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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. I'm really, really loving this record right now. Surprised it's not getting more run. Anyone else?
  2. I've now listened to R.E.M.'s latest a few times at http://www.ilike.com/REM Sadly, it's not hitting me like I'd hoped. A handful of songs sound refreshing in a rocking sort of way. But there's still something majorly lacking from R.E.M. And I think most of the problem is Stipe. His lyrics still sound forced and too thought-out and too obvious. I miss his sublety or mystery....whatever it was that transfixes me to their earlier songs. Man Sized Wreath might be my favorite. Hollow Man is kinda nice....I like it the way I like Great Beyond....kind of fluffy, but fun. To me, R.E.M. h
  3. I bought the disc and have listened abut 4 times. I really like it. No way of knowing if it's something I'll like years from now, but I love listening to it right now. The band just brings it! And White sounds in top form. It's kind of raw, kind of ragged, kind of pretty with some of the keyboards. I even like some of the more bizarre songs with the trumpets. Very ballsy sounding. I'm hoping to go to one of their upcoming shows.....I've got a strong hunch this band is gonna blow the doors off most joints. "Five on Five" might be worth the 35 dollar ticket alone to hear live.
  4. Newest trailer....much more than just a teaser of the movie: http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/walle...iler_large.html
  5. Jayhawks - Hollywood Town Hall Fountains of Wayne - Utopia Parkway Okkervil River - Down the River of Golden Dreams
  6. Loose Fur! Loose Fur! Loose Fur! Loose Fur!...
  7. On some days I'd rank it as my #1 Wilco album. First time I heard At Least That's What You Said.....the hairs on my arms stood on end when I first heard the first guitar shredding. Then the hairs on my hairs stood on end when I first heard Glenn's drum bashing near the end. Wow. It still hits me hard. My second favorite part of the record is Hell is Chrome. The lyrics may be my favorite Tweedy lyrics ever. Spiders' recording sounded so ballsy....especially when comparing to the early more straigh-forward "rocker" version. The band totally twisted the song into something that was the
  8. Hollywood Town Hall is an absolute MUST. Tomorrow the Green Grass is very good. If you like both of those, Pacific Coast Rambler by The Original Harmony Ridge Creek Dippers (Mark Olson, Victoria Williams) is something you may also like. Another MUST, in my opinion....along the same vein, is Victoria Williams' "Loose"....one of my all-time favorite albums.
  9. I TOTALLY agree. SNL hasn't changed hardly at all over the years.....some truly genius skits mixed in with mediocre and crappy skits. I STILL tune in to see the topical opening skit and then to see a bit or two that makes me laugh. SNL is the king of skit television.....they take risks....many times they fall flat on their face, but I'm OK with that. As long as they throw in a "Schvetty Balls" skit or "Gay Couple From Jersey" skit every so often.
  10. Thanks for posting. That's some serious shit he's talking of. Anyone who's gone through anything to make them anxious/depressed/panicked for a long period of time will be able to relate. Sounds like Jeff has gotten off the meds, which is a good thing. I know firsthand how certain medicines can help short-term, but are not the answer long-term. The mind/brain is very intiricate and playing around with its chemical makeup can be scary and challenging to deal with. There's much better ways of dealing with problems naturally, whether it be diet or exercise or cutting back on commitments or j
  11. That song's great.....only to be amazingly outdone by the following song "Oh Comely". Knowing it was based off Mangum reading the Diary of Anne Frank only adds to its mystery and intrigue. I was so-so on the album when I bought it years ago, but it's definitely one of my all-time favorites.
