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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. My complaint has nothing to do with who is being made fun. It comes down to the actor and material and is it funny. Dana Carvey doing HW Bush was genius funny. Will Ferrel as W. Bush was goofy but funny. Phil Hartman as Bill Clinton was hilarious. Hammond as Clinton is always funny (and it was again Saturday) Hammond portrayed Gore in a unique funny way. Armisen as Obama is BLAND. I remember Will Forte did a W. Bush impersonation that wasn't good, but it had a little quirkiness about it that made it interesting. Armisen adds NOTHING to Obama. The only thing funny is the big ears.
  2. So, is SNL still just working out the kinks? I'm a big fan of some of the players, but it's just lacking something so far. A few bits have been amusing, but the show overall is just sputtering. I cannot warm up to Poehler and Myers on the Update...I long for the days of Dennis Miller and Norm McDonald. And we don't need to make another political thread, but c'mon....the piling on by SNL on McCain/Palin is embarrassing. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if the skits were funny, but Fey as Palin is so incredibly weak (Tina Fey writes funny, but CANNOT act funny....she just isn't funny.
  3. 1. Because McCain/Palin are not the the ones on the ballot with a horrendous voting record regarding abortion, and a socialistic and culturally liberal policy "wish-list" for our country. 2. Because McCain/Palin are not the the ones on the ballot with a horrendous voting record regarding abortion, and a socialistic and culturally liberal policy "wish-list" for our country. 3. Because McCain/Palin are not the the ones on the ballot with a horrendous voting record regarding abortion, and a socialistic and culturally liberal policy "wish-list" for our country.
  4. Stories are starting to come out now about how Clinton is one of the reasons so many people took out loans to buy houses. I'm not saying it's all HIS fault, but the Clinton years contributed fairly greatly to the current economic downfall. And I don't know enough to debate it, but I know many blame Clinton for a much of the terrorism that's gone since he left. Again...not blaming him for anything like 911, but I think most would agree he could have been a little tougher internationally. Wanna talk mess clean up? How about Reagan cleaning up Carter's mess?
  5. "This isn't gonna be a quick fix. We gotta find new talented athletes into our school. You don't build a great program overnight. It could take many years."
  6. You should be a football coach. This sounds like Pete Carroll or Bob Stoops: "Yes, you all probably think this is gonna be a blowout, but believe me, Northeastern Central South Dakota State is a force to reckon with. I'd be thrilled to just get out of there with a victory of any kind." A strong, good President will find a way to sort through whatever crap he feels is there.
  7. Yes, I generally try to sleep through most things political....it raises my blood pressure. Bush has helped make us quasi-Socialist. Obama will make sure there's no doubt in anyone's mind.
  8. There's a part of me.......that very wrong part of me stares at a car wreck hoping to see a detached head or that secretly hoped David Blaine would somehow fall to his death on live TV last night.....that hopes Obama wins and the Democrats hold COMPLETE control of everything. And we'll all get to see how a Socialist society works, or doesn't work.
  9. I down't no how to reed. Dat is why I'm leaning tords MickKain and Palein.
  10. I don't think you'll find many Conservatives praising Bush's tenure as President. I like Palin's pro-life credentials. It would be great if someone like her got in the White House to send a message.....however subtle or not so subtle.....of respect for life. I like her positivity. McCain's old? Original. I like McCain's history of reaching across party lines. His self-sacrifice in Vietmam is amazing and inspiring. I like that he'll give ill-intentioned foreign leaders second-thoughts about doing anything stupid when he's President. Obama? He's cool. He's fresh. He's hip. He reads
  11. This is board is so anti-Conservative it's scary. I find it interesting that, when reading this board, or watching the Emmy's, or watching late-night shows, or when listening to celebrity types, or when listening to Larry King or CNN or MSNBC (by the way, I have to say Keith Olbermann is a smug, arrogant asshole).....you get the impression that Bush is an idiot, McCain is old and dumb, Palin is a dufus, blithering brunette Barbie doll. And Obama? I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA. Has there been ANY criticism about him? I mean, I know there's been a little here and there....but he really
  12. Gibson's interview was atrocious. Gibson came across like all Al Gore, John Kerry and Obama.....pompous, arrogant. If anybody at anytime ever screamed of "I'm smart and you're not", it was Gibson in that interview. In my opinion, that's what has cost Democrats the Presidency the last 2 elections and will probably cost them this election.
  13. The Palin bashing on this board is ridiculous. Seriously, if we had to pick the one of the 4 people running, wouldn't Joe Biden be the one who's coming across as the least qualified for anything. He's constantly saying things that are either wrong or hurting Obama. I think Palin will do great in a debate against Biden. I can't wait to hear what stupid things come out of Biden's mouth.
