had. For example, Matalin says Scooter Libby was always chiming in with good suggestions or ideas, along with others, but McClellan never offered up anything. She claims he was super quiet....not much of a contributer at all. When Snow was brought in, Snow insisted that he get to sit in o
  16. A little off-topic, but the slobbering and drooling over Obama by the media is embarrassing. Seriously. Even Conan O'Brien, who I love, avoids any jokes slamming Obama, but has no problem ripping on Hillary and McCain. This past Tuesday, Conan told 4 politcal jokes: - "Hillary's is expected to win Kentucky. Obama is expected to win in Oregon. McCain is expected to win at Bingo." - "Obama met with an Indian chief. The chief gave him the name "Black Eagle". The chief gave Hillary the name "Runs Even After Losing." - "Bush is going to Europe. Bush says he can't wait because he's nev
  17. It doesn't surprise that some can't get into his voice. It must walk a fine line, because although Oberst's sometimes grates on me, I don't have the same problem with Sheff. Anyone who likes Stage Names (a very solid disc, but only my 3rd or 4th favorite Okkervil River album) and Black Sheep Boy, MUST check out other cd's and ep's of theirs. The band doesn't really have a mis-step yet. Don't Fall in Love Withe Everything You See is great. Down The River of Golen Dreams has 2 of the most beautiful Okkervil River songs ever. The Black Sheep Boy Appendix is almost as good as the proper al
  18. I like Leave Me Like You Found Me much better than Hate It Here and Please Be Patient With Me. To me, One True Vine is the slow-song gem of the SBS recordings. Jeff must have thought Please Be Patient fit lyrically better into the album. It seems almost unanimous that Shake it Off is the stinker. I can only guess it was left on the disc because of its lyrics. I've tried MANY times to like this song and continue to fail gloriously. Thanks to my Sharpie marker, my cd booklet lists song #6 as "(SKIP)".
  19. Wall-e. Wall-e will be one of the most liked and loveable movie characters in a long time. Like all Pixar movies, not only do you get to see the main attraction, but also a great animated short and a teaser of their film for the following year (they'll be previewing Up for 2009....which sounds like another great Pixar story.) Dreamboy A small-budget movie that should be in most theatres sometime soon. The movie is about a love relationship between 2 young males....one who is troubled and shy. The movie sounds so-so, but I'm most interested in hearing Richard Buckner's score. Dark K
  20. I still like it. It's very good. But it could have been great. Tracks 1-5 are perfect and beautiful. A+! But, to me, this would have a better track list and put Sky Blue Sky in the same company as Being There. 1. Either Way 2. You Are My Face 3. Impossible Germany 4. Sky Blue Sky 5. Side With The Seeds 6. One True Vine 7. Leave Me Like You Found Me 8. Glad It's Over 9. What Light 10. On and On and On 11. Walken (after long fade out...the same way they did Late Greats on AGIB)
  21. You all think getting there at 7:30 miss much? Obviously, my view would suck, but Wilco shouldn't start until about 8:00, right?
  22. Both songs were good. I really loved Evil Urges....I like the somewhat-funky My Morning Jacket a little more than the mostly-rock version. People have been saying the same damn thing about SNL for the last 20 years. To me, it's as watchable as ever. Kristin Wiig is hugely talented and funny.....anyone see the "Just Kidding" bit on the news a few weeks back? Or her Target character? Each show, for me, has about 3-5 skits that I find very creative and funny. The rest is a little up and down, but even the "bad" ones have their moments. Like, the "It's a Match" skit from last week wasn't rev
  23. I think I got that from Jim Rome. It just seems like the album got released without much fanfare....not just here. Many reviews seem average to slightly above average. I think it's one of the better albums released this year.....but what do I know?!
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