  12. OK. I get it. Sarcasm. Hee-hee. It would be ludicrous for me or anyone to expect/hope Wilco to play the 2 gems that you mentioned on its first SNL gig. I still think Always in Love or I'm A Wheel or Monday would have been great, but I understand Wilco wanting to play 2 songs off its new, Grammy-nominated album. I just think they picked 2 of the worst songs off the album. With exception of Shake if Off, I think the 2 songs played are the clunkiest and most awkward songs on Sky Blue Sky....those 3 songs, along with Please Be Patient With Me, don't sound totally finished. I like how they f
  13. Amen. I get that they want to play a song that's current and a song they all like to play. BUT.......honest to God....if I got to rank the songs I'd want Wilco to play on SNL, Walken wouldn't be in my top 100. We who have followed Wilco for so long KNOW how freakin' great and cool this band is. We know all of the songs that made our arm hairs stand on end. And dammit it to hell, Walken just IS NOT one of those songs. Sorry. It's not. Yeah, it's cool to watch Jorgenson to bee-bop the keys and to watch Nels do his thing and to watch Pat rip his pick down the spine of his guitar
  14. Wilco is a great band. Wilco have tremendous musicians. But if I had to list my favorite 50 Wilco songs, Hate it Here and Walken wouldn't make the cut. I'm not sure if they'd make my top 75. I don't want to bag on Wilco for no reason. It's so freakin' awesome they got to play SNL. I just think it was opportunity lost. It would be like if the White Stripes never played SNL, and showed up and played You Don't Know What Love Is and Conquest.....neither of which would be in my top 5 album songs NOR a good representation of who the White Stripes are. Maybe R.E.M. will pl
  15. Exactly. And that's what so disappointing/frustrating. Wilco has always been a band who's songs made me FEEL something. Hate it Here and Walken, to me, have NO substance....and I'm talking lyrics mixing with the music to create something to give the listener an emotion. At the residency shows, Jeff made it crystal clear he despised the song I Thought I Held You. It's my assumption he hates the syrupy lyrics. Well, in my opinion, those lyrics are Lennon-esque compared to Hate It Here. A song about not knowing what to do around the house while your friend/lover is gone? C'mon. Lame-O!
  16. I was disapppointed. Wilco, the coolest band ever, looked and sounded anything but. The songs they chose fit nicely in the canon of Wilco songs and fit nicely in the context of the band's histroy and what they've become, but to pick those 2 songs, really sucked in my opinion. Walken has a great kicker, but the song is so damned wierd and clunky and awkward....much like Tweedy looked in his suit. Hate it Here was "pleasant", nothing more. The only song off Sky Blue Sky that would have been a worse choice to play would have been Shake It Off. Even Leave Me Like Me Like You Found Me w
  17. Goes to show we're all wired differently. I really like One True Vine....more than at least 3 or 4 SBS songs.
  18. I think Family Guy is funny at times, but it's way too over-the-top, hit-you-upside-the-head funny. Generally, subtlety is lacking, which I like in humor. My best analogy would be comparing Saturday Night Live to Mad TV. Mad TV isn't horrible, but I rarely find the show genuinely funny.
  19. South Park. Awesome. Simpsons. Stale but still moments of brilliance. Spongebob. So creative and so damn universally funny. Family Guy. I've never got it....the type of humor doesn't work for me.
  20. Me too. I remember in the late 80's and 90's there were years that SNL got criticized for being un-funny. It's ALWAYS been a show that, for every 3 or 4 great skits, you have to suffer through 4 or 5 so-so to bad skits. To me, the past few years are way under-rated. My favorite running bits now are the Gay Duo From Jersey (they appear on the news sometimes) and the snotty couple with the gum-smackin' female. ALSO.....I think it's unfair to compare any SNL actor to Phil Hartman. To me, he was the best and most perfect actor for SNL ever. That guy could do so many things and alwa
  21. As a music fan, I can only hope that Mangum has done numerous recordings behind the sceneds over the years.....or if not, that he WILL. And maybe it will be tens of years from now, but hopefully someday he decides to gather them together and realease them.
  22. What the hell?!!!!!!!!!! Wilco cancelled their Charleston show to be on SNL? When the fuck did this happen?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Wilco should shout out 2 songs to the folks in South Carolina: Impossible Charlestonites Hell is Charleston (Was that a little better?)
  24. It's likely Wilco plays 2 songs from Sky Blue Sky. BUT......beings they've never played SNL before, it's at least possible they play one of their older songs. Ya think? Monday and Casino Queen sounded very sweet last night in DC. And Always In Love would melt a few faces who are new the the Wilcos.
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