  14. How is it lying? Obviously, McCain felt talking with Couric fell in the category of working towards solving the economy problem. McCain's partner, Palin, had just made comments about the economy, and McCain must have felt he wanted to give HIS take on the economy, before heading to Washington. Letterman's pissed because McCain treated his show for what it is.....a late-night COMEDY show (although that's debatable the past few years). McCain was understandably worried about the perception of appearing on a goofy late-night show after claiming he was gonna focus on the economy. As for
  15. Of McCain and Letterman, Dave is the grumpy, bitter, old one. Anyone with a brain knows that McCain cancelled his Letterman appearance mostly as symbolism, after announcing that he wants to halt his campaign to help with the economy problem. Letterman may not like the reality that his show is considered a light, comedy show...not a show to discuss weighty matters. McCain most likely interviewed with Couric to clarify any misunderstandings about Palin's suggestion that the road were on COULD lead to a Depression. McCain probably wanted to give his take....as HE is the one fighting to b
  16. 3 IDIOTS - THE DUMB, THE SAD AND THE GRUMPY BIDEN: “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.”‘ ALCEE HASTINGS (Florida Democratic Congressman): "If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So you just think thise through." DAVID LETTER
  17. I love a line from Panic Pure" off West of Rome: My earliest memory Is of holding up a sparkler High up to the darkest sky Some 4th of July spectacular I shook it with an urgency I'll never ever be able to repeat As for the "sad" quality of music, I can only imagine how tough it must be to rebound after an accident many years ago to leave him in a wheelchair. I'm not sure one ever comes to grips with something like that. He surely has many ups and downs still, and all that is reflected in his music.
  18. Interesting list. Today, my list would be: 1. Being There 2. Trace 3. Summerteeth 4. Down by Old Mainstream 5. Born Again in the USA 6. Mermaid Avenue v. 1 7. A Ghost is Born 8. A.M. 9. Weird Tales 10. Terroir Blues
  19. In my opinion, SNL seems to suffer mostly when it's acting guest isn't up to par. Phelps' acting skills (or lack thereof) was a HUGE handicap for the show. Compare that to say, Alec Baldwin or Jim Carrey, who almost single-handedly makes the show hilarious and great. Although, I'll contradict myself a little bit.....I remember Giulliani's appearance being a good one.
  20. Anyone who's seen Frank Caliendo do Barkley will understand how mediocre Thompson's portrayal is. I still think SNL is THE comedy show to watch on Saturday nights, I just think it fell flat this past Saturday. Bill Hader, Jason Sudeikas, Daryl Hammond, Fred Armisen and Kristin Wiig are all top-notch in my opinion. Hopefully the writing is more funny as the season move on. I still say I'd rather roll the dice and watch SNL than watch Mad TV. Mad TV seems way over the top most of the time.
  21. I was excited about SNL starting off its season....and the opening bit with Fey and Poehler as Palin and Hillary delivered. Both actresses did a good job...Poehler especially. I was hoping to see Hammond and Armisen as McCain/Obama, but that will come in the next few shows I'm sure. The good: The T-Mobile skit towards the end was funny. Samberg's digital short was weird, amusing and kinda funny in a demented way. The Weekend Update had just a couple good moments (Samberg as Cathy was sorta funny....Armisen's character who can never make a point), but seemed over-obsessed with pokin
  22. I was disappointed also in no "Kansas City". In fact, they chose to not play anything that wasn't off their last 4 records/EP's....except Okkervil River Song (Can't Fall In Love With Everything You See). Black Sheep Boy (& Appendix), Stage Names and The Stand-Ins are all terrific. But surprising to hear nothing off River of Golden Dreams. Nothing off Overboard & Down EP. No covers. I thought for sure they'd play one or two older songs in the encore. I can't imagine "Westfall" EVER not sounding great...that'd have been nice also. Oh well. Minor complaint....the songs
  23. I really enjoyed the show last night. It was very hot inside The Bottleneck....Willl Sheff kept peeling off layers, sweating like crazy. If you're a fan of the band.....which I truly am....you willl love their show. I sensed a little restlesness at times, like during "A Stone". Many fans were enraptured by the song's performance, but some seemed to tire of its slowness. I like that Okkervil River can really rock out AND can also play more subtle, patient songs. The lead electric guitarist/violinist/banjo player/slide guitar....her first name is Lauren....was AMAZING. Wow...very talented.
  24. Many think Black Sheep Boy is their best. I kind of agree. It works as a whole album...kinda sucks you in. If you like Black Sheep Boy, the Black Sheep Boy Appendix EP is a MUST.